Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1850: Originally ruthless, why not talk about it?

Xue An remained silent, and finally sighed softly: "Third princess, thank you for your wrong love, but please stop saying these words!"

After all, Xue An stood up and walked out.

Ao Shu's tears slipped instantly, and he suddenly shouted, "Brother Honglian, are you so unfeeling?"

Xue An stopped in front of the door, without turning his head back: "There was no such thing, so why are you unfeeling?"

Xue An is gone.

Go very decisively.

Ao Shu cried bitterly at the desk, only feeling that his heart was broken.

In her memory, she had only cried like this twice, the first time when she heard the news of Xue An's death.

It can be said that almost all the tears of the three princesses shed for Xue An from the beginning of the memorial.

Unfortunately, this can only touch her.

At this moment, a hand was placed lightly on her shoulder.

Ao Shu looked up with teary eyes and looked up at the princess Ao Qing who did not know when to return.

I saw Ao Qing sigh lightly: "Did he tell you?"

Ao Shu's tears were instantly like a flood that bursts a bank, and they couldn't be wiped off, and he couldn't even speak.

Ao Qing held her in her arms distressedly, and sighed: "It's alright, it's better to cry out."

Ao Shu was already crying and couldn't breathe, and choked up and said, "Sister...Sister, you...what's wrong with me? Why...why doesn't he want me?"

"It's not that you are bad, but that you like someone you shouldn't like!" Ao Qing patted her sister's back painfully.

"But... but is it wrong to like someone?" Ao Shu struggled and raised his head and said to her sister.

"Silly girl, it's okay to like someone, but you have to see if the person you like likes you!"

Ao Shu lowered his head when he heard the words, and his tears fell on his feet. The poor appearance made Ao Qing very distressed.

"Good Shuer, don't be sad. There are no men in the world. Depending on your conditions, you can pick an outstanding young man in the heavens, so why not look for him?" Ao Qing advised.

"But he is the only one who is my Honglian brother!" Ao Shu said with tears in his eyes.

Ao Qing was speechless, and after a long time, she let out a long sigh.


At the same time, An Yan sat on a large rock at the top of a Dragon King’s tomb outside the tea pavilion, with his legs stretched out and swayed gently.

After hearing the sound of footsteps coming from behind, An Yan didn't even turn his head, but laughed softly: "Is it all clear?"

Xue An smiled without saying a word, sat directly next to her, and then gently wrapped her shoulders.

An Yan lay in his arms.

For a while, both of them became quiet.

In the distance, the brilliance of the Dragon Sacred Land was fluctuating, and the reflected sky changed color.

After a long time, An Yan sighed slightly.

Xue An lowered his head and fiddled with the hair on her face, and said softly: "What's the matter?"

An Yan whispered: "It's nothing, just a little sigh suddenly."

"What do you sigh?"

"I sigh why my husband is so popular, no matter where I go, I can meet people who like him." An Yan said with a smile.

But these words made Xue An feel cold from his back, and couldn't help but cough a few times, "Ahem, Yan'er, I have already clarified the words to her, you..."

An Yan interrupted him directly, "I know you made it clear, and I didn't blame you."

As he said, An Yan stared at Xue An with a smile, "What are you doing so nervously?"

"Nervous? I'm not nervous, Yan'er, are you wrong?" Xue An gave a strong smile.

An Yan couldn't help but punched his chest lightly, and said, "Look at you like that!"

He said that he also laughed.

Xue An was relieved, and then squeezed her nose viciously, "Okay, I dare to tease her husband, let's talk, what's the crime?"

"Um..." An Yan waved his arm, finally knocked Xue An's hand off, and then gave Xue An a bitterly white look.



After another show of affection, An Yan leaned his head on Xue An's shoulder and said softly: "I want to say I am not angry, do you believe it?"


A joke, even if Xue An doesn't believe it, he can't tell the truth now.

"Bah, not sincere. What I said is true, because I know you have me in your heart, so I won't care about the minor things, and you don't have to be so nervous." An Yan said softly.

Xue An nodded, "Okay!"



"Now Xiaosha is also awake, where are we going next?"

"What do you think?" Xue An looked at An Yan with a smile.

"I do not know."

Xue An raised his head to look at the distant sky, and said faintly: "Arou's eyes have also been healed, and then Fox Ye will definitely take her back to Qingqiu Fox Country, and we will go with him."

"Go to Qingqiu Fox Country?"

"Yes! Going back this time, he will definitely endure pressure from all sides. As a buddy, of course I have to help him."

"You mean that Foxye's family won't agree?"

"That's for Don’t look at Huye Diaoerlang as a worthless man. In fact, he has a very high status among the monsters. In terms of identity alone, he can be called among the heavens. The second generation of the top demon, and Arou..."

Xue An did not finish, but An Yan already understood what it meant.

Compared with Fox Ye's identity, Arou's identity is one heaven and one underground. With such a huge gap, it is naturally difficult for Qingqiu Fox Country to agree.

"Yeah, then we will go back with Fox Night. If someone dared to obstruct this marriage maliciously, my pan will not be vegetarian."

When he said this, An Yan looked solemn.

Xue An smiled faintly, "I shouldn't be able to reach that point. Anyway, I am also a former Immortal Venerable, and the Great Elder of the Qingqiu Fox Country must give me some face.

"Then when shall we leave?"

"Don't worry! I have to wait until this celebration is over, because...I still have an important thing to do!"

"What's the matter?" An Yan asked curiously.

"At that time, you will know, in short, it is a very important thing." Xue An said with a mysterious face.

This celebration did not invite foreigners to participate, but it was more solemn.

First, the large and small dragons squeezed the sky full, and then these dragons uttered high and low dragons at the same moment.

These dragons' voices are mixed together to form an indescribable song.

Song of the Dragon!

A war song used to commemorate major events or activities among the dragon clan.

When the song is over, the temple becomes lively.

Countless delicacies and wines were presented like flowing water, and the dragons drank and feasted, enjoying this rare joy.

As the most distinguished guests in this celebration, Xue An and others are naturally among them.

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