Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1921: 1 White clothes wins snow, full of pride like...

Immediately afterwards, an ugly paintbrush suddenly appeared in Cen Yuanhe's other hand.

Cen Yuanhe held a pen in his hand and drew in the air quickly.

The speed is dazzling.

In an instant, a mighty ghost and **** appeared in mid-air.

When Cen Yuan and the last touch of pen touched two points in the eyes of the ghost, the ghost suddenly began to swell rapidly, and the power of the body also increased.

In the blink of an eye, the deity who was just a painting appeared alive in front of everyone.

This very mysterious scene stunned everyone.

Someone murmured softly with a dull expression, "If the writing comes true, if there is divine help! Has the strength of this Cen Yuanhe actually reached this level?"

at the same time.

This Xie Gaohan was also shocked, but immediately he calmed down, "It's just a mere illusion, and dare to be presumptuous in front of me and die for me!"

As he said, he slapped it again.

Qinghailou's intensive cultivation of water system Taoism, this palm is more of its essence, and it seems that there is a huge sea smashing down, which is awe-inspiring.

But Cen Yuanhe didn't even blink his eyelids.

Because at this moment, the **** of young crop fangs suddenly roared, and then a trident appeared in his hand, and then he stabs forward.


The two collided, and Xie Gaohan snorted, and was directly shaken out of the distance, and the boundless sea power also dispersed.

But this **** obviously did not let go of his plan, and suddenly took a step forward, roared, and smashed with a halberd.

Xie Gaohan was now shocked to the point that his whole body was surging with blood, and he was unable to avoid it. He could only watch the halberd stabbing at him, and his eyes could not help but appear astonished.

But at this moment, Xiao Tiansha, who had been standing by and silent, suddenly shot.

I saw him suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the trident, and then coldly shouted: "Dare to hurt people in front of my face, do you really think I'm squeezed?"

Following the voice, his hand suddenly hardened.


This trident was crushed by Shengsheng, and then Xiao Tiansha's other hand was directly printed on the chest of the god.

The **** screamed, and then was directly blasted into powder with a crisp sound of khaka.

Cen Yuanhe turned pale and couldn't help but stepped back.

Xiao Tiansha walked forward with a murderous expression on his face.

But at this moment, Luo Rongjin, who had been watching a good show next to him, suddenly laughed.

"Xiao Tiansha, you do not comply with the rules!"

Xiao Tiansha suddenly turned around, staring at Luo Rongjin, gritted his teeth and said: "Luo Rongjin, it's you again. Last time you said I was not in compliance with the rules, I recognized it. Now the Thousand Sects Profound Association has been held, where am I not in compliance anymore. ?"

Luo Rongjin smiled, his heart was almost full of joy.

What he likes most is seeing Xiao Tiansha eaten up, so he doesn't get angry when he asks him about it, instead he says with a smile.

"Yes, the Thousand Sect Profound Association was held, but the ring hasn't started yet. You are going to hurt people now. It's not good anyway!"

"You..." Xiao Tiansha was really stunned.

Luo Rongjin turned his head and looked at the elders of Shangqingshan in the distance.

"You said I was right?"

These elders glanced at each other, and then one of the elders stepped forward and said: "The Lord of the Hall of Fall is right, and the ring has not officially started yet, because there are still people in the Hall of Slaughter."

Xiao Tiansha was furious, "When will we have to wait? Could it be that if the guy from the Slaughter Temple doesn't come, we will have to wait one day?"

"Young Master Xiao calmed down his anger." The elder smiled, then raised his hand to take out a stick of fragrance, lit it and put it on the ground.

"This has happened in previous years. Naturally, it is impossible for so many people to wait for him, so now as long as this column of fragrance is burned, the Thousand Sect Profound Society can officially begin."


All the eyes of the audience focused on the delicate fragrance of this column with a smoky smoke.

Mu Wushuang's heart instantly became tense.

Because she didn't know where Xue An had gone, and she was not sure whether he would come.

In fact, since last night, Mu Wushuang has never seen Xue An's shadow.

He seemed to disappear suddenly, even when he set out in the morning, there was no word from him.

At that time, Mu Wushuang thought that Xue An was going to do his own business first, and he didn't care too much.

Because she believes Xue An will never miss the appointment.

But by this time, the faith in her heart suddenly wavered.

Sir, where are you?

If you can't arrive before this column of fragrance burns out, then you can't participate in this Thousand Sect Profound Meeting!

Mu Wushuang shouted anxiously in his heart, but couldn't show it on his face, he could only watch silently.

The fragrance burned down little by little, and it was already halfway through, but there was still no shadow of Xue An.

The audience began to gradually restless.

People are even whispering.

"Hehe, what am I talking about, that kid must not dare to come."

"Tsk tusk, this Mu Wushuang has been miserable now. Whether he can save his life is still a question!"

Even Huitong, who had been meditating cross-legged in the corner, couldn't help but say at this time: "Brother, Guren-sama, isn't it really going to stop here?"

Yuantong smiled and didn't even open his eyes. "Don't worry, as long as Mr. Gulian promises, he will definitely do it."

at the same time.

Looking at Mu Wushuang who was pale, Fu Nianzhi suddenly giggled.

"Mu Wushuang, what do you want me to say about you? Isn't it okay to admit defeat? I have to believe in a brat who doesn't know where he popped out. It's all right now, and even I've been taken in. Do you think it's worth it? ?"

Mu Wushuang's face sank like water, without a word, just staring at that Zhu Qingxiang.

The incense gradually burned out, and her heart rose to her throat.

Finally, seeing that there was only the last trace of the fragrance, the elders of Shangqingshan nodded to each other, and then one of them took a step forward and opened his mouth.

"The incense has burned out, I declare that the Thousand Sect Profound Society is now..."

The beginning of the next word has not been said yet.

A wisp of white feathers of sword light swept across the air at an extremely fast speed, and then cut off the pillar of fragrance on the ground.

Immediately after I heard a calm voice coming from far away.

"Don't worry, I'm here!"

Words fall.

A white light crashed down, and after the light dissipated, it was Xue An, who was dressed in a white suit and was full of pride and pride.

His appearance made the audience quiet and even shaken.

"I'm coming!"

"Fuck, no matter how strong this kid is, he is really brave!"

In exclamation.

Xue An's eyes flicked across the faces of everyone present, and then smiled slightly.

"Sorry, some trivial matters have been delayed, so you have to wait a long time! But now... the game can start!"

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