Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1917: I ask again, who beat her!

There was a commotion in the audience.

Mu Wushuang looked at Xue An blankly, his eyes full of consternation.

She had never expected that Xue An would actually appear here.

As for Fu Nianzhi, her expression even sank, but after taking a closer look at Xue An, she couldn't help but sneer.

"who are you?"

Xue An ignored her at all, but looked at Mu Wushuang quietly.

At this time, Mu Wushuang, although the injury on his face was recovering, there were still traces of swelling and blood on the corners of his mouth still existed.

"What? Didn't you hear me talking to you?" Fu Nianzhi raised his voice.

At this moment, Xue An suddenly said indifferently: "Who did it?"


As soon as this remark came out, the audience was silent.

Fu Nianzhi couldn't help being stunned.

Xue An raised his head and said in a calm tone: "I'll ask again, who beat her!"

This was a commotion in the audience.

Many people whispered and began to whisper.

"Who is this person? Why have you never seen it?"

"Yeah, so good!"

"I heard that it was foreign aid invited by the Slaughter Temple."

"Hehe, a small foreign aid dared to speak like this on such an occasion. I really don't know how great the world is."

"Yes, wait for a good show, Fairy Qianhe and Young Master Xiao will not let him go."

Many people looked at Xue An with the same gazes as they looked at the dead.

Fu Nianzhi also regained consciousness at this time, even if he was furious.

Because she was shocked to discover that she had just been taken aback by the aura of the "unremarkable" white-clothed boy in front of her.

Especially when he questioned himself, that kind of coercion made her feel a trace of fear.

It was this fear that made her feel infinite humiliation.

It's a shame to be shocked by a kid who didn't know where to jump out.

So she was very angry and smiled: "Boy, I was the one who beat me, what are you doing?"

"Did you fight?" Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly.

Fu Nianzhi raised his head very arrogantly, "Yes, it was I who beat her, and I not only beat her once, but in the future I see her beat her once, why? Do you have an opinion?"

When he said this, Fu Nianzhi's beautiful face was full of bitterness and arrogance.

Xue An lowered his head and chuckles when he heard the words, "I don't have any opinions, but..."

"Just what?" Fu Nianzhi sneered.

"It's just... I don't usually do anything with women, but you are an exception."

Following the voice, Xue An suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Fu Nianzhi's neck.

Before Fu Nianzhi had time to react, he was pinched firm by Xue An.

The audience shook instantly.

Xiao Tiansha suddenly stood up and said angrily: "Boy, what do you want to do? Let go of it."

He said he rushed forward.

Xue An was unmoved, his arm motionless like a mountain, then pinched Fu Nianzhi, and slowly lifted her into the air.

Fu Nianzhi's face gradually flushed, turning from red to purple, trembling all over, and finally there was a look of horror in his eyes.

At the same time, Xue An slowly raised the corners of his mouth, raising his eyes towards Xiao Tian who was about to rush to the front.

"Believe it or not, if you take a step forward, her head will say goodbye to her."

Xiao Tiansha immediately stopped where he was, looking at Xue An with cold eyes, "My friend, I hope you better understand your situation now, and don't make radical moves with your head, so to whom It's not good, what do you think?"

Xue An's smile did not change, "That's good, so don't get excited!"

"You..." Xiao Tiansha's face changed.

But Xue An ignored him at all. Instead, she turned her head and rushed to Mu Wushuang and said, "Miss Mu, I am always the most reasonable person. Since she just slapped her, then you should slap her ten times. It should be enough, what do you think?"

This statement came out.

Not only was everyone dumbfounded, even Mu Wushuang was a little stunned.

"what did you say?"

Xue An showed her white teeth and smiled Senran: "I told you to slap her! Understand?"

Looking at the smile on Xue An's face, Mu Wushuang suddenly showed infinite courage, and then nodded, "I understand."

After that, he strode forward.

At this time, Fu Nianzhi's face was black because of his limited cultivation level and obstructed qi and blood.

But her consciousness was still sober, and she had heard what she said just now, so when she saw Mu Wushuang walking towards her, she couldn't help showing fear in her eyes, and she was struggling constantly.

Xiao Tiansha was even more furious, "Mu Wushuang, I think you dare to..."

Mu Wushuang glanced at him with a face like ice, "Of course I dare!"

After all, she raised her hand and slapped Fu Nianzhi's face.


This slap fan is extremely cruel.

Half of Fu Nianzhi's face instantly swelled, and the corners of his mouth and nostrils began to bleed out.

Xue An chuckled, "This is the first time, and there are nine more!"

Mu Wushuang didn't answer, but clenched his teeth, waved his hands and fanned.

Fu Nianzhi let out a miserable and bitter scream.

All the Tianjiao powerhouses in the audience were even more silent.

Xiao Tiansha was almost mad.

After all, Fu Nianzhi is the woman he has been pursuing, and now the outside world has regarded it as his own woman.

But now, her own woman was slapped in the face in front of everyone.

How could this make him stand.

But he dared not move.

Because he could clearly feel the killing intent from Xue An.

He had no doubt that if he really dared to make a difference, the young man in white would chop Fu Nianzhi's neck without hesitation.

He could only watch this scene with a bitter expression on his face and roar in his heart.

I must kill this guy, definitely!

at this time.

After all ten slaps were slapped, Mu Wushuang stopped and took a step back.

Look at Fu Nianzhi at this no longer looks as beautiful as before, and his cheeks are swollen like a pig's head, and he bleeds down the corners of his mouth and nose. That look is simply more hideous. More ferocious.

The whole audience could hear even a needle falling into the ground.

Many people didn't even dare to breathe for a while, looking at all this with anxiety.

Because even the dull people can feel the anger that is about to burst out of Xiao Tiansha.

People believe that once this anger bursts out, the consequences will be devastating.

At the same time, several elders in Shangqingshan glanced at each other secretly, and then someone quietly retreated.

Immediately afterwards, many masters of Shangqingshan appeared around the Guanyi, surrounding the place.

An undercurrent began to surge.

But Xue An seemed to be unaware of everything, and instead looked indifferent.

At this time, Xiao Tianshaqiang suppressed the anger in his heart and said coldly: "Now you can put people down!"

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