Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1860: The redder than the wedding dress is the woman's cheek...

And this scene also made the dragon elders and others who came down from the dragon boat a bitter smile.

"The eldest princess said let us restrain her, but with the murderous look of the second princess, who dares to control?" a dragon elder said with a sad look.

The Long Clan elder sighed lightly, "Let's take a step and take a step. Although the second princess has a fiery temper, she should still have basic measures."

With that said, these dragon elders hurried to catch up.

After they left, the whole audience immediately started.

"Fuck, it's really lively now, and Princess Long Er has also arrived!"

"Tsk tsk, this princess is not a fuel-efficient lamp, wait and see, this wedding will definitely not go so smoothly, you may make mistakes before it is held."

The arrival of Ao Yi was like pouring a scoop of cold water in the hot oil, causing the already lively situation to boil instantly.

Countless monsters are eagerly waiting, ready to watch this rare "lively".

But to everyone's expectation, nothing happened. Ao Yi didn't directly go to Huye to settle the accounts. On the contrary, she actually stayed quietly, looking like she was about to attend the wedding.

This scene surprised many people.

What is this?

Could it be said that the second dragon princess has changed sex?

Even Huye was stunned after learning the news.

What happened recently is beyond his imagination.

First, the elder swiftly agreed to the marriage, and then Ao Yi, who was supposed to make a big fuss, went uncharacteristically.

All this made him have a deep suspicion.

"Old Xue, do you think the recent events are a bit weird?"

"Weird? Where is it?"

"I can't tell, it just feels a bit wrong."

Xue An patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly, "Couldn't your kid be so happy because he is about to marry a wife?"


Hu Ye smiled and cursed, then lowered his head and frowned, thinking about it.

Strange, what is wrong?

Could it be that I was transferred recently?

When he was full of doubts, Xue An patted him on the shoulder again.

"Oh, old Xue, don't bother me, I'm thinking about something!" Hu Ye said impatiently.

At this moment, a timid voice came.

"Fox...Fox night."

It's Arou's voice.

Huye immediately looked up, and then was stunned.

Because the one standing in front of him was Arou in a red wedding gown.

And the one that was redder than the wedding dress was A Rou's cheeks.

She hung her head timidly, her hands kneading the corners of her dress unnaturally, and her body trembled slightly, and the crystal diamonds adorned with her wedding dress reflected the brilliance of brilliance.

Fox night looked silly.

Not only because of this wedding gown made by dozens of top craftsmen, but also because of Arou's tens of thousands of styles when he bowed his head.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ah Rou at this moment perfectly satisfies all the imagination of women in the eyes of Fox Ye.

He watched with scorching eyes, and the more he saw A Rou's head lowered, his face reddened, and his body trembled.

In the end, she said very hard: "Okay...does it look good?"

Hu Ye woke up in an instant, and then nodded like garlic, "It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful, and the giant is so beautiful!"

Because of his excitement, Hu Ye was a little incoherent.

A Rou glanced at Fox Ye with half anguish and half joy, her cheeks flushed and her lips lightly opened, "Fool!"

Hu Ye laughed silly.

Now he can only giggle.

At this moment, the Weaver Girl who was in charge of making the wedding dress came over and said with a smile: "Master Fox, is this wedding dress satisfied?"

"Satisfied! It is better than I expected."

"Hey, in order to make the wedding gown as scheduled, I took a lot of effort to invite all my masters, so as not to delay your marriage, and at the same time to be perfect." This The famous Weaver Girl smiled and said.

Hu Ye stretched out his thumb, "I didn't say anything, I owe you a favor for this matter. If there is anything to use for me then, just speak!"

The Weaver girl smiled brighter.

Compared with material rewards, this promise from Fox Ye is the most precious.

Because he is the heir of the dignified Qingqiu Fox Country, the top monster master.

"It's not just the bride's wedding dress, but we have already prepared your dress. Go and try it!"

"Good good!"

The faint Fox Ye excitedly followed Zhi Nu down to change clothes.

Only Arou is left here.

Xue An gave a light cough and left.

Although the relationship between him and Hu Ye is irreversible, A Rou is Hu Ye's wife after all. Now that Hu Ye is not there, he has to avoid suspicion.

But just when he was about to turn around and leave, Arou suddenly whispered: "Master Gulian, please stay."

"Huh? Is there anything wrong with Girl Arou?" Xue An stopped.

A Rou hesitated for a moment, and finally raised her head and said solemnly: "Master Honglian, are you hiding something from us?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because this wedding was so rushed, it only took you a while to walk out after you entered the jade pagoda. And the great elder who should have stopped all this also promised to be extremely refreshing."

Speaking of this, Arou bit her lip, "So... Is something wrong with the Great Elder?"

Xue An was stunned.

The ill-fated girl in front of her is usually not very eye-catching, but this time she guessed the truth in one word.

It shows how clever she is.

And Xue An's silence also made A Rou's guess in her heart confirmed, and her face couldn't help showing worry.

"Is it serious?"

Xue An nodded, "Very serious."

A Rou didn't speak anymore. After a long time, she lowered her head, "Can Fox Ye accept it?"

Xue An sighed softly, "I don't know, but as the heir of the fox clan, he has to accept all this."

A Rou nodded, "I understand, thank you!"

After that, she turned and left.

Xue An looked at her thin back and couldn't help sighing again.

"Fox night, this is much smarter than you think!"

Just as he sighed for it, he suddenly felt a familiar throb.

Xue An was startled slightly, and then a smile appeared on his face, and then raised his head to look at the void in the distance.

Just at this moment, a few Guanghua rushed quickly, and came to Xue An almost in the blink of an eye.

After landing, the leader was a terrible old man in a tattered robe.

Then the bad old man laughed, "Brother Xue, I will rush here immediately after receiving the invitation, how about it? It's not too late."

Xue An also smiled, "Of course it's not too late."

Then Xue An looked at the woman behind Lao Dao and nodded slightly, "Miss Wei!"

Wei Rulan blushed and hurriedly saluted, "My lord!"

That's right.

The visitor is Zhuge Zang who is known as the first **** stick in the heavens.

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