Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1924: Punish the golden body

Everyone present looked at Xue An with incredible gazes, even the Tianjiao of each sect was speechless and dumbfounded.

Everyone knew the strength of this Red Lotus Immortal Venerable was amazing, but he didn't expect to be astonishing to such an outrageous situation.

Xiao Tiansha had indeed just entered the realm of the fairy king, and he could not perfectly control his strength, but the fairy king was still the fairy king after all, no matter how weak he was, he was also a peerless powerhouse.

Now he was shocked by Xue An's fist and vomited blood again and again. Who can not be surprised, who dare not be afraid?

Even Xiao Tiansha himself could not accept this reality.

Growing up in the praise of everyone since he was a child, he has become an admirable young master at a young age.

Especially in the last session of the Thousand Sects Profound Society, he was even more brilliant, beating the crowd and becoming the leader of the jade list.

All these achievements made Xiao Tiansha a little fluttering.

That's why he still dared to do it after hearing Xue An's name, because he had a thought in his heart.

No matter how good he is, what can he do?

Both are immortal kings, how much better can he be than himself? It is nothing more than taking up the light of rebirth, and having more combat experience than himself.

But it turned out to be ruthlessly slapped by reality.

He didn't even block Xue An's punch, so he was shocked and flew so easily...

At this time, Xue An smiled faintly at Xiao Tian, ​​"How about? Do you still fight?"

Xiao Tiansha snorted angrily, and then his face became pale.

But the paler his face, the brighter his eyes, and the aura of his whole person is skyrocketing.

"The surname Xue, this is what you forced me to, this time, I will let you die without a place to bury you."

After that, Xiao Tiansha snorted, his eyes instantly radiant like sparks, and at the same time a faint golden light appeared all over his body, which merged into a curtain of light, which firmly protected him.

When the mist dissipated, Xiao Tiansha's golden light was radiant, standing high in the sky like the Immortal King Kong, and then grinning strangely.

"Xue An, let me see how you can beat me now!"

"It's the strongest law!" Chu Xiong of Feihutang couldn't help groaning when he saw this, and then a deep jealousy appeared in his eyes.

And Mu Wushuang's complexion changed drastically, and he shouted: "My lord, be careful of his magical power. This golden light is the strongest power, very powerful."

The power of law!

As mentioned before, this is the power that Human Race can only realize when they cultivate to Da Luo.

Because of the different power levels, the laws are also divided into several grades.

Ordinary preachers of the Great Sect understand the Five Elements Yin Yang and other common principles.

And above this mortal product, there is also the law of immortality.

At this level, the lethality of the law has suddenly increased, and it will even become a person's strongest attack before proving the Immortal Emperor.

And the law of immortality includes this strong force.

In fact, this kind of power had appeared in Ye Liuyan, the Young Master Li Hentian who had invaded the earth the earliest.

But at that time, Ye Liuyan was only Da Luo's cultivation base, so how could he be compared with Xiao Tiansha who was the body of the immortal king?

So when this law of strongest strength was displayed in Xiao Tiansha's hands, it could be said that the situation changed and the world bowed its head.

Xue An only raised his eyebrows slightly, "What? Just this little trick, dare to show off in front of me?"

Xiao Tiansha couldn't help being furious when he heard the words, "The little trick? Okay! Today I will use this little trick to make you die without a burial place!"

After all, Xiao Tiansha took a step forward.

With one step, the entire Prajna Peak sank down.

This is because Xiao Tiansha's current mass is too heavy, and the huge gravity even makes the entire planet tremble.

Wherever the power is, everyone is disfavored.

At the same time, Xiao Tiansha stood in the air, and as shown above, Taishan slammed a punch.

"Die me!"

The violent fist directly shattered the space, and then turned into a torrent, blasting towards Xue An.

"My lord, be careful!" Gong Yunjun in the crowd couldn't help exclaiming.

Xue An seemed to feel something, and turned to look in her direction.

At the same time, Xiao Tiansha's punch has come close.

But Xue An seemed to have no defense at all, just standing there idle.

This scene caused Mu Wushuang's heart to raise his throat in an instant. Just when he wanted to speak, Xue An was completely overwhelmed by the torrent of torrents.

The crowd exclaimed.

Many people shook their heads secretly, thinking that Xue An would definitely die.

An even more ecstasy appeared on Xiao Tiansha's face.

If he can stand the reincarnated Red Lotus Immortal Venerable in his palm, it can be said that he will reach the sky in one step, and his reputation will reach its peak immediately, and he will even be able to seize his chance to become the Immortal Venerable in the future.

But before the complacency on his face had completely spread, he heard a faint sigh coming from his ears.

"Do you know the biggest shortcoming of your law?"

Suddenly, Xiao Tian was horrified and horrified, even the roots of his hair were erected, and he raised his hand and patted in the direction of the sound.

But when his hand was halfway there, he suddenly sank, then he was grabbed by his wrist and threw it out with unparalleled strength.

Xiao Tiansha was in the air.

Xue An stood underground, his eyes condensed slightly, "The biggest disadvantage of this rule is... it can only be a human sandbag."

Having said that, as soon as he stepped on the ground, his whole person rose up into the sky like a cannonball and went straight to Xiao Tiansha.

Bang bang bang.

Just listening to a burst of bangs, Xiao Tiansha's golden body was flying around in the air by Xue An like a rag pocket.

In an instant, these loud noises became more and more dense, and in the end they even became a piece.

at last.

After a loud noise, only a slight invisible clicking sound was heard, and then a slight crack suddenly appeared on Xiao Tiansha's golden body.

Immediately afterwards, the crack enlarged rapidly, and then it broke apart.

Xue An put his fist in his hand and looked at Xiao Tiansha on the opposite side indifferently.

At this moment, the once proud son of heaven, the leader of the jade list, was already embarrassed like a beggar.

A long hair that he was proud of had been shaken to nothing by his fists, and his handsome face was even more swollen, so he could only open his eyes and look at Xue An with fear.

" on earth did you break the power of my law?"

Xue An smiled slightly, "It's very simple, it can be broken with a fist!"

As he said, Xue An raised his hand and said lightly: "The world changes in cycles, and only power is eternal."

"Don't you understand this truth?"

"Only power is eternal..." Xiao Tiansha whispered softly, suddenly a glimmer of comprehension appeared in his eyes, and the momentum of his body became docile.

"Thank you!" He said sincerely.

Because of Xue An's words, his mood has broken through again.

This is an extremely rare opportunity.

Xue An just smiled coldly, "No thanks, because you...still have to die!"

After all, Xue An stepped forward again with a punch.

This punch is simple and unpretentious, just like a child playing.

But in Xiao Tiansha's eyes, it was as if heaven and earth had smashed over together, and there was no way to avoid it.

He could only yell, and then raised all his cultivation bases, raised his fists, and tried to resist.

But all is in vain.

As soon as the two fists touched, a powerful force shattered all his bones into powder.

Immediately afterwards, the flesh and blood behind him exploded, and the blood mixed with the fragments of internal organs splashed out, dyeing the entire sky red.

Xiao Tiansha whispered softly: "Good fist!"

After all, his eyes dimmed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he died in despair.

And it was completely annihilated, because his sea of ​​consciousness had been shattered by Xue An's fist.

There was deathly silence.

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