Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1846: What about drinking people, can that be stealing? ...

"Come on, have tea!" Xue An smiled.

Li Jingxing shook his head, "This tea is good, but it's too weak, is there any wine? You and I have a few drinks!"

"want to drink?"

"of course!"

Xue An suddenly smiled with some chicken thieves, "I do have wine on my body, but they are all mundane things, I guess you won't be able to buy them, but I know where there is good wine!"

Li Jingxing's eyes lit up, "Oh? Where?"

Xue An chuckled, "As far as I know, this dragon elder is usually the best drinker. In his identity, there must be a lot of fine wine buried in his lair!"

Li Jingxing frowned when he heard the words, "But I have nothing to do with this dragon elder? You know, the dragon is a famous stingy among the heavens. If you just ask him for it, he can Give it?"

Xue An shook his head, and said with a mysterious face: "Who said I want to ask him?"

"Then you mean..."

"Now this dragon elder has been busy with the Holy Land, so his lair must be weak in defense. With your strength, it shouldn't be difficult to sneak in and get a few bottles!" Xue An said with a smile.

Li Jingxing's eyes widened, "You mean... stealing?"

Xue An drank the tea in the cup and said lightly: "Old Li, you really don't speak well, can stealing alcohol be called stealing?"

"What's that called?"

"That's a very elegant thing called stealing and getting drunk, how can you describe it as stealing?"

The expression on Li Jingxing's face gradually changed to this,  ̄□ ̄;

Finally he sighed and stretched out his thumb.

"Xue An, I have never admired anyone so much. You are the first one."

"Hahaha, just get used to it, you will admire me more and more in the future. Let's go and steal this drunk with me."

In the end, Li Jingxing really followed Xue An to the Lair of the Dragon Clan Great Elder.

One is Sword Xiu Immortal Emperor, and the other is Reincarnated Immortal Venerable. With the strength of the two of them, not to mention that the Great Elder is not there, it is impossible to find it even in estimation.

Ever since, the two sneaked in easily.

As Xue An said, the wine inside can be described as a dazzling array of everything, including many rare treasures.

For example, the monkey wine brewed by the sacred monkey demon clan is the top wine that is famous in the heavens.

The two were not welcome and swept away these fine wines.

That's not even counted, Xue An even took away the precious ingredients that the great elder had hidden away.

In Xue An's words, these gangsters don't even know how to cook, and they can only swallow everything they eat raw, leaving them with these ingredients is a waste.

In the end, the two returned with a full load and returned to the tea pavilion.

Xue An even thoughtfully added a barrier to the tea pavilion to prevent the taste of wine and vegetables from escaping.

After all this was done, Xue An began to personally cook these ingredients.

Now that he is in his current position, he naturally doesn't need to use any other cooking stoves. Although Honglianye's fire cooking is a bit wasteful, the taste of the cooked food is unique.

Therefore, a table of good dishes was placed in front of Li Jingxing, despite the tea scene.

Because the ingredients are the top-notch, coupled with Xue An’s cooking, these dishes exude a dizzying aroma.

It is not an exaggeration to say that ordinary people can go straight into the happy state just by smelling a bite.

And after the seal on the bottle was lifted, a strong aroma of wine rose to the sky, and then mixed with the aroma of these foods, stimulating each other, unexpectedly all sorts of illusions were created.

Li Jingxing couldn't help but slap his tongue when he saw this, because even he seldom saw such a miraculous scene.

"Come on, toast first!" Xue An smiled.

Li Jingxing nodded, and the two drank the wine in one go.

As soon as the monkey wine entered his throat, it immediately turned into a line of fire and went straight into his belly. Then the cells all over his body cheered for it, and gave Lingling a chill.

"Good wine!" Li Jingxing couldn't help sighing.

"The key is that there is still a smell of thieves, and you don't have a taste to drink." Xue An smiled.

Li Jingxing couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He was still a little embarrassed to face the fact that he had become a thief, so he could only divert the topic.

"Xue An, I actually have one more thing this time."

"Oh? What's the matter!" Xue An dealt with the food without raising his head.

"I want to accept your eldest daughter as a disciple!"

As soon as this remark came out, Xue An almost choked, drank a few sips of wine before swallowing, and then looked at Li Jingxing with surprise.

"You mean to think about it?"

"Yes! That's the little girl who is very opinionated." Li Jingxing said with a look of appreciation.

Xue An said with a faint smile: "Why, do you think my red lotus sword intent can't beat you?"

"of course not."

"Then why do you have this idea?"

"I really like the character of this little girl. When faced with my pressure, I dared to speak up, and even persuade me logically and clearly. This kind of straight-forward character was originally the most suitable for swordsmanship, plus..."

"Plus her talent to see through the falsehood and point to the essence of things, it's more suitable for swordsmanship, right?" Xue An said lightly that's right! I am really optimistic about her talent, because it is the most heaven-defying talent I have seen in so many years of cultivation, and if used well, it is even more powerful than your second daughter's utterance. "

"So I want to accept her as a disciple and be my closed disciple. Don't worry, I will give all my skills and even let her be the master of the sword palace in the future. What do you think?"

Xue An did not speak, but bowed his head and sipped a glass of Chinese wine.

Li Jingxing looked at him quietly.

at last.

Xue An raised his head and sighed, "Old Li, what do you think of my Red Lotus sword intent?"

"The world is extraordinary!"

"How about you?"

Li Jingxing was silent for a moment before saying, "If you are in full bloom, I will not be your opponent."

"Then do you think I don't know the talent of my daughter?"


"In that case, do you know why I didn't start teaching them to practice?"

"Why?" Li Jingxing's expression became serious, waiting for Xue An's answer.

"Because I want them to have a happy childhood!"

Li Jingxing calculated thousands of possibilities, but never thought it would be the answer. He couldn't help but widen his eyes, and said in surprise, "Because of this?"

"Because of this!"

Li Jingxing was completely speechless, because he really couldn't understand Xue An's thoughts.

You must know that in the heavens, in order to be strong, people simply do everything.

In particular, the offspring of those strong men are cultivated from the moment they are born, and when they show a little special talent, they immediately start to pile up with massive resources.

The purpose is to enable future generations to become strong.

Even those with mediocre aptitudes are using their own efforts to bridge the gap as much as possible.

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