Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1897: Go to Shangqing Mountain

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Following the voice, An Yan walked into the court, and then took Hu Ying's hand with pity.

"Regardless of whether you become a nine-tailed celestial fox or not, your brother Xue will never want you, nor dare to leave you! This is what I said."

Hu Ying's tears were dripping like a flood that burst a bank, "But... but you have left me behind now!"

"Okay, okay, don't cry, we are just going out this time to get things done, maybe we will be back soon!" An Yan gently persuaded, and then winked at Xue An.

That means you quickly persuade.

Upon seeing this, Xue An couldn't help but sighed, and then said: "Okay, Yinger, don't cry, I will definitely not leave you behind, is that okay?"

Hu Ying looked at Xue An with teary eyes, and finally nodded slowly, "Hmm!"

But when Xue An got up and left, she looked at Xue An's back, but secretly made up her mind.

Brother Xue, I will definitely become a nine-tailed celestial fox, even if you want to leave me, it will be impossible!

Xue An and An Yan left quietly.

Except for a few people like Huye and Huying, the other fox races don't even know.

But when their star boat crossed the Qingqiu star field and disappeared in an instant.

On the Sansheng Tree, in the White Jade Pagoda.

Looking at the scene in the water mirror, Hu Huan couldn't help but sigh.

"I don't know what storms will be set off in the heavens. I hope you can find out the real culprit behind the scenes as soon as possible, and the Chinese people back then are fair!"

Xiaozheng Taihuan on the side also looked at the scene in the water mirror in a daze, and finally couldn't help but said: "Master, do you think Xue An can succeed here?"

Huhuan nodded, and said very firmly: "Of course I can!"

"Why is it so sure? You have to know what he is facing, but even you can't predict the man behind the scenes!" Hu An asked in confusion.

"Because he is Red Lotus Immortal Venerable!" Hu Huan said with piercing eyes.

"But he hasn't recovered the strength of his heyday? It's just the fairy king, isn't it..."

Hu Huan shook his head, "Disciple, you don't understand! The reason why he is the unique Red Lotus Immortal Venerable is not only because of his strength, but more importantly, his will."

"Able to move forward without fear even knowing the danger ahead. This kind of demeanor, even though thousands of people are going for it, is the reason why he can become the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable."

Speaking of this, Hu Huan sighed slightly, "It is because of lack of this will that I have been trapped in the fairy emperor, unable to take that final step!"

Just as Huhuan sighed.

Above the star boat, Xiao Sha asked in doubt: "Master, where are we going?"

"Yes, boss, why not let Sister Ying follow along?" Zhang Xiaoyu asked with red eyes.

It was only after she got on the Xingzhou that she knew that Hu Ying was not traveling with her. She cried at the time, and she cried very sadly.

Not to mention that Hu Ying often "bullies" Zhang Xiaoyu, but the relationship between the two has been inseparable after such a long time together.

As soon as Hu Ying left, Zhang Xiaoyu was naturally full of discomfort.

Xue An smiled, "This time I will take you to a big show!"

"Huge fun?"


But Zhang Xiaoyu was even more sad when he heard the words, "Then why is it that it is a big excitement but does not let Sister Ying follow? She likes watching the excitement the most!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiao Sha raised her hand and knocked her on the head, "Where is so much nonsense? The master must have his reason for not bringing Sister Ying with her."

Zhang Xiaoyu covered his head with tears, but did not dare to speak.

Xue An smiled when she saw it, "Okay, Xiaosha, Xiaoyu didn't say anything wrong. The reason why she didn't bring Ying'er was because Qingqiu Fox Country was her home, and she couldn't run around all day. Right!"

While talking, Xingzhou slowly slowed down, and then stopped in the void. 678 Fiction

Immediately afterwards, Xingzhou opened the hatch, and then Mu Wushuang, the saint of Slaughter Temple, walked in.

Her appearance made Xiaosha nervous in an instant, and subconsciously blocked her thinking and thinking.

On the contrary, these two little girls looked innocent and looked at Mu Wushuang very curiously.

Mu Wushuang greeted Xue An respectfully, "My lord!"

Xue An nodded and said faintly: "Should I go directly to Shangqingshan or go back to your Slaughter Temple first?"

Mu Wushuang shook his head, "I have all the seals of the Slaughter Temple with me, so I don't have to go back."

"Okay, let's go directly to Shangqingshan!"

After all, Xingzhou slowly turned its direction, accelerated suddenly, directly smashed through the void and disappeared in place.


As the name suggests, it is a mountain.

But among the heavens, this name refers more to the sect of Shangqingshan.

As a veteran Xukong Dajiao, the history of Shangqingshan can even be traced back to ancient times.

Although during the period of ups and downs, it has always stood firm.

The Qianzong Xuanhui was held at Prajna Peak in Shangqing Mountain.

Shangqing Mountain is at least half a month away from the Yaozu territory where Xue An and others are now.

And this is still under the circumstance of rushing to the road with all strength, a short delay may take a month, which shows how far the distance is.

Therefore, Xue An did not delay, and directly drove the Xingzhou to the direction of Shangqingshan at the fastest speed.

On the way.

Mu Wushuang took out a seal and said to Xue An very solemnly: "My lord, since I want to pretend to be a disciple of the Temple of Slaughter, I can only wrong you first."

Xue An nodded, "Okay! Come on."

Mu Wushuang took a deep breath, released his hands, and the seal was suspended in the air.

Then her hands opened like lotus flowers, and a set of extremely complicated and dazzling hand decisions were made.

In an instant, the seal released a thousand rays of light, and then slowly rose to the top of Xue An's head.

A gleam of light enveloped Xue An and concealed his figure.

Mu Wushuang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But only a moment later, there was a bursting sound in this seal, and then cracks appeared.

Mu Wushuang was shocked and looked at the court in disbelief, "How is it possible? How could the seal break?"

But even though she didn't believe it, the fact still happened.

In an instant, this seal, which symbolized the authority of the Slaughter Temple, completely shattered and turned into powder.

The light burst soon and then quickly converged without a trace.

Then Xue An slowly walked out of it, and smiled at Mu Wushuang with a dull face.

"Sorry, your seal seems to be broken!"

While talking, Xue An's whole person began to change.

There was a slight change in his face, his eyebrows seemed to have become narrower, and there was a hint of holiness in his eyes.

At the same time, the temperament has also changed a little, no longer as gentle as jade, but a lot more sloppy.

Although these changes are very subtle, but combined, Xue An's whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Unless it is someone who knows Xue An very well, it will never be possible to recognize him again.

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