Yuantong was shocked, and said in astonishment: "Goodness is good, the donor actually knows Uncle Yuecha?"

"Not only do you know, but also familiar, otherwise why do you think I have Buddha's breath?" Xue An said lightly.

Yuantong nodded.

The reason why he was willing to accept Xue An's invitation just now was because he felt that there was a trace of Buddha's breath in him, but it was extremely pure and vast.

"How is he now?" Xue An asked.

Yuantong sighed softly after hearing this, "It's true that Master Yue Sha has disappeared for a long time. Even Master doesn't know his whereabouts, and we have been looking for him."

"Missing?" Xue An was surprised.


Xue An looked contemplative.

This Yuesha was a buddha cultivator he met when he was cultivating. At that time, he was already an invisible great bodhisattva. Later, he moved straight into the ground and became a half-step immortal emperor.

But never expected that he, who possessed such a tyrannical strength, had disappeared.

This is really intriguing.

"Good, good, but who is the name of the adult?" Yuantong asked at this time.

Xue An did not hide it from him, because he knew very well that he could cultivate into an invisible Buddha, regardless of his strength, his character is absolutely no problem. From this point, Yuantong has just been willing to help a group of unrelated souls. The cause and effect can be seen.

"My name is Xue An, your master and uncle should have mentioned this name." Xue An said lightly.

When Yuantong heard these words, his body was shocked, and his eyes appeared astonished.

Even the greedy young man stopped his chopsticks at this time and raised his head to look at Xue An with bright eyes.

At the same time, the color of astonishment in Yuantong's eyes dissipated and replaced by eyes full of joy and admiration.

"Good, good, it turned out to be Lord Red Lotus Immortal. I have waited more than once to hear Master and Master mention you. I didn’t expect to meet you here, and I would accept your hospitality. It’s really disrespectful."

His younger brother Huitong looked at Xue An with admiration.

Xue An waved his hand, "You don't have to be so polite, I have a good relationship with your uncle, and it is only natural to have a treat. But why are you here?"

"Naturally come for the Thousand Sect Profound Society!"

"The Thousand Sects Profound Meeting?" Xue An was startled slightly, and then smiled, "Didn't your Dingchan Temple always do not ask about the affairs of the world? Why are you participating in this Thousand Sects Profound Association this time?"

Yuantong heard the words and shook his head with a wry smile, "Good is good, what the benefactor said is extremely true, to be honest, I have always had this doubt, but the master ordered me to wait, so the two of us had to bite the bullet and rush over. Up."

For Yuantong, who likes to have a quiet sex, he is reluctant to participate in the Qianzong Xuanhui.

It’s good to have time to meditate quietly on the mountain.

But helplessly, his master was the Master Yue Ji who presided over the Dingchan Temple, and the one who named them by name asked them to go down the mountain to participate in the Qianzong Xuanhui.

He had no choice but to come.

Of course, the younger brother Huitong was very happy to come out and play.

"It turned out to be the case, since it's here, let's take a look at this Thousand Sect Profound Society!" Xue An said with a smile.

Yuantong looked at Xue An with some doubts, "Master Honglian, why do you want to participate in this Thousand Sect Profound Association?"

"It's very simple, because some accounts need to be collected." Xue An said lightly.

Yuantong's heart tightened, then folded his palms together, and sighed, "Goodness is good."

The following words were not said.

Because he knew exactly what Xue An was talking about.

At this moment, the sky above Purple Mist City suddenly showed countless strange brilliance.

These brilliance are like rainbows, shining brightly across the night sky.

This spectacle naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the city.

"what is that?"

"Oh my god, how could this happen suddenly?"

The exclamation sounded one after another.

And at this moment, a huge fleet of cars suddenly smashed into the void and appeared in front of everyone.

Accompanied by that very powerful and powerful power.

Everyone was stunned, and then they saw the flags beginning to rise above the cars.

Qinghailou! Sunda wind boat! Thunder fire brake.......

There are so many sects, without exception, they are all top sects of the Void Great Sect.

And at the front of the team, on the most majestic car wheel, there was a big flag flying in the wind.

On the dark gold base fabric, three large characters were embroidered impressively.

Xuan Ming Ling!

After seeing these three words, everyone was shocked.

Someone even whispered with a dull face, "Xuan Ming Ling...It is the Xiao Tianjiao who is the number one on the jade list!"

In the white jade building.

Luo Rongjin, who was full of anger because of Gong Yunjun’s defection, was standing in front of the window and staring at the majestic chariot. The flames of jealousy and anger appeared in his eyes, and then he squeezed out from his teeth. In a word.

"Xiao Tiansha, you are finally here!"

That's right!

It was Xiao Tiansha who defeated the heroes in the last Thousand Sect Profound Association, won the first place, and eventually became the first person on the Jade List.


This peerless Tianjiao stood on the bow of the car in full vigor.

This is a tall young man in a dark golden dragon pattern robe.

He saw his long hair scattered, and there was only a golden hair band on his forehead, which made him even more expensive.

Standing with his hands behind him, his handsome and unmatched face was as calm as water, but his eyes were as vast as the sky, overlooking the masses at his feet.

The fierce wind was blowing his long hair, and a faint smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then said in a cold and noble voice like gold and jade: "There are so many acquaintances, it seems that this Qianzong Xuanhui The scale is bigger than last time!"

"How can there be more people? The leader this time will definitely be yours!"

As a soft and cold female voice came, beside him appeared a woman in white clothes and a white veil, but still could not hide the noble and cold appearance like a goddess~www.wuxiaspot.com~At this moment , There was a faint smile in her water-cut pupils.

Xiao Tiansha laughed loudly when he heard the words, and the laughter was full of high-spirited pride and madness.

"The girl of Nian really wins my heart! That's right, no matter how many people there are, the leader is still me!"

The woman smiled faintly, but did not speak.

And if there are other people present, they will definitely exclaim when they see this woman.

Because this cold and glamorous woman is a descendant of the Qianhe Palace, Fu Nianzhi, ranked eighth in the jade list, and known as the fairy of Qianhe.

On this trip, she actually came with Xiao Tiansha, which was enough to shock people.

At this moment, dozens of Huaguang suddenly swept across the sky, and came to this mighty caravan team. After standing still, the leader was an old man with a childlike face and hesitation.

"It's the Seventh Elder of Shangqing Mountain, he actually came out to greet him in person!" There was a commotion among the onlookers.

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