After that, he turned and left. This wind reception banquet came to an end in this extremely dramatic way. Then the news spread at a terrifying speed, and everyone who heard it was shocked. "Tsk tusk, the foreign aid invited by the Slaughter Temple this year is really tough. He actually dared to face Gang Xiao Tiansha, and beat Fairy Qianhe, not to mention anything else, just this courage is enough People are admiring." Someone exclaimed. "Hehe, it's just a fluke. Because of the rules, Young Master Xiao can't do it now, but after the Thousand Sect Profound Society, I don't believe this guy can have such good luck!" Someone sneered. "But why don't I think this thing is so simple? This boy hasn't been able to find out who he is?" Someone looked suspicious. There is everything to say at a time. And at this moment, in the post of Feihutang, Chu Xiong said solemnly: "Remove all those who are monitoring the Slaughter Temple!" "Young Hall Master, are you not monitoring it?" It will soon cease to exist. What are you still watching?" "Understood!" After his subordinates left, Chu Xiong thought for a long time, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes. He didn't expect that the young man in white clothes he hadn't considered at all was so powerful that even Young Master Xiao dared to offend him. But no matter how powerful it is, if you offend Xiao Tiansha, it is equivalent to death! And the originally complicated situation has become even more turbulent because of the storm. But just when the undercurrent is surging. But there was surprisingly calm in the post of Slaughter Temple. Xue An didn't say anything after receiving Mu Wushuang back, but said indifferently: "Okay, go back and take a good rest. Everything will be discussed at the Thousand Sect Profound Society in the future." Mu Wushuang nodded heavily, and then He turned and left. She didn't speak during the whole process because she was afraid that she could not help crying again with her mouth open. Xue An looked at her back, smiled faintly, and then turned and left. The following day, the entire Ziwu City was surprisingly calm, and even the Baiyu Tower, which had always been lively and lively every night, became much deserted. Everyone seemed to feel something, even the arrogant monks who were usually arrogant, at this time also obediently hid in their own post and did not dare to show their heads. In this atmosphere, the Thousand Sect Profound Society finally opened! Wait till this day. Countless people who came to watch the excitement have surrounded the Prajna Peak. Even more powerful has established a water mirror array, spreading the scene on Prajna Peak to everywhere in real time. The first to enter are the major sects of Void Dajiao. In fact, there is no strict standard among the heavens to divide the sect. People generally use the two standards of Void Dajiao and Xinghai Dajiao to divide the strength of the sect. The influence of the sect can reach a star field, and those who have a certain reputation in the heavens can be called Void Dajiao. Xinghai Dajiao is much stricter. It means that the influence of the sect has spread to all star regions, and there are at least a few top immortal kings in the door, and even the sect of the ancient immortal emperor. And such sects, even in the heavens, are not many. Therefore, the Thousand Sect Profound Society actually has the most number of descendants of these Void Great Sects. Even so, the strength of these descendants is still good, many have reached the standard of a half-step immortal king, and what is more, only one step is short to enter the realm of the immortal king. At this moment, in front of so many people in the heavens, these people naturally have the meaning of showing off. Therefore, when they appeared on the stage, they were simply brilliant, and the way they appeared on the stage was also varied, including those who stepped on the void, shrank into an inch, and stepped up to the Prajna Peak, and also flew directly to the top of the mountain with wind and thunder. In short, each showed his abilities and attracted the audience's exclamation. At this moment, I saw two monks, one big and one small, step by step, coming from the sky from afar. "Buddha cultivator! It's the Buddha cultivator who shot at the Guanyi that night!" Someone recognized Yuantong and Huitong and exclaimed. Many well-informed people narrowed their eyes slightly. "Buddha cultivators never participated in these Thousand Sect Profound Associations in previous years. What happened this year?" "Yes, and both of them are extremely powerful. The one in front is already a golden Buddha!" ​​Amidst the comments, Yuantong Hehuitong has already ascended to the top of Prajna Peak. This high platform was built by the great efforts of all the people of Shangqing Mountain. It seems to be unremarkable. You will find that this platform is so vast after you climb it. Yuantong led his younger brother to sit directly in the corner of the ring, and then began to meditate with his eyes closed. This also disappointed many of the descendants of the sect who wanted to go forward and get close. At this moment, the chariot of Feihutang also arrived, and Chu Xiong, the descendant of Feihutang, stepped out of the chariot, and the moment he appeared with great momentum, he attracted many people's attention. In terms of strength, Feihutang is somewhere between Xukong Dajiao and Xinghai Dajiao, and this Chuxiong has also achieved good results in the last Thousand Sect Profound Association, which naturally attracted many people to exclaim. But he has always been arrogant, but this time he was surprisingly low-key. He didn't even say a word, but found a corner and sat down. His silence also infected many people. People began to wait silently. Soon, there were more and more people, many of whom were experts from Xinghai University. Many onlookers couldn't help but marvel upon seeing this. "The scale of this session of the Thousand Sects Profound Conference is much larger than that of the previous one!" As soon as the voice fell, I saw a group of extremely arrogant chariots driving straight to the front of Prajna Peak, and then there was that beautiful maid holding a red carpet from the air. Placed on the ring. Luo Rongjin stepped down from the soft collapse, stepped on the red carpet and stepped onto the ring step by step. This way of playing is simply incredible. But no one dared to show the slightest ridicule. Luo Rongjin glanced at everyone present and couldn't help snorting coldly. Then someone dragged him to the top of the ring. Luo Rongjin leaned back and waited finally. Just when the crowd was slightly commotion. A large number of streamers flew straight to the sky above Prajna Peak, and then saw Xiao Tiansha leading many people to the field. His appearance caused a sensation in the audience. "This is the number one of the last Thousand Sect Profound Association, Xiao Tiansha, who was at the top of the jade list!" "His, such a strong momentum!" At this moment, Xiao Tiansha's face was sinking, with a slight smile on his face. Owe bong. And beside him, is the fairy Qianhe Fu Nianzhi. At this time, Fu Nianzhi, the wound on his face had naturally healed. But somehow, people who have seen the scene of receiving the wind banquet always feel that her charming face is unspeakably awkward. "Is anyone here yet?" Xiao Tiansha said coldly. Although he didn't say it, people knew who he was asking. Someone shook his head, "Not yet!"

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