Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1918: Teach you women how to respect

At the same time, he was also ready, as long as the white-clothed boy in front of him let go of Fu Nianzhi. Then he would immediately send a thunder blow, let this guy know what he will end up offending. Xue An smiled slightly, and didn't pay attention to Xiao Tiansha at all. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Mu Wushuang, "Miss Mu, do you feel out of breath?" Mu Wushuang gave Fu Nianzhi and Xiao Tiansha a deep look, and then he went. Nodded. "It's better to feel vented." As he said, Xue An turned around and faced Fu Nianzhi's spiteful gaze that was almost condensed into substance. As the descendant of Qianhe Palace, she has never suffered such a loss. Not only was he humiliated in public, but he also slapped him ten times. How could she swallow the bad breath in her chest with such a shame. So at this moment, Fu Nianzhi wanted to take Xue An alive. Even if her cheeks were swollen like a pig's head, and her eyes were squeezed into a gap, one could still clearly see the resentment in her eyes. Xue An didn't even lift his eyelids, but said indifferently: "I know you really want to kill me, but you have to understand that this is just a small lesson. If there is another time..." Xue An Senran smiled, "I will make you regret coming to this world, understand?" Somehow, when seeing the smile on Xue An's face, Fu Nianzhi trembled all over, and the original anger and killing intent dissipated like ice and snow. Instead, there was a deep tremor, and a look of fear appeared in his eyes. Xue An nodded in satisfaction, then raised his eyes to look at Xiao Tiansha who was about to be mad, and said lightly: "This woman is yours?" Xiao Tiansha's face was pale and nodded. "I taught her a little bit for you, let her learn how to respect someone, don't have to thank me, this is what I should do." Xue An said with a smile. The brilliance in Xiao Tiansha's eyes was prosperous, his face was no longer ashen, but a faint green light was emitted. That kind of horrible aura of choosing people to eat has caused many people to retreat again and again. "Can you let her go now?" Xiao Tiansha gritted his teeth and shouted in a low voice. He was afraid that he could not control it and rushed forward desperately, so he could only restrain himself in this way. Xue An laughed, "Of course." Xiao Tiansha's eyes lit up. Because at this moment, several elders from Shangqingshan had quietly appeared among the crowd behind Xue An, and winked at him. The meaning is very obvious. The entire post has been laid out, and this young man in white clothes can hardly escape now with his wings. But just with his distraction, Xue An suddenly pointed at Mu Wushuang, and a sword light flew into Mu Wushuang's body. Immediately afterwards, Xue An threw Fu Nianzhi out of his hand like throwing garbage, and then turned into a sword light with Mu Wushuang and rose into the sky. In an instant, a big hole was blasted out of the roof of Guanyi. The several elders of Shangqingshan who were deploying defenses in the sky were too late to react, and the two sword lights had passed through the lines of defense and then disappeared. The audience was in an uproar. Xiao Tiansha rushed up first and hugged Fu Nianzhi. At this time, Fu Nianzhi, because of the sealed qi and blood suddenly unraveled, he was dizzy and could not even stand steady. But even so, she still hissed and screamed: "Quickly chase, I will smash these two guys into pieces!" Xiao Tiansha was equally angry and flew from the big hole on the roof. In the air, then they have to chase Xue An. But at this moment, a laughter full of gleeful misfortune came from not far away. "Oh, Young Master Xiao, what's the matter with you? Why do you not eat the banquet properly, but make your face full of murderousness?" Following the voice, I saw several beautiful concubines carrying a soft slave The sky flew over in the distance. Above the soft collapse was Luo Rongjin who smiled so much that he narrowed his eyes. When he saw him, Xiao Tiansha's expression changed, and even if he said coldly, "Luo Rongjin, you are behind the scenes in this matter?" "What's the matter? Xiao Tiansha, don't you? Wrong person, I heard that you are here, and I came here to attend the reception banquet. "Although she said that, the smile on Luo Rongjin's face was naked and did not conceal it. In fact, if possible, Luo Rongjin really wanted to laugh three times now. Because he knew everything that happened just now at the banquet. Not surprisingly, Luo Rongjin also has his own contacts. Xiao Tiansha's people were among those who attended this reception banquet. In the scene that just happened, someone secretly broadcasted it to him through the water mirror method. When I saw Xiao Tiansha, who had always been arrogant and domineering, deflated, but couldn't even say a hard word. Luo Rongjin was almost so happy. "Damn, this kid dared to hurt people in front of me at the banquet. It seems that he is really tough. Even Xiao Tiansha dares to be tough and admire!" Luo Rongjin repeatedly "admired" Tao. After Xue An and Mu Wushuang turned into sword lights and flew away, Luo Rongjin ran over quickly. Because he wanted to laugh at Xiao Tiansha face to face. "The surname is Luo, you let me go now, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!" Xiao Tiansha roared angrily. "Hehe, Xiao, you don't need to shout loudly, you can do it!" At this, Luo Rongjin sneered, and then looked at the Seventh Elder of Shangqing Mountain with a bad look. "Seventh Elder, the thousand sects of the Profound Society have not yet opened, and people have already fought, what should we do according to the rules?" "This..." The seventh elder suddenly made a difficult situation. "Luo Rongjin, what do you mean?" Xiao Tiansha was almost mad. Why is everyone against him today? Luo Rongjin It’s meaningless, I just want to remind you that the Temple of Slaughter is also here to participate in the Thousand Sect Profound Society. If you dare to do it now, then you have violated the rules and the result will be the result. How, you weigh.... "After that, Luo Rongjin stepped aside and made a gesture of begging. Xiao Tian's face turned pale, and then he was stunned. Because what Luo Rongjin said was indeed true. If he really went to find it now. The trouble of the Slaughter Temple, then don’t want to participate in this Thousand Sect Profound Society. Although it is secretly proceeding, no one will dare to touch him. But Luo Rongjin’s words are equivalent to giving things to him. It's on the bright side. Luo Rongjin couldn't help being even more proud when he saw this. He hehe smiled and said: "So Young Master Xiao, this matter is more serious, or you should weigh it yourself. It seems that I am the wine of today. Can't drink anymore, goodbye! "After that, he laughed and turned and left. Xiao Tiansha stood there, his face was blue and white, and finally gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Then let you live two more days, and then wait. The Thousand Sect Profound Society of Japan, I am the first one to die! "

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