Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1861: I'll kill anyone who dares to cause trouble!

"Invincible, start novel cool notes from Daddy Xianzun ( Find the latest chapter!

At the same time, there was a woman standing beside Wei Rulan.

I saw that she also greeted Xue Anshen, "My lord!"

Xue An was startled slightly, and then smiled, "It turned out to be Girl Xuanqing, I didn't expect you to come too!"

This woman was black-clothed and black-haired, slender and tall, with a black chess pouch one foot above her shoulders slanting behind her back. It was the Zhuge Xuanqing who had been seen in the Amaterasu Starfield a long time ago.

After seeing Xue An's smile, Zhuge Xuanqing was shocked, and then hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look again.

Because in her perception, the aura on Xue An's body is as vague and unpredictable as a **** on the nine heavens, which makes people feel an urge to worship.

Is this the power of the fairy king? Zhuge Xuanqing thought in her heart, and at the same time felt a touch of inexplicable sourness.

When Xue An was in the Amphitheater Star Territory, although Xue An's strength was tyrannical, she could at least see her back.

Unexpectedly, in just a few years, Xue An has reached a point she can't imagine.

You must know that since the Apocalypse Star Territory left, she has always regarded Xue An as her target.

But now this chasing has become a joke.

Although she has successfully advanced to the half-step Daluo after unremitting efforts some time ago, this strength is still far from Xue Anlai.

She seemed to be aware of her strangeness, Wei Rulan took advantage of Xue An and Zhuge Zang to talk in the distance, and whispered in her ear.

"Sister, in fact, you are already pretty good, so don't be discouraged, because even the master has said that there is a special existence in the heavens, and it is normal for you to be less than him."

Zhuge Xuanqing smiled slightly and said softly: "You don't need to say this, I know it, don't worry, I am not discouraged."

Wei Rulan nodded, "That's good."

at the same time.

Zhuge Zang, who was talking to Xue An not far away, said solemnly: "Brother Xue, I didn't intend to rush over in such a hurry after receiving the invitation, but something suddenly happened that changed my plan!"

"Is it about the elder of the Qingqiu Fox Country?" Xue An said lightly.

Zhuge Zang was shocked, and said in astonishment: "You all know?"

"Of course! Otherwise, why do you think Fox Night's wedding was so hasty?"

"No wonder, does Fox Ye know?"

Xue An shook his head, "I don't know yet."

"What? You haven't told him yet?"

"Is it useful to tell him?" Xue An asked back, "Since he can't change it, let him get married with peace of mind. But did you know?"

Zhuge Zang sighed lightly: "After I received the invitation from Fox Night, I felt something was wrong, so I took a divination."

"The hexagram is displayed?"

Zhuge Zang nodded, and said solemnly: "In the beginning, I even thought that I had made a mistake, so I took up three hexagrams, and the result is the same. So I am sure that this is true."

Xue An was silent.

Zhuge Zang said worriedly: "Brother Xue, obviously I can't hide this matter, because since I can figure it out, then other people will definitely be able to do it, then..."

Zhuge Zang did not finish what he said later, but the meaning was already obvious.

Generally speaking, for a strong immortal emperor like the elder of the Qingqiu Fox Country, all the deductions are invalid for him, because his existence itself has concealed the secret. Love me ebook

Only when there is a major change, such as a serious injury and dying, this hidden secret will be revealed.

Since Zhuge Zang was able to figure out that there was something wrong with the Great Elder Qingqiu, it meant that he had exhausted his energy and was unable to hide his weakness.

Once this news spreads, it will be a blockbuster for the monster race and even the entire heavens.

Zhuge Zang couldn't even imagine how big the storm would be.

Xue An was silent for a moment, and then said firmly: "This matter can't be kept for long, so it's not a big deal to spread it now."

"And I'm taking care of this, because Fox Night's wedding must be held. Whoever dares to cause trouble, I will kill anyone!"

At the end, Xue An's tone was full of murderous intent.

Zhuge Zang was startled, and immediately nodded, "Okay, count me."

Xue An glanced at him, "What? Is the injury better?"

"Hehe, don't underestimate this old bone of mine. It will be impossible to die for a while." Zhuge Zang said with a smile.

"Understand, don't good people live long and harm living for thousands of years!"

The two were talking and laughing, but seeing the distance, Hu Ye led a group of people hurried over.

As soon as he saw Zhuge Zang, Hu Ye couldn't help being surprised. Before people arrived, he shouted: "Old Zhuge, you are finally here!"

After speaking, he rushed to the front and punched Zhuge Zang on the shoulder.

Zhuge Zang laughed, "Can I not come to your wedding? I'm set for this wedding wine."

"It's easy to talk, and it won't be a problem to soak you in the wine tank by then." Hu Ye said overjoyed.

Although the separation didn't take long, Zhuge Zang came to attend his wedding specially this time, and the meaning was naturally quite different.

In fact, Hu Ye wrote an invitation to Zhuge Zang alone, not because he had a bad relationship with Ye Hanshang and the others, but because the place they were in was so far away that they couldn't make it in ten days.

That is, the place where Zhuge Zang is located is relatively close to the Qingqiu Fox Country, and it can be reached in three days soon, so he sent an invitation to Zhuge Zang.

Everyone talked and laughed and walked in.

At the same time, in the void outside Qingqiu Fox Country, the space suddenly rippled, and then a group of people walked out of it.

This team has men and women, and all of them have extraordinary momentum. The leader is a handsome man, but the corners of his eyes and brows are always a bit evil.

He glanced at the Qingqiu Fox Country not far ahead, and said lightly: "Is this the nest of those foxes?"

"That's right, the former is the famous Qingqiu fox country! Tsk tsk, I feel a little excited when I think of those beautiful fox girls." A man smiled evilly.

"Hehe, don't worry, sooner or later, these fox girls are ours. Didn't you see Young Master go out in person!" Another man in a crimson robe laughed.

The young boy had a calm face, turned his head and looked at a young girl standing aside.

"How is it? Junior sister can you see any clues?"

The girl was wearing a gray preaching robe, with a large cloth pocket behind her back, and a delicate compass in her hand. She was engrossed in the Qingqiu Fox Country in the distance, muttering words in her mouth.

After hearing Tian Shao's question, Qi Liqing's whole body shook slightly, her eyes flashed, and then he let out a sigh of relief and shook his head.

"I don't see any clues yet, because this whole piece of void energy is occupied by the Sansheng tree, and nothing can be seen at all. If you want to find out the result, you can only get close to it."

Tian Shao nodded, "If that's the case, let's go to the wedding of this young fox country, and by the way, take a look at how this bride looks good."

Everyone laughed loudly, and then they turned into streamers and headed straight for the Qingqiu Fox Country.

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