Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1925: Let's get started, I want to pack all the packages today...

"He...he really killed the young master?" someone whispered in a trembling voice.

But more people stared at everything in front of them dumbfounded.

At the same time, everyone gradually recovered their sobriety, and then there was a boiling uproar.

"Gosh, Young Master Xiao actually died? This is a big deal!"

Even Luo Rongjin, who has always regarded Xiao Tiansha as his lifelong opponent, never expected that Xue An would kill him so simply and neatly.

But soon, the prince of the East Palace of the People's Palace recovered his calm, and then smiled radiantly.

But at this moment, Xue An slowly turned his head and said lightly: "What are you laughing at?"

The smile on Luo Rongjin's face froze.

Xue An continued: "Did I make you laugh?"

Luo Rongjin's eyelids began to beat frantically, and infinite humiliation and anger appeared in his eyes.

You must know that he is the prince of the East Palace of the Imperial Palace. Since childhood, no one dared to speak to him in this tone.

Even Xiao Tiansha, who was hostile to each other, would not provoke him in this way.

But soon, Luo Rongjin forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart, lowered his head and said lightly: "Yes, I get it!"

"Know? What do you know?" Xue An didn't seem to want to let Luo Rongjin go, and continued to ask.

Luo Rongjin took a deep breath and raised his head to face Xue An calmly, "I know I shouldn't have laughed just now, I'm sorry!"


As soon as these three words came out, many people were shocked, especially Luo Rongjin's supporters, who were shocked.

No one thought that the prince of Donggong, who has always been moody, would actually say the three words sorry.

The corners of Xue An's mouth gradually raised, "That's right, you can teach you a child!"

Luo Rongjin bowed his head and said nothing, as if thinking about something.

At this moment, the elders of Shangqingshan hurried over. After they got closer, they couldn't help but change their expressions when they saw the scene.

One of the elders took a step forward and said with a stern face: "Xue An, why are you so cruel?"

"Shot?" Xue An smiled coldly, "Why? Isn't this Thousand Sect Profound Society used to compare high and low, but to exchange feelings?"

The elder was speechless with these words, and only after a while did he force himself to say: "But you don't have to kill people either!"

"Hehe, he is inferior to humans, he deserves to die, and he also rushed to kill me, should I stand still and let him kill? Or... you go to Qingshan to be blatantly partial Where is this Xiao Tiansha?"

At the end, a murderous look flashed across Xue An's face.

The elder dared not say anything.

An elder on the side hurriedly stepped forward with a smile on his face: "Master Honglian calmed down. We didn't mean that, we just cared about it. Now that things have happened, Young Master Xiao is also dead, so naturally we have nothing to say. of."

"But today's event was supposed to continue, but it's getting late now. I think we should take a break and wait until tomorrow to fight again. What do you think?"

After all, the elder looked at Xue An with a sincere expression with a smile.

And these words sound reasonable, so you can't find a reason to refute.

At least the many Zongmen Tianjiao present couldn't help letting out a breath after hearing the words, and then they wanted to retreat.

But at this moment, Xue An sneered coldly, "Go? Did I let you go?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone who had already turned around and was going to leave shook together, then turned around, looking at Xue An with a confused face, not understanding what the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable was planning to do.

Only Mu Wushuang shook all over, then looked at Xue An with horror on his face.

Because she suddenly remembered a word Xue An once said.

That is to make these Zongmen Tianjiao all pay the price.

At that time, Mu Wushuang thought it was just an exaggerated rhetoric.

But now it seems that Xue An is obviously not joking, but is about to come true.

Including the monk Yuantong who was hiding in the corner, after hearing this, he couldn't help but put his palms together, and sighed slightly: "Goodness, goodness, it seems that Donor Xue is really going to kill today!"

At the same time, Xue An said lightly: "Today's Thousand Sect Profound Society, two people have died in my hands. The first is a lightning master, the second is Xuan Ming Ling. The peerless Tianjiao."

As he said, Xue An looked around the audience, his icy gaze crossed the faces of everyone present, and then said lightly: "But for the third one, I don't want to do this one by one, that is, you are present. One of them counts as one, let's go all together!"

"I want to cover the whole game today!"


Xue An's domineering declaration of war made everyone present and not present shocked.

"What? This Xue An wants to cover the whole game, is he crazy?"

"That's right, even if he was once the Immortal Venerable, but that was a long time ago after all. Does he really think he can suppress the audience with his own power now?"

"Haha, so arrogant, really overwhelming!"

Almost everyone is not optimistic about Xue An's remarks.

Even Mu Wushuang felt a little nervous at this time.

Because this is really incredible.

Only Gong Yunjun, who was hiding in the crowd, still looked at Xue An enthusiastically.

As the only idol in her mind, no matter what Xue An said, she would believe it unconditionally.

at the same time.

All the Zongmen Tianjiao present at the scene also woke up from the shock, and then all their faces showed anger.

They naturally knew that it was impossible to defeat Xue An based on their own strength, but the problem was that there were so many people on their side.

This Xue An would be too big.

Luo Rongjin was almost crazy.

He felt that today must be his lucky day, otherwise how could good things happen one after another?

First, the opponent died, and now this Xue An is like going crazy to say that he will beat the audience. It is really ridiculous.

As for the elders of Shangqing Mountain, they also looked at each other, then smiled coldly, and then retreated.

In their opinion, this Xue An is clearly looking for death.

But at this moment, Xue An said indifferently: "Don't I said that I want to cover the whole game, naturally including you!"

These elders stopped and looked at Xue An together, unable to believe their ears.

When did the game actually bring the referee?

"Xue An, I hope you'd better not be too arrogant, this is Shangqingshan, not your hometown!" An elder said angrily.

Xue An smiled faintly, "I know! But... what I want to deal with is you Shang Qingshan!"

Following the voice, Xue An stretched out his hand, palm up, and said faintly: "Billions of miles, listen to my orders!"


After that, Xue An suddenly clenched a fist.


Within the hundreds of millions of miles around the star field, countless golden array patterns began to emerge and spread quickly, covering the entire Shangqing star field in an instant.

This time, Xue An wanted to go to Qingshan and punish thousands of Tianjiao!

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