Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1849: So... love will disappear right? ...

Xiaosha finally stopped crying!

But as soon as the crying ceased, the two little girls happily dragged them to play the house.

She was dragged and staggered forward, the expression on her face was uglier than crying, and it could be described as unlovable.

Seeing this scene, Ao Qing couldn't help but smile.

"I have to say, you two daughters are really lively!"

Xue An smiled faintly, "Thank you!"

This strange response made Ao Qing a little bit dumbfounded, but immediately she returned to normal, and then whispered: "Master Honglian, thank you so much for this matter!"

"You don't have to be polite, just take what you need, otherwise I won't be able to save my men." Xue An said lightly.

Ao Qing gritted her teeth, "Then do you know what the condition of your subordinate represents?"

"What does it mean?"

"A new kind of dragon that has never appeared before. This discovery is enough to shake the entire demon world, because her blood can inject new vitality into the blood of the dragon that has reached a deadlock!"

Xue An turned his head and glanced at her, "So what? Do you want to keep her?"

Ao Qing smiled bitterly and shook her head, "I haven't thought about it, because I know it's impossible."

"The princess knows herself!" Xue An smiled.

Ao Qing smiled, and then solemnly said: "But I don't think so, it doesn't mean that others don't think so."

"Oh, who are you talking about?"

"For example, those of the genus of Flood Dragons, these beings do nothing to improve their bloodlines, and Xiaosha is no different from a panacea for them."

"You mean, let me beware of a group of flood dragons?" Xue An said lightly.

"It sounds unbelievable, but it's true! Because... the strength of some flood dragons is unimaginable! In addition, there are coveting from the major monster races, you must be careful."

Xue An nodded, "Thank you!"

Ao Qing was a little anxious, "I'm serious, you must be more careful."

"I'm serious too!"

As he said, Xue An smiled slightly, "You know, there have been several people before you want to remind me to be more careful, so I don't care about this one!"

"Okay!" Ao Qing nodded.

At this moment, the elder elder smiled and leaned forward, "Tell the elder princess, our group of elders discussed it and felt that the return of the Holy Land is a great event, plus the celebration of the three princesses before. It’s held, so I’m going to celebrate. What do you think?"

Ao Qing was startled slightly, and then nodded, "Yes, but there is one thing, don't invite foreigners."

"Naturally, now the whole monster race is enthusiastic about the emperor flow, even if we invite them, they probably wouldn't dare to come." The elder smiled.

"Well, you can arrange the rest."


As the great elder said, the return of the Holy Land to normal is indeed a happy event.

Because the holy land is not only the source of dragon power, but also the symbol and spiritual totem of the dragon. In a sense, the latter has a greater role than the former.

When the Holy Land gradually dried up, even though the news was tightly sealed, the elders who knew it were still under tremendous pressure.

Now the crisis is lifted and everything is back to normal.

The whole dragon clan naturally rejoiced.

In this atmosphere, the elders unanimously decided to rebuild the temple that was previously demolished.

There are two main considerations for this.

One is that the temple, as an important meeting place for dragons, is the most suitable place for this celebration.

The second and most important point is that Xue An is happily working with the Dragon Clan now, and after a rebirth, his temperament seems to have changed a lot.

At least it is no longer the same as before, when it comes to the dragon clan, it is a "forcible and arrogant seizure", without even talking about any truth.

Apart from stealing a few jars of wine this time, there was not much excessive action.

Based on the comprehensive consideration of these two aspects, the dragon elders made this decision.

Among them, only the elders always felt something wrong.

But now the situation of the entire dragon clan is like this, he is not good to come forward to stop, so he also agreed.

Just do it.

After giving an order, the dragons large and small burst out with 200% enthusiasm.

It only took two days, and this building was not too big on the outside, but the temple inside was rebuilt.

But these dragons didn't notice that when the temple was built, there was an existence coveting it.

It can be frightened by the mighty power of the Dragon Clan, it dare not pass, and can only hide in the corner with a halazi.

One drop of saliva fell on the little fox.

The little fox's disgusted hair exploded, but in the end he sat down honestly.

Because after these days of torture, it has become clear that it cannot get rid of this chubby koi.

That's right.

Facing the temple, it is the tool spirit of Fubao Xiaolou, the magical rune ball.

Also a rare construction tool spirit, this shrine containing countless dragon consciousnesses has a fatal attraction to the ball.

It can be said that if it wasn't for the dragons to be too strong, the ball would have rushed forward desperately.

Even so, it was still reluctant to leave, but stared blankly, seeming to be thinking about how to swallow this temple.

at the same time.

Xue An, who was drinking tea with the two sisters Ao Qing and Ao Shu in the tea pavilion, occasionally felt a little bit, and turned his head slightly to look towards the ball.

Although they are far apart, Xue An's divine mind still has a clear view of everything.

After seeing the saliva at the corner of the ball's mouth and the desire in his eyes, Xue An was slightly startled, and even revealed a hint of meaningful smile.

"Brother Honglian, what are you laughing at?" Ao Shu couldn't help but ask.

"It's nothing, it's just a funny thing suddenly remembered."

"Oh!" Ao Shu was a little disappointed.

Obviously he has dressed up carefully for a long time, but why does Brother Gulian refuse to look at himself more?

At this moment, Ao Qing suddenly received a message that some urgent matters need to be dealt with, so she got up to say goodbye to Xue and left in a hurry.

When she left, Ao Shu's face lighted up and said to Xue An, "Brother Honglian, do you remember what I said before?"

Xue An, who was calculating how to pack up this temple, was taken aback when he heard the words.

"What are you talking about?"

Ao Shu's expression immediately became sad, "You really don't remember!"

As she said, she lowered her head, "I once made an oath. The first man to see my true appearance is my home. Have you forgotten all this?"

Xue An was stunned, and then there was an embarrassment on his face, and he sighed lightly: "Sister Ao Shu, I really just happened to pass by that day, don't think too much!"

Ao Shu Huo Ran raised her head, tears in her eyes, "Passing by? Passing by can prove our fate!"

"Stop making trouble, I have kids!"

Ao Shu stared at Xue An, and only then said quietly after a long time: " will disappear, right?"

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