"Wow, the boss is changing alive?" Zhang Xiaoyu murmured in shock.

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Sha patted her on the head, "Don't talk nonsense! The master is obviously pretending to confuse others, understand?"

Zhang Xiaoyu shook his head, "I don't understand!"

"Just know you don't understand, so why not shut your mouth quickly?"

Zhang Xiaoyu immediately closed her mouth obediently, and stood behind Xiaosha not daring to speak.

It's just that she is now much taller than Xiaosha, who is like little Lolita, so when she stands so shyly, the picture is so funny and funny.

At this time, Mu Wushuang also awoke from the shock, and said, "If it is broken, it will be broken, as long as the adult is successful!"

Although she consumed a seal, her tone was full of joy.

Because this just proves how terrifying Xue An's strength is.

Otherwise, it will not just put a stamp on it and blow up the seal.

At this time, the two little girls, thinking and niannian, approached with curiosity, but some did not dare to step forward.

Xue An smiled when he saw this, "Why? Don't you know Dad?"

"Wow, Dad, it's really you, you look so handsome now!" Nian said with eyes full of little stars.

No matter when, this little girl will always be a loyal admirer of Xue An.

Compared to thinking about it, you have to be calmer, and even calmly said: "Nonsense, when is Dad not handsome?"

Everyone in Xingzhou was amused by these two little girls.

Xue An laughed even more, then bent over to hug the two daughters, "You two little guys, it's really dumbfounding!"


The two little girls hugged Xue An's neck and giggled for a while, then thought about it and said, "Dad, how long will we have to walk?"

"Don't worry, you will be here soon!" Xue An said with a smile, while looking at the fast passing stars beyond the porthole.

If you expand the star map of the heavens, you will find that this is an oval world.

The Shangqing Mountain is located in the upper left corner of the heavens. Because it is adjacent to the central star sea, the geographical position is very important, which makes it extremely prosperous.

Among other things, there are countless sects of all sizes, and Shangqingshan is the undoubted boss of this star field.

Because of the proximity of the Qianzong Xuanhui, the already prosperous Shangqing Star Region became more and more lively.

Every day there are countless star boats coming, and the sects from all sides are coming, even the air is filled with a smell of anxiety and excitement.

But to say the most prosperous and lively, it is the closest to Shangqing Mountain, and it is also the place where business roads must pass. It is known as the first city in the northwestern sky.

This city is named because of the purple spiritual fog that often appears in the sky. It is a rare sacred place for cultivation, but it is the Shangqing Mountain that really makes it famous, because this is where the Shangqing Mountain is located in the ordinary land. .

The combination of these factors has resulted in an extremely prosperous city.

As long as you can think of things in the heavens, you can buy them here.

At this moment, because of the Thousand Sect Profound Society, the number of visitors in Purple Mist City has increased several times in a short period of time.

For a while, the streets were full of powerful people from all sides. Someone joked that if you throw a brick on the street, you can hit at least three true immortal-level powerful people. What an unprecedented grand occasion.

Of course, those who are truly qualified to participate in the Qianzong Profound Society will naturally not appear on the street.

As early as a few years ago, Shangqingshan built hundreds of guesthouses and stations to welcome this event.

Every sect descendant who came here to participate in the Qianzong Xuanhui will be properly placed here.

Every day, there are countless young people stopping in front of these guesthouses, and then looking at these magnificent, heavenly buildings with incomparably enviable eyes, secretly making up their minds to redouble their efforts to fight for the thousands. Have a place in the Xuanhui.

In this frenetic atmosphere, the void of the Shangqing star field suddenly rippled, and then the Xingzhou of Xue An and others slammed out of it.

"Huh, it's finally here! My lord, the Purple Mist City of Shangqingshan is ahead!" Mu Wushuang said with excitement.

Xue An only glanced lightly at the huge planet outside the porthole, and then cast his gaze on the huge mountain as high as a pillar in the distance.

This big mountain stands in the depths of the void. It does not know how high it is above it, and how deep it is below it, just like a pillar of heaven before the beginning of heaven and earth, which is daunting.

Even so far apart, you can still feel the awe-inspiring power from this mountain.

Xue An's eyes narrowed slightly.


finally reached!

Xue An had been here in the previous life, but did not enter Shangqing Mountain in the end.

In this life, Xue An will enter the mountains and tie the "Jiaolong" with his hands.

"My lord!" Mu Wushuang noticed Xue An's strangeness and couldn't help but yelled softly.

Xue An narrowed his gaze, then took a deep breath and said lightly: "Let's go, enter the city."


Mu Wushuang was manipulating Xingzhou for more than half a month, so after hearing Xue An's instructions, she manipulated Xingzhou to turn around.

But just as the Xingzhou slowly turned and was about to accelerate forward, the void in front of him was suddenly smashed into a big hole, and then a plane was more than a few miles long, golden in color and full of sharp barbs. Xingzhou flew out of it.

The appearance of this star ark seemed to have been deliberately arranged, and it happened to be blocking the front of Xue An and their star ark.

Seeing that he was about to hit him, Mu Wushuang's body was shocked, and then he forced the Xingzhou to stop with his spiritual thoughts.

Xingzhou shuddered~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because of inertia, Xiaosha couldn't help but rushed forward a few steps.

As for Zhang Xiaoyu, because of the lightest weight and the weakest strength, he was flew out and fell to a solid body.

Mu Wushuang couldn't help but snorted, his face pale, and he obviously suffered some minor injuries.

Everyone couldn't help being angry now.

Especially Xiao Sha, she was furious.

"Fuck, this guy did it on purpose? Will he drive a star boat?"

But at this moment, the star boat seemed to be very proud of its behavior, deliberately shaking its tail a few times, and then flew forward arrogantly.

Xiaosha was even more angry when he saw this.

A dignified color appeared in Mu Wushuang's eyes, and then he whispered to Xue An, "My lord, if I admit that I am not mistaken, the star boat just now was the car of Chu Xiong, the descendant of Flying Tiger Hall."

"Oh? Feihutang? Are they here too?" Xue An's eyes lit up and said lightly.

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