Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1914: Descendants of Shenhuagu

At this time, the Seventh Elder smiled and bowed his hands at Xiao Tiansha and the others, "The Seventh Elders of Shangqing Mountain welcome Young Master Xiao and you Tianjiao!"

Xiao Tian smiled faintly, then slightly nodded, "The Seventh Elders are so polite."

Even so, the words and gestures are full of indifferent, as if facing not the elders in the void, but an ordinary person.

The Seventh Elder didn't care at all, instead he smiled and said, "Guanyi is already ready, please come with me!"

With that, he turned around, personally led the way, and led everyone to the guesthouse post.

The mighty chariot left.

The crowd was still amazed.

But no one noticed that in a desolate and remote corner of Purple Mist City, a pair of wonderful eyes were looking at everything that happened in the sky with worry.

It wasn't until the chariot had already gone far that she lowered her eyes lightly, and then whispered softly: "My lord, these arrogances are coming so aggressively, you must... be careful!"

at the same time.

In that white jade building, the furious Luo Rongjin had broken more than a dozen vases.

"Asshole, why didn't this **** Seventh Elder come out to greet me when I first came? As a result, when Xiao Tiansha came here, he came out with a bullshit, he clearly despised me!"

No one dared to speak. All the people who followed Luo Rongjin stood silently.

Luo Rongjin's face was distorted because of anger, and gritted his teeth and said: "The dog looks at the low-level dog things, but it just feels that Xiao Tiansha won the first place in the last Thousand Sect Profound Association. What's so great? ?"

"The last Thousand Sects Profound Meeting I was unable to participate because of retreat practice. This time I must step on Xiao Tiansha and everyone under my feet. I want everyone to know that I am the strongest when I fall into Rongjin. of."

In the end, Luo Rongjin's eyes were blood red, and he roared almost hysterically.

And in the post where the Slaughter Temple is located.

Many people have a solemn face.

Mu Wushuang's eyes almost burst into flames, gritted his teeth and said, "My lord, that was Xiao Tiansha just now."

Xue An said lightly: "I know, the strength is good, and I should have proved Dao Immortal King."


When Xue An said this, everyone in the room was shocked.

Especially Mu Wushuang, who was shocked all over, said in shock: "You said he is already the fairy king?"

Xue An nodded, "That's right, because the power of the law in his body is overflowing and he is uncontrollable. It can be seen that he is the immortal king who has just proclaimed the Tao, and he can't fully control his strength. "

Mu Wushuang's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, and he almost desperately said: "The Immortal King...he is already the Immortal King. Doesn't it mean that it is impossible to punish him and avenge him?"

When she said this, her tone was extremely low.

Because all the heavens know that once you become an immortal king, it is basically equivalent to having a death-free gold medal.

Unless the strength surpasses a level, or the strong at the same level is willing to pay a painful price, it is absolutely impossible to completely kill it.

Xue An laughed when he heard the words, "Who said you can't get revenge?"

Mu Wushuang was shocked and looked at Xue An in astonishment, "My lord, you mean..."

"I didn't come this time to watch the excitement. Since I came, I always have to charge some interest first, and these so-called arrogances are the first!"

As soon as he said this, Mu Wushuang couldn't help taking a breath.

Because of Xue An's words, the tone was too loud.

He clearly wanted to kill Xiao Tiansha and other Tianjiao all at once, but is this really possible?

Even if Xue An used to be the Immortal Venerable, but now he is reincarnated and reborn, and has just recovered the strength of the Immortal King, can he really deal with so many powerful men?

In fact, if this was something other people said, Mu Wushuang would definitely sneer.

But speaking from Xue An, it seemed so natural.

at the same time.

Xue An suddenly turned around and walked to the side of the greedy teenager.

At this time, the greedy teenager did not sit at the table and feasted as usual, but stood blankly in front of the window, looking at the night sky outside, his eyes full of pain.

Xue An said lightly: "Have you finished watching? Everyone has already left."

The young man lowered his head and said nothing.

Xue An patted his shoulder lightly, and said lightly: "Well, no matter what hatred you have, you can bravely retaliate when you reach the Thousand Sect Profound Society, instead of hiding here and complaining about yourself, understand?"

The boy shook all over, then raised his head to look at Xue An.

Xue An looked at him with a smile.

The boy's eyes gradually became firmer, and finally nodded, "My name is Cen Yuanhe, thank you."

"Cen Yuanhe? Are you the inexhaustible genius of Shenhuagu?" Mu Wushuang asked in surprise.

Cen Yuanhe nodded, then laughed at himself, "I can't be called a genius, but I'm just an idiot who is played around by a woman."

Mu Wushuang hesitated to speak, and finally sighed, then stopped talking.

Everyone understands that there must be a story, but since the person involved is unwilling to tell it, it is naturally difficult for others to ask deeply.

However, Zhang Xiaoyu said with a dazed expression: "What do you mean? This boy with a rice bucket is actually very powerful?"

Xiaosha rolled her eyes and didn't bother to talk to her.

On the contrary, the monk Huitong on the side liked the little octopus very much. He smiled and said, “Of course it’s amazing. The God Painting Valley was the Great Master of the Stars. Although it has fallen a lot now, it is also the top sect in the void. !"

"Although I have lived in Dingchan Temple for a long time, I have also heard of this little brother's name. He was taught by the last painting sage Wu Qidao. He proclaimed Daluo at the age of 30. This is the historical evidence of God Painting Valley. Daluo, the youngest person, is a master of painting with one hand, and he is regarded as an unparalleled arrogant with boundless future."

"But then for some reason, he suddenly disappeared, and all kinds of deeds are even rarer. He didn't even participate in the last Thousand Sect Profound Association. Some people said that he had made mistakes in his cultivation, and his people had been abandoned. But now It seems there must be hidden secrets in it!"

Monk Huitong sighed lightly, his face full of vicissitudes of maturity.

This little trick to attract the attention of girls is extremely clumsy.

But Zhang Xiaoyu didn't notice it at all. Instead, he looked at this Huitong in amazement and couldn't help but say.

"How do you know so much?"

"Haha!" Huitong smiled reservedly and said indifferently: "Sorry, I was also a peerless genius in Dingchan Temple back then. Even the master once praised me personally. This kind of trivial matter naturally can't help me!"

Zhang Xiaoyu showed starry eyes and said admiringly: "Wow, you are so amazing!"

"Cough cough, I won the prize, it's actually just average!" Huitong said with a calm expression, but his heart was full of pride.

But Zhang Xiaoyu's next sentence directly knocked him back to his original form.

Just listen to Zhang Xiaoyu said: "It's a pity that I became a monk at a young age. I guess I won't be able to marry a wife in this life!"

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