Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1922: Come and not be indecent!

Xue An's careless attitude caused a commotion in the audience.

Xiao Tiansha's gang of fans were even more furious and shouted.

"Dare to be so presumptuous in front of the young master, it's really looking for death."

"Yes, I've seen him unpleasantly a long time ago, let him kill him first!"

Xiao Tiansha also looked at Xue An with a deep face, and suddenly waved his hand, and the group of people behind him immediately calmed down.

Then Xiao Tiansha said coldly: "It seems you are very confident in yourself!"

Xue An smiled slightly, "I have always been confident in myself."

Xiao Tiansha coldly snorted, "Then I will wait and see, I hope you can be so calm and relaxed later."

After that, Xiao Tiansha glanced at the elders of Shangqing Mountain in the distance.

These people understood their minds, and someone immediately shouted: "The Thousand Sect Profound Society, officially begins!"


Following his order, countless luminosity rose up into the sky along the circumference of the ring, and then burst into the sky, turning into brilliant fireworks.

And the atmosphere of the audience has reached a climax because of this.

Whether present or not, people are all looking forward to seeing this rare event in a century through various means.

Above the ring, the situation became chaotic in an instant.

The rule of the Thousand Sects Profound Society is to fight separately. If you feel that you are strong enough, it is not impossible to directly challenge the previous overlord.

Of course, anyone with a slightly normal mind will not do that.

After all, it is no different from looking for death.

What's more, this session of the Thousand Sect Profound Society is different from the past. Xiao Tiansha, the number one in the jade list, is obviously already in anger, and staring at Xue An on the opposite side, and then stepped forward, ready to do it.

Seeing a big battle is about to break out.

But at this moment, a tall figure suddenly jumped out from behind Xiao Tiansha, and shouted loudly: "Young master, step back first, let me clean up this kid!"

Before he finished his words, this person rushed to Xue An, and then said grimly: "Boy, today is your death date!"

As he said, he raised his hand, the thunder faint in his palm, and then he patted it off.

When Xiao Tiansha saw this scene, his heart moved slightly, and then he stopped.

The person who did it was Lei Yang, the young hall master of Leihuosha. He usually has a good relationship with him, and this person is extremely strong, far surpassing the previous Qinghailou’s Xie Gaohan, and is ranked on the jade list. The seventeenth master.

Moreover, this person has a violent temperament and loves to fight very much. Since he is now taking action, it is just right for him to explore the details of the young man in white.

It would be even better if the boy in white could be cleaned up.

Holding these thoughts, Xiao Tiansha couldn't help but stand in place and watch with cold eyes.

Leihuosha, as the name suggests, is a sect that is proficient in thunder system.

This Lei Yang was young, but he was already half a step away from the power of the Immortal King, and his cultivation of Thunder Dao was unfathomable.

When this palm fell, even the world seemed to tremble.

Xue An didn't dodge, just watched with a smile.

Seeing that his palm was about to hit Xue An, Lei Yang couldn't help showing a look of hideous and happy expression on his face.

To dare to be so big, not even to hide, is really looking for death.

To know the power of this palm of oneself, even the fairy king would not dare to grab its front lightly.

But when the palm of the hand touched Xue An's clothes, Xue An suddenly let out a breath.

That's right!

It's a literal breath.

But with this tone, the thunder light attached to Lei Yang's palm was like a candle in the wind, shaking for a few times, and then... extinguished.

Lei Yang was shocked and couldn't believe his eyes.

No one has ever been able to crack his own minecraft in this way.

This is simply incredible.

And just after Leiyang's stunned effort, Xue An smiled faintly, "It seems that your thunder light is not very useful!"

Following the voice, seeing Xue An stretched out his hand, he directly grabbed Lei Yang's two shoulders.

Lei Yang was shocked and wanted to break free.

But how could Xue An give him this opportunity, but seeing Xue An smile coldly.

"Come and not be indecent, since you just wanted to kill me, then I will send you on the road now."

After all, Xue An shook his arms, and the majestic force directly tore Lei Yang's body.

Lei Yang was almost frightened, because he was extremely horrified to discover that all his strength had been suppressed by life, which meant that he was now just like an ordinary person.

How could this not make him frightened, and the intense pain that was torn to both sides made him faint, and he couldn't help hissing and screaming, "Ah, Xiao Shao, save me!"

As soon as I uttered my words, and only heard a muffled sound, the Lei Yang was torn in half by Xue An abruptly.

The blood was mixed with internal organs, and the thick **** aura spread instantly, shocking the entire arena. Many of the Zongmen Tianjiao who were fighting couldn't help holding their hands, looking at this scene with horror. .

Then Xue An lightly patted the slap, and said lightly: "How is this a good start?"

With that said, Xue An took a step forward and directly stepped on the spirit of Lei Yang who had just emerged from his body.


Leiyang's spirit screamed, and then it shattered, and the spirit was destroyed.

These decisive and ruthless methods made the gang of Tianjiao experts accustomed to life and death couldn't help but be speechless.

Xiao Tiansha's eyes shrank instantly to the size of a needle.

He thought that even if Lei Yang lost to Xue An, he would be able to support a few tricks so that he could find out his details.

However, he did not expect that Lei Yang could not even survive a move, and was torn in half by Xue An, and even the soul was trampled out.

This kind of strength made Xiao Tiansha's heart sink, and his face became extremely solemn.

"who are you?"

"Me?" Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, smiling but not smiling: "I am the foreign aid invited by the Slaughter Temple, did you forget?"

"Impossible! With the strength of the Slaughter Temple, how could it be possible to invite a master like you, let's say, who are you? What are you doing here?" Xiao Tiansha asked in a deep voice.

Xue An's mouth gradually burst into a smile, "Since you want to ask so then I will tell you, my name is Xue An!"

Xue An?

The name spread throughout the audience, making many people startled. They always felt that the name was very familiar, but suddenly they couldn't remember where they heard it.

Suddenly, someone remembered something, and screamed, "Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, he is the reborn Red Lotus Immortal Venerable!"


This sentence was like a blockbuster bomb, and the entire audience was overthrown.

Xiao Tiansha paled even more, "Are you really the Red Lotus Immortal?"

Xue An smiled and nodded, "If there is no double name and surname, you should be me!"

With the voice, Xue An's momentum suddenly changed, from the previous elegance and peace to an instant violent.

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