Imperial capital kv.

Wang Ke sat on the sofa with a sinking face.

Yang Bin was squatting in the corner with a bruised nose and swollen face.

At this time, Luo Jia kept saying: "Wang Shao, you calm down, he is just such a reckless temper. You look at the face of classmates, so let him go!"

Wang Ke glanced at Luo Jia, and said indifferently: "Let him go? Haha! Are they not four? They are also known as the four big **** in the university. Today I want to meet these people who were in school at the beginning. What is it like?"

All of Wang Ke's friends and friends laughed loudly.

Luo Jia looked at Yang Bin with hatred of iron and steel, and her heart was full of anger.

Originally, when she led Yang Bin, she tried to get Yang Binyi to have more contact with these "upper people".

But I didn't expect Yang Bin to fight with these people without a few words.

At this time, Wang Ke got up and walked to Yang Bin, looking at him condescendingly, a smug smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Aren't you arrogant when you were in school? What's wrong now? Persuaded? Tsk tsk, let me guess, is your eldest brother now worrying about where to move rescue soldiers to rescue you?"

Yang Bin looked up at Wang Ke, his eyes full of dissatisfaction.

"And your second brother Xue An!" A cold light flashed in Wang Ke's eyes.

"At the beginning, he soaked all the school flowers, but what happened? Didn't he disappear? It is estimated that the body is now rotten!" Wang Ke sneered.

"So in this society, nothing else is useful, only power and money are the most important!"

Seeing Yang Bin's gradually desperate look, Wang Ke felt extremely refreshed.

At this time, Luo Jia was also a little disapproved of Yang Binyi.

In her opinion, Yang Binyi had neither the ability nor the money, and his temper was still stubborn. In no way could he compare to this Wang Ke Wang.

If you can climb the high branch of Wang Ke, you can wear gold and silver in the future! Luo Jia thought with bright eyes.

The banquet continued, but this time, Yang Bin squatted in the corner as soon as he was pressed.

And his so-called girlfriend, smiling brightly, drinking with those rich second-generations.

Yang Bin felt that his heart became heavier and colder.

When it was busy, the door of the box was opened.

Then Zhao Xuehui and Qiao Le walked in.

When he saw the two of them, Yang Bin couldn't help feeling a little agitated. He wanted to stand up, but he could not move at all when he was pressed.

The music stopped, Wang Ke tilted Erlang's legs and looked at Zhao Xuehui and Qiao Le with playful eyes.

"What? Going to save people?" Wang Ke smiled.

Zhao Xuehui bit his scalp and said: "Wang Shao, our fourth child has a bad temper. For my face, you can just let him go this time!"

"For your face..." Wang Ke repeated.

His companions laughed.

"Do you think you have face with me?"

Qiao Le couldn't hold back at this time, and said angrily: "Wang, what do you want?"

"How is it?" Wang Ke smiled sarcastically.

"As long as you kneel down and beg me! In that case, I will let your brothers go! How about? It's a good deal!"

Wang Ke's words made Yang Bin completely angry, "Big brother and third brother, don't listen to him, he will kill me if he has the ability!"

Zhao Xuehui took a deep breath, "Did you let him go when I got down on my knees?"


"Okay!" Zhao Xuehui stepped forward, kneeling down.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the door.

"It's a mere king's family, it's really so majestic!"

This voice was lazy and indifferent, making everyone startled.

Then a man with a long body and handsome face walked in.

When they saw him, Zhao Xuehui and Qiao Le couldn't help being stunned.

"Old... old second?"

"Second brother?"

Xue An came naturally.

He stunned Zhao Xuehui and Qiao Le smiled, "What? Really thought I was home?"

Just at the barbecue stall, Xue An really took a taxi and left after talking about going home.

At that time, Zhao Xuehui and Qiao Le couldn't help but sigh, but there was no hint of resentment in this sigh.

In their view, Xue An now has a wife and children, so it is natural to be mindful of things.

There is nothing to challenge.

It's just that I feel a little uncomfortable deep in my heart.

Unexpectedly, Xue An suddenly appeared again now.

"The two girls were too sleepy. I sent them home first, and then rushed over." Xue An finished speaking and looked at Yang Binyi in the corner.

"Who did it?" Xue An asked indifferently.

The room was quiet.

Xue An raised his finger and pointed at the wound on Yang Bin's face, "I'm asking, who did it?"

At this time, Wang Ke let out a sigh, leaned on the sofa, looked at Xue An with interest, and smiled disdainfully: "If you didn't admit your mistake, are you Xue An? Ha ha, I didn't expect that you were still alive after missing four years. !"

Xue An turned to look at Wang Ke, his indifferent gaze made Wang Ke's heart tighten slightly.

But soon, Wang Ke returned to normal, and at the same time looked at Xue An somewhat reluctantly.

Xue An laughed at this time.

"It's you who beat my brother, isn't it?"

Wang Ke nodded and said proudly: "He is looking for death by himself. If you don't believe me, you can ask his girlfriend!"

Luo Jia looked at Zhao Xuehui, Xue An and the others with disdain, and said impatiently: "Wang Shao is right! And I advise you to leave here quickly, if Wang Shao gets angry, you won't be able to leave!"

Looking at Luo Jia who was full of contempt, Yang Binyi finally gave up completely. He closed his eyes and his face was desperate.

Xue An ignored these at all, still looking at Wang Ke faintly, "You are the one who forced my brother to kneel, right?"

Wang Ke frowned, "Xue An, don't pretend to be a big man. I tell you, it's not time to go to school. Here, I can speak useful, understand?"

Xue An nodded, "Just admit it!"

When the voice fell to the ground, Xue An approached, grabbed Wang Ke by the neck, and directly lifted him from the sofa.

Wang Ke was lifted into the air, and finally a panic flashed across her face, "You...what do you want to do?"

Xue An looked indifferent, "Since you did it all, naturally I will send you on the road!"

Wang Ke originally wanted to say a few but when he saw Xue An's eyes, he couldn't help being stunned.

Because Xue An's eyes were calm and terrifying, there was not even a trace of waves.

But it was this look that made Wang Ke tremble all over.

"No! You can't kill me! I'm from the Wang family..."

"Wang Family?" A smile appeared at the corner of Xue An's mouth.

Wang Ke was about to be scared to pee. Suddenly remembering something, he stammered: "Also, I'm a Fire Phoenix person. If you dare to kill me, then wait to be chased by the Fire Phoenix person! "

This sentence stopped Xue An.

"what did you say?"

Wang Ke breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that he is not afraid, then he grinned and said, "Didn't you hear clearly? I'm a member of the Fire Phoenix Special Forces. If you dare to touch me, you will die!"


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