The box became quiet.

Everyone looked at Xue An.

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly and said lightly: "Fire Phoenix?"

"Yes, it is to defeat all opponents in the military area competition, but he has no casualties, and now ranks first in the country the Fire Phoenix Special Forces!" Wang Ke was full of pride.

Hearing what Wang Ke said, Zhao Xuehui couldn't help but his expression changed drastically, and he took two steps forward, "Second, let Shao Wang come down!"


Xue An let go.

Wang Ke fell on the coffee table, splashing all over his body.

Zhao Xuehui stepped closer, "Young Master Wang, my brother just came to Zhongdu, and he doesn't understand many rules. Don't be familiar with him!"

But Wang Ke didn't say a word, but looked at Xue An with a bitter face.

Zhao Xuehui was anxious and turned to Xue An and said, "Second, apologize to Young Master Wang!"

At the same time, he kept winking at Xue An.

But Xue An stood there calmly, not knowing what he was thinking.

The friends of Wang Ke's fox and dogs also yelled.

"Damn, where's the stunner? How dare you offend Shao Wang?"

"Kneel down and apologize! Otherwise, you will be abolished today!"

In these voices, Wang Ke said gloomily.

"Apologize? It's useless for him to kneel down today. I just talked to Huofenghuang's grandson. They happened to be eating nearby, and it will be there in a while, when the time comes... Haha!"

Wang Ke sneered cruelly.

"I'll give you five minutes!" Xue An suddenly interrupted Wang Ke.

The room gradually calmed down.

Wang Ke raised his eyebrows and looked at Xue An like a dead person, "Give me what?"

"I said, I'll give you five minutes. If the people you mentioned don't show up within five minutes, then I will send you on the road!" Xue An showed two beautiful tiger teeth and smiled sorrowfully.

"That is... to kill you!"


Xue An's words were like throwing a bomb, and many people were shocked.

Is this guy a fool?

Wang Ke's expression was uncertain, and finally said gloomily: "Okay! Since you are looking for death by yourself, then I will let you know, in Zhongdu, what kind of people cannot be offended!"

At this time, someone released Yang Binyi, and the three brothers surrounded him anxiously.

Yang Bin said with red eyes, "Second brother......"

Xue An waved his hand and smiled faintly, "It's okay, I'm here!"

Qiao Le stood silently to Xue An's side, tucked his hands in his sleeves, and grasped an axe hidden in it.

Zhao Xuehui gritted his teeth and whispered: "If you fight for a while, you have a wife and children, my second son, you have a wife and children, then take the opportunity to leave, and leave Zhongdu overnight! Do you understand?"

A warm current surged in Xue An's heart and patted Zhao Xuehui on the shoulder, "Boss, don't be so nervous, things are not so bad!"

Zhao Xuehui sighed and smiled bitterly: "How could it not be bad? Someone in my family is serving as a soldier in the army. During this time, the name of the phoenix phoenix has become a cocoon in my ears. That is a true elite of all warriors. ! If this Wang Ke really knows them, then this matter... alas!"

The more Zhao Xuehui said, the worse his face became.

Yang Bin was silent at this moment, but looked at Luo Jia not far away with a murderous face.

Luo Jia also noticed Yang Binyi's gaze, got up and walked closer, curled his lips and said: "What? Feel unconvinced?"

"You bitch..." Yang Bin squeezed this sentence from his teeth.

Luo Jia's countenance changed, and then she sneered: "I am a bitch, but you are not as good as a bitch! Humph!"

After speaking, he turned and left without mercy.

Xue An calmly sat on the sofa and waited.

Five minutes, fleeting.

Finally, there was a rush of footsteps outside the box.

Wang Ke smiled and just stood up.

I saw a group of people pushing the door and entering, and it was Sun Ling who walked in the front.

As soon as Wang Ke saw him, he ran to him, nodded and smiled flatly: "Brother Sun, you are here!"

Sun Ling nodded and said solemnly: "You said someone is making trouble here?"

"Yes, that guy!" Wang Ke stretched his finger.

Sun Ling looked up, only to see a back figure sitting on the sofa.

Sun Ling's expression sank as he was about to walk over to see who it was.

Just heard a calm voice, "I taught you martial arts, but you used to be dogs for the children of the family?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the expressions of Sun Ling and the people who came changed wildly!

At this time, Wang Ke yelled: "Boy, death is approaching, and you still have a stiff mouth..."


A sharp slap made Wang Ke stop his mouth.

This force was so hard that half of Wang Ke's face was swollen.

Wang Ke was beaten dumbfounded, covering his face and staring blankly at Sun Ling.

"Brother Sun! How are you...?"

Sun Ling ignored him at all, but led the crowd to take a few steps. Five steps away from the sofa, he bent down and shouted respectfully: "Fire Phoenix Sun Ling and others... see you Instructor!"

The words came out.

The audience was silent.

Everyone stared in amazement.

Only the back figure on the sofa remained motionless.

There was a long silence.

The atmosphere in the room seemed to freeze.

Sun Ling bent over, only feeling cold sweat on his face.

"Am I right? Sun Ling?" Xue An turned around, leaned on the sofa, and looked at Sun Ling.

Sun Ling trembled and raised his head pale, just in time to see Xue An's cold and indifferent eyes, and then gritted his teeth.

"Instructor, this Wang Ke said that someone made trouble and slandered the Fire Phoenix, so I came here..."

Xue An waved his hand impatiently, and Sun Ling immediately shut up.

Xue An's long fingers tapped the armrest of the sofa lightly, and everyone's heart quivered with the tapping sound.

Then Xue An looked at Sun Ling with a playful I said that the real strong never bothers to explain, wrong, wrong! "

"Yes!" Sun Ling lowered his head.

And this scene also made Wang Ke and Luo Jia and others look at the dead souls.

Now he is a fool, and it can be seen that Xue An's identity is absolutely extraordinary.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to reprimand this Sun Ling like a child?

Xue An stood up at this time and walked up to Sun Ling.

"It stands to reason that I should abolish your cultivation. Can you be convinced about this?"

"Convinced!" Sun Ling was shaking all over.

Xue An put his hand on the back of Sun Ling's head and suddenly smiled, "Forget it, since Wang Ke started everything, then I will give you a chance!"

Sun Ling straightened up immediately and said very firmly: "Instructor, please speak!"

Xue An raised his hand to Wang Ke, who was trembling in the corner with a pale face, and smiled faintly, "Kill him!"

Sun Ling rushed over without hesitation.

Wang Ke let out a deafening scream, "Brother Sun, spare your life! Xue An, spare your life, I..."

Sun Ling had never hated a person so much, just because he was telling right and wrong, he was almost abolished by the instructor, so Sun Ling's eyes were red, and when he shot, he cut Wang Ke's hands off.

Lying in a pool of blood, Wang Ke was so frightened that he even crawled towards Xue An forcefully, while crying bitterly: "Brother Xue, no...Mr. Xue forgive me! I don't dare... anymore."

The latter words will never come out, because Sun Ling grabbed Wang Ke's hair and cut Wang Ke's throat from behind.

Wang Ke's eyes gradually lost their look, and the last picture before he died was Xue An, standing with his hands holding his hands, with an indifferent face.

I shouldn't mess with him! Wang Ke thought with great regret, and then fell into the endless darkness.

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