Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1845: Silence is the greatest respect

Xue Jingjing listened quietly, but did not speak.

Li Jingxing smiled bitterly at him, "Am I stupid like this?"

"Of course not!" Xue An said very seriously, and then filled Li Jingxing with tea.

"Speak up, if you want."

Li Jingxing picked up the tea cup and looked at the floating and sinking tea leaves in the cup with blurred eyes. After a long silence, he said softly.

"I think you should have guessed that she is the survivor of the Phoenix clan. In fact, by her generation, she is the only one left in the Phoenix clan."

"When I met her at the time, she was only seventeen or eighteen years old if she followed the standards of the human race, which is an innocent age."

"But she is so different, especially her eyes, which seem to see everything through and are full of guard against everything, both strong and fragile."

Speaking of this, nostalgia appeared on Li Jingxing’s face, “I was hit when I saw her at the first sight. There was a voice in my heart that told me to protect her, even at any price. Don't hesitate."

Li Jingxing laughed at himself and said to Xue An, "Isn't it ridiculous?"

Xue An sighed softly, "Of course not!"

In fact, Xue An understands this feeling very well.

Because sword repair requires a clear heart and no distracting thoughts, it is only if you are not emotional, and it is easier to go to extremes when emotional.

There was light in Li Jingxing's eyes, "That was my happiest time, even if I just saw her every day, it made me feel that everything was given meaning again. If the story continues like this, how great it would be!"

Li Jingxing's expression became dim, "Also, she always came off guard. On that day, she suddenly broke up with me. I don't know why, because she was fine the night before. I asked her and she didn't speak. , Just looked at me with cold eyes!"

"In despair, I left angrily. I was so stupid at the time. I didn't understand why she did it. I didn't know until later..."

Li Jingxing's voice became weird, it seemed to be choking, and it seemed to be full of deep hatred.

"She actually carried a terrible curse on her back, so she deliberately angered me away in order not to worry me."

"After knowing the truth, I went to her almost crazy, and finally found her in a deserted planet. She was extremely weak at the time, but after seeing me coming, she still struggled to tell me A word. Do you know what it's talking about?"

Xue Jingjing shook his head silently.

"She said, you are so stupid. I let you go because I don't want you to see me dead. Why do you do this?"

There were tears in Li Jingxing's eyes.

"After saying this, she fainted. I was completely crazy at the time. I tried all the methods I knew, but still couldn't get rid of the curse on her. Later I learned about this curse. It comes from her own blood, which means that the entire Phoenix clan has been cursed. This is why the Phoenix clan suddenly died out."

"Finally, I thought of a way to build the Bone Sword Mountain on a lifeless planet, through this to isolate the curse, and try to delay her injuries."

"But everything is just delayed. I can only watch her injuries continue to heal day by day. From the beginning, she was in a coma for an hour every day, until she was in a coma almost all day. A request was made to me when I was sober."

At this point, Li Jingxing could no longer speak, because tears had quietly covered his cheeks.

Xue An silently filled the tea, placed it in front of Li Jingxing, and then whispered: "She asked you to kill her?"

Li Jingxing nodded and choked: "She said that she was living too hard and she has to endure endless pain every day. What makes her unbearable is the loneliness in her blood, so she now only wants to die quickly. "

"You don't know the eagerness in her eyes when she said this, so I strangled her to death by myself!"

When he said this, Li Jingxing's tone became calm, and he said without a wave of waves: "At the moment she was dying, her eyes suddenly released a strange brilliance, as if finally liberated, full of infinity. Joy."

"She died, strangled to death in my arms by my own hands."

The sound of boiling water in the teapot can be heard quietly in the tea pavilion.

Xue An looked at the man with his head down with sympathy.

He couldn't empathize, but just thinking about that scene made him feel cold, so he could only be silent.

Because at this moment, only silence is the greatest respect.

"Later, I tried all kinds of ways to resurrect her, even mixed my flesh and blood with her to catalyse her, trying to give birth to our child, but in the end it just created a pair of thin-blooded fakes. It's just a phoenix! This is the twin phoenix you see!"

"At that time, I was completely desperate, and even prepared to stay with her for the rest of my life like this. But at this moment, I felt the appearance of Diliuzhi. I knew that Diliuzhi had various magical effects, so I didn’t care about everything He rushed over! You know what happened Xue An nodded.

Li Jingxing smiled, "Do you know why I finally gave up?"

"Because what Ling Qianjin said is right, my self-righteous kindness is actually the most cruel to her!"

"All her people have died. She is the only one left in the whole world. Coupled with the torture of the curse, she may not want to live anymore. It is because of my ridiculous persistence that she has to bear it for a few more years. Torture, I'm such a bastard!"

Speaking of this, Li Jingxing began to smash his head.

Xue An raised his hand to stop him, and sternly shouted: "Enough! Is it possible for you to suffer from self-torture like this? What you should think about now is how to avenge her!"

"Vengeance?" Li Jingxing was startled, raised his head and looked at Xue An blankly.

"Yes, it's revenge! Didn't she die because of the curse? Then you have to figure out who cursed the Phoenix clan, and then unearth him to avenge your woman and the entire Phoenix clan!"

After Li Jingxing heard the words, his eyes brightened, and his whole body began to tremble, "Yes! I should take revenge! It was not I who killed her, but the cursed guy who killed her!"

He muttered idiotically, suddenly raised his head and said to Xue An with a sincere expression: "Thank you for your reminder, I understand!"

Xue An couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief. He was really worried that Li Jingxing would go to extremes due to excessive stimulation.

After all, with his kendo cultivation base, once he goes crazy, the storm that will be set off will be unimaginable.

Li Jingxing finally let go of his heart knot, and his whole aura eased.

If the previous Li Jingxing was like an unsheathed sword, although it was unparalleled in its sharpness, it was easy to injure others and himself, then the current Li Jingxing had already returned to its sheath with a sharp sword, and his aura became warmer.

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