When she walked in, the noisy outfield instantly became much quieter.

Although he didn't make it into the infield, those who can appear here are all strong players who can be called.

So many people recognize Mu Wushuang at a glance.

Facing so many surprised eyes, Mu Wushuang was expressionless, but strode towards the infield.

As soon as she left, the outfield exploded.

"Fuck, I'm not mistaken, this Slaughter Temple saint dare to come here? What is she trying to do?"

"Haha, don't you understand this? It is estimated that I heard that Young Master Xiao is here, so I wanted to come over and retell the old feelings!" Someone sneered.

"No, doesn't it mean that Mu Wushuang hates Young Master Xiao so deeply?"

"Cut, it's all pretending. This Mu Wushuang is not stupid at all. Regardless of her performance, she actually understands better than anyone else. If the Qianzongxuan Society was not helped by others, she would definitely be ranked first. One is eliminated."

"So she came to seek help from the young master?"

"Yes! It must be so."

There was a lot of discussion in the field for a while, but without exception, they were all malicious speculations about Mu Wushuang.

at the same time.

Mu Wushuangye has entered the infield.

After seeing her pale, many Tianjiao couldn't help putting down their wine glasses.

Xiao Tiansha saw her at a glance.

After seeing Mu Wushuang, who was better than before, Xiao Tiansha couldn't help showing a look of greed in the depths of his eyes, but he soon hid it deeply.

Because this Qianhe fairy Fu Nianzhi is just aside.

Compared to Mu Wushuang, this Fu Nianzhi is too strong in both his birth and cultivation, so the elders of Xuan Ming Ling will unanimously agree to let him and Fu Nianzhi become a priest as soon as possible.

At this time, Fu Nianzhi's face was even more smiling, but even though she was smiling, there was a faint chill in her pair of Qiushui eyes.

At this moment, Mu Wushuang had already walked to the table of both of them.

When she got close, she saw the hand held by Xiao Tiansha and Fu Nianzhi at a glance, her pupils contracted slightly, and then she gave a cold snort.

"What are you calling me over for?"

Xiao Tiansha chuckled, "Miss Mu, after a hundred years, I didn't expect your style to be better than before!"

Upon hearing this, Mu Wushuang's eyes burst into bitter hatred, and gritted his teeth: "Xiao Tiansha, I don't want to hear you talk nonsense. I just want to know, what do you want to do?"

"It's very simple. Recently, there have been rumors about those things that year. I think it is necessary to make a clarification. After all, I have established a relationship with Nianzhi Girl. These words have been spread a lot, and it is also a kind of Nianzhi Girl. hurt."

"Clarification? Clarify what?" Mu Wushuang was taken aback.

Xiao Tiansha hehe smiled, "Naturally clarify that there is no relationship between you and me. Even the dew love relationship back then is your wish and I can't blame anyone. What do you think?"


As soon as this sentence came out, there was a commotion in the audience.

People are all dumbfounded.

Those who can appear here are not fools. Everyone knows what is going on here.

But no one would have thought that Xiao Tiansha would say it so straightforwardly, and even so brazenly denying it.

Mu Wushuang was even more stunned.

She thought about many possibilities, but she didn't expect such a situation.

The person who set up a trap to deceive his Yuanyin, now triumphantly said that it was just a marriage of "you love me".

I also need to clarify in public to prevent harm to my new girlfriend.

It's as if a robber took your money, and after a few years he came back and said that his business failed because of your money, and then he asked you to pay compensation.

The logic of the robbers here is as simple as an unimaginable situation.

Then Mu Wushuang began to tremble.

Not because of excitement, but because of extreme anger.

This anger even made her not even know what to say, she could only look at Xiao Tiansha with a flushed face.

At this moment, Fu Nianzhi, who was sitting by the side, stood up suddenly, walked up to Mu Wushuang, circled her twice, and then laughed.

"You look pretty good, no wonder Young Master liked you back then, but Mu Wushuang..."

Fu Nianzhi said softly, a cruel and excited light appeared in his eyes.

"If you think what you can do if you have **** with the young master, then you are wrong. This time the Thousand Sect Profound Association, the young master will never help you, so if you are smart, take advantage of it now Leave obediently, otherwise..."

Fu Nianzhi sneered, "I can't guarantee what will happen to the Qianzong Profound Society."

Hearing Fu Nianzhi's words, Mu Wushuang, who was originally extremely angry, suddenly calmed down, and his flushed cheeks calmed down as before, and then said coldly.

"Are you threatening me?"

Fu Nianzhi shook his head, smiling like a flower: "You are wrong, this is not a threat, I'm just talking about a very common little thing."

"After all, in my eyes, you are just a pretty ant!"

The audience was quiet enough to hear breathing.

Mu Wushuang stared at Fu Nianzhi, and suddenly sneered, "You said that I am a pretty ant, then what are you? Consciously noble, but actually an unbearable plaything?"

As soon as these words came out, Fu Nianzhi's expression changed, and he slapped his hand when he raised his hand.


Fu Nianzhi's strength was far better than Mu Wushuang, so this slap directly slapped Mu Wushuang back several steps, and then half of his cheeks swelled, bleeding down the corners of his mouth.

"What are you? You dare to talk to me like that?" Fu Nianzhi's charming face was full of viciousness.

Mu Wushuang suddenly laughed, and the laughter grew louder and louder. In the end, the sad laughter even enveloped the entire station~www.wuxiaspot.com~What do you think I am? Then I will tell you, I am the saint of the Slaughter Temple, and you are not saying that I am here to participate in the Thousand Sect Profound Society because I want to rely on Xiao Tiansha's strength to win the rankings? I will tell you now, you are wrong! "

Mu Wushuang's eyes shot out incomparably bright brilliance, "I am here not only for revenge, but also for the first place in the sect!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was startled at first, and then a lot of people screamed out for joy.

Fu Nianzhi even sneered again and again, "It seems that my slap slapped your head, and I was talking nonsense, and I was vying for the first place in the sect. What a big tone! With these words, you It's time to fight!"

With that, Fu Nianzhi stepped forward again, with a sullen face, he wanted to do it again.

But at this moment, a calm voice came from outside the door.

"Miss Mu, you just talked about it, why did you turn here?"

With the words, everyone felt a flower in front of them, and then a young man in white appeared in front of them.

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