It can be said that countless people dream of such a talent that is such as missing.

Even some people are willing to pay any price for this.

But Xue An was not in a hurry, and even said something to give them a happy childhood.

This made Li Jingxing wonder if Xue An's mind was confused.

"Ahem, Xue An, you used to be Immortal Venerable, you should know better than me how sinister these heavens are?"

"Besides, if such a good talent is not cultivated as soon as possible, it is simply the biggest waste. Are you still prepared to bless them for a lifetime"

Li Jingxing began to persuade with all his heart.

Xue An shook his head with a faint smile, "I understand what you said, but I still think that people have only one childhood, so that they can spend happily and happily, leaving a beautiful memory, which is better than remembering later. All boring cultivation is better, let alone..."

Xue An's expression was a bit sad, "My father was absent from the time they were born until they were four years old. At that time they suffered a lot of grievances, so I want to double, no, ten times the compensation back!"

Seeing Xue An's guilty look, Li Jingxing, who was about to continue persuading, was startled, and then swallowed the rest of the words back.

"Well, your idea is not wrong. But think about this girl I really like it, otherwise, how about I first accept her as a named disciple?"

Li Jingxing was still not ready to give up.

Xue An laughed when he heard the words, "Do you want to accept my daughter as a disciple?"


"Okay, you are also an immortal emperor anyway, and being the named master of my daughter is barely qualified."

Li Jingxing almost vomited blood when he heard this.

When was the Emperor Immortal already so worthless?

He was on the pole and begged to accept an apprentice, but when it came to Xue An, he could only be considered barely qualified?

But just to think about it, he closed his mouth.

At this moment, Xue An stretched out his hand in front of him, "Get it!"

"Take what?"

"Nonsense, of course it is a gift! Who can not give the apprentice a gift when accepting them?" Xue An said with a bright smile.

Li Jingxing: "..."

Then he gritted his teeth and said: "I suddenly understand why the Dragon Clan calls you Xue Bapi. You really have plucked your hair!"

With that said, he bitterly took out something and put it in Xue An's hands.

"Thanks for the award, I will first see what I gave, if it is not precious enough, I won't agree." Xue An said with a smile, then looked down at the things in his hands.

This is a long and thin sword with a bright red body. It looks a little inconspicuous at first glance, but when you stare carefully, there is a bitter sword intent that strikes your face, making people shudder.

Xue An's face couldn't help showing surprise.

Li Jingxing said: "How is it? Precious enough!"

Xue An nodded, and then cherished the small sword away.

Because this seemingly inconspicuous little sword was formed by Li Jingxing based on his own kendo cultivation.

It can be said that this small sword has the full blow of an immortal emperor, and its preciousness can be imagined.

"It seems that you are really sincere!"

"Nonsense, are you kidding me about this?"

Then the two looked at each other and laughed together.

After laughing, the two drank happily and talked about the past and the present.

at last.

The two of them drank all the wine they had searched from the elder, and even with their amount of alcohol, they were three points drunk at this moment.

Xue An said: "Where are you going next?"

"Go back to the sword palace first, after all, after three years of absence, I have to go back and have a look!"

Xue An nodded, "Yes, your disciples have been looking for you, so it's time to go back and take a look!"

Speaking of this, Xue An suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but smile violently, "When the news of your return spreads, a woman should come to you."

"Who?" Li Jingxing asked with a look of surprise.

"Hey, I can't say it yet, you will know it then!" Xue Anshen said mysteriously.

"It's so mysterious, it's boring, I'm gone!"

With that said, Li Jingxing stood up, his expression suddenly becoming very serious.

"Xue An, I have something to tell you in advance!"


"Your return is something that many people don't want to see, especially beware of those who have been loyal to you."

Xue An's eyes grew cold when he heard the words, "I understand this."

"It's good if you understand, there will be a period later!"

After that, Li Jingxing turned into a sword light and rose into the sky, and disappeared into the vast sky in the blink of an eye.

Xue An leaned back in the chair lazily, slowly drank the wine in the glass, his eyes gradually brightened, and then chuckled.

"Are you betrayed? It seems...I was really too generous at the time!"

This wine finally put Xue An into a deep sleep.

At the same time, the great elder who had been busy for a day also dragged the exhausted dragon body back to his lair.

But as soon as he entered the lair, he noticed something strange.

"Huh? There is an unfamiliar breath, someone has been here?"

Then the great elder thought of something and immediately ran into his treasure room.

After a while, a stern and miserable howl shook the clouds.

"My wine!"

The big elder who would cry out without mentioning the distressed, in that holy land, Xiaosha's dragon egg suddenly began to flicker, and at the same time there were tiny cracks on it.

The brilliance of the Holy Land also boiled.

This scene immediately shocked Zhang Xiaoyu, who was waiting by the side. She stood on the edge of the holy looking expectantly.

The crack on the dragon egg began to expand gradually.

Finally, after a loud noise, a brilliance rose from the holy ground, and when it flew into the air, it was a pocket-sized five-clawed golden dragon.

Then this five-clawed golden dragon screamed up to the sky, but unfortunately the voice was not as majestic as imagined. On the contrary, it was like a newly born baby proclaiming his own existence.

Then the five-clawed golden dragon fell on the ground, and after a burst of brilliance, it turned into a human form.

Octopus' eyes gradually widened.

Because what appeared in front of her was not the Xiao Sha in the memory, but a pink, white and tender little loli who could almost turn people off.

This little loli first looked around for a while, and then said to Zhang Xiaoyu: "Just you? Where's the master?"

Zhang Xiaoyu stared blankly, and suddenly laughed.

Because this little Lolita has a serious look that makes people laugh.

Little Lori frowned, "What are you laughing at? I ask your boss!"

Octopus Xiaoyu laughed louder, then raised her hand and squeezed Little Lori's face, "Hey, it's so cute!"

Little Lori's face was gloomy in an instant, her eyelids beating frantically.

Zhang Xiaoyu didn't know anything about it, but squeezed it easily, "Wow, it feels so good, I really want to take a bite!"

That looks like drooling.

Now Little Lolita broke out completely, her pink and tender fists clenched tightly together, and then raised her hand to give Zhang Xiaoyu a soaring cannon.

Regardless of the fact that this little Lolita is small but surprisingly strong, she blasted the octopus away with a punch.

Immediately after little Lolita quickly stepped forward, and according to Zhang Xiaoyu, she was fattened.

After the beating, little Lolita said with her hands on her hips in a cold breath: "Dare to touch me? I can't lift the knife, or are you floating?"

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