At this moment, the young man was hiding in a pit that had been in disrepair. The surface was covered with mud and he tried his best to make no noise.

The sound of footsteps gradually walked in, a look of horror appeared on the boy's face, and then he took a deep breath and held his breath.


The sound of footsteps stopped in front of this pit, and the boy's back instantly oozes cold sweat from fear.

At this moment, only a faint voice came.

"You run when you see me, what are you afraid of?"

It was Xue An who was talking, and saw him standing in front of this pit, his face full of playfulness.

The boy was shocked, knowing that he could no longer pretend, he had to slowly crawl out of the pit, his body covered with mud trembling constantly.

"Don't want to talk about it?"

The boy shook his whole body, then slowly raised his head, and said in a dumb and dry voice: "I...I don't want to install the chip!"

"Chip?" Xue An was startled slightly, and immediately remembered the people who had just been wiped out at the bar. There was a small chip installed on his spine.

The teenager nodded tremblingly, choked and said, "I don't want to be a slave to the chip, because my parents died under the chip. Before they died, they told me to stay away from these things."

"How many people install this chip?"

"Many, people in the entire town are basically infected!"

Teenagers use the word infection.

Xue An finally understood why he could feel the long-lost anger in this young man.

It turned out that since I came into this world, except for the martyred monk, everyone I saw was basically equipped with chips.

In the words of this boy, he became a slave to the chip.

Because this chip is like the tentacles of the devil, first enjoy the supreme spirit to defeat all your defenses, and then make you addicted to it, and can no longer extricate yourself.

Xue An remained silent and fell into contemplation.

The young man looked at Xue An carefully, and his heart was filled with great doubts.

He really didn't know the identity of the boy in white.

At first, he thought Xue An was the chip infection agent, so he fled, but now it does not seem to be.

Because if he was a chip infection agent, how could he ask the naive questions just now!

Who is he then?

Why is there no chip installed, and the momentum on the body is still so strong?

Could it be... he is from the magic city?

The thought made the young man startled, and the look in Xue An's eyes became awed.

At this moment, Xue An came back to his senses, smiled faintly at the young man, and then asked: "Where did this chip come from, and who installed it for you?"

The teenager just wanted to talk, suddenly.

A loud boom came from the sky.

Xue An raised his eyes and saw a huge battleship flying here at a rapid speed, and it came to this cemetery in the blink of an eye.

As soon as the young man saw the battleship, his face turned pale, and he rolled back into the pit, then curled up in the corner, shivering.

at the same time.

The hatch under the battleship slowly opened, and then countless black boxes were pouring down, and soon a hill was piled up below.

Xue An's eyes narrowed slightly.

Because these were dumped at random as trash, they were the consciousness wrecks that can be seen everywhere in the graveyard.

At this point, Xue An finally understood how this huge cemetery came.

To put it bluntly, what kind of cemetery is this, it is clearly a landfill.

Xue An's complexion finally changed.

Because these seemingly inconspicuous little boxes, behind them represent a living life.

Xue An has seen many demons who regard human life as a must, but he has never been so angry.

Because this kind of behavior is entirely to treat the soul and will of the person as a toy for wanton play.

But when Xue An was angry, the battleship also found him.

The battleship turned slowly, and suddenly two black blastholes protruded.

Immediately after the blasthole began to sparkle with brilliance.

In an instant, a majestic coercion was formed, and then two condensed brilliances blasted towards Xue An.

Wherever he went, the air was plowed into a deep chasm.

Vaguely, someone could still hear a smug sneer.

The teenager hiding in the pit screamed desperately.

Because no one can survive such an attack.

Not only himself, but most of the cemetery will be turned into ashes.

But at this moment, the two brilliances that had rushed forward suddenly stopped in midair.

It wasn't until then that it was possible to see clearly that these two radiances were actually two delicate small shells.

But just such two almost cute shells are engraved with dangerous patterns.

Especially the head of the artillery shell was shining with dangerous brilliance, as if it would explode at any time.

But now, these two dangerous shells were quietly stopped in the air, and they didn't even get in.

Because the two jade-white palms were holding the shells of two shells, and they looked at them with a playful look.

The boy's mouth gradually opened wide, looking at Xue An with horror on his face.

In this battleship, there was a faint scream from a person, and then he turned around frantically and fled away.

But how could Xue An let him go far.

But seeing Xue An stepping out, the whole person flew from the spot to the air instantly, blocking the way of the battleship.

At this time Xue An could already see the situation inside through the porthole in front of the battleship.

Inside was a small cab, and a fat and ugly man was sitting in the driving seat, looking at himself in horror.

After feeling the breath of this man, Xue An couldn't help showing a sneer on his face.

"What? Do you want to leave after hitting me?"


Bang bang bang!

There was a intensive loud noise A long tongue of flame emerged from the front of the battleship, and countless small artillery shells blasted towards Xue An like a rain curtain.

Xue An didn't even blink his eyelids, but said indifferently: "This is yours, now I will give it back to you!"

With that, Xue An used his wrist to throw out the two shells he had been holding.

boom! boom!

After two loud bangs, the sky was filled with flames.

But after a while, the battleship rushed out of it with scars, and fled into the distance.

But before it flew far, a white figure appeared beside the battleship, and then blasted out with a punch.


The warship that had not disintegrated even after experiencing such a violent explosion burst into pieces.

The fat man inside fell crazily and screamed.

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