Suddenly, the screams stopped abruptly, because Xue An had choked his neck at some point.

The fat man's eyes were full of panic and begging.

Xue An didn't even have the interest to talk to him. His eyes flashed, and the majestic spirit rushed out, instantly destroying all his spiritual defenses and invading his sea of ​​knowledge.

After a while, Xue An looked ugly and let go.

Unable to withstand the coercion of the great divine mind, the fat driver who had died in desperation fell straight down and fell to pieces.

Xue An stood in the air and thought for a long time before falling back to the ground.

At this time, the young man still did not wake up from the shock.

It wasn't until Xue An came to him that he trembled all over, and then looked up at Xue An in horror.

To him, the battleship just now was almost equivalent to the most terrifying existence in the entire world.

Because he had seen with his own eyes how flattering the big people in the small town "have a head and a face" when they saw this battleship.

But I never expected that this kind of existence was easily torn to pieces by this young white boy.

At this moment, Xue An said calmly: "You now have two choices. One is to stay here, because the evil people in the town have been killed by me, you should be able to live well!"

"The second is to go to the magic city with me, find out the culprits who use chips to control and enslave others, and then avenge your parents!"

When the words were over, Xue looked at the teenager quietly, "Now tell me, what is your choice!"

A confused look appeared in the boy's eyes, and he lowered his head to meditate.

Xue An didn't urge, but waited quietly.

But unexpectedly, he didn't wait long, and the young man raised his head and said firmly, "I choose the second one!"

Xue An seemed to have anticipated this answer, smiled slightly, and nodded, "Okay!"

The boy stood up, knelt down at this huge cemetery and banged his head three times, then wiped the dust off his face vigorously, revealing an ordinary and ordinary boy face.

"Father and mother, I am going to avenge you!"

The boy's eyes flashed with hatred, and he spoke very firmly.

"Let's go!" Until the young man had done everything, Xue An only faintly shouted, then flew up and led the young man to disappear instantly.

Magic city.

As the name suggests, it is a place where demons dance.

According to the memory of the pilot of the warship, Xue An led the young man all the way west.

Even at Xue An's speed, it took a full meal, only to see a city in the distance.

After rushing forward for a while, the city was clearly presented before him.

If he were not in the pure land of the Buddha country, Xue An would even think that this is a big city on earth.

Because the same tall buildings are everywhere, the same feasting.

Even on top of the skyscrapers, there are many huge screens, which are playing many glamorous and corrupt pictures.

This kind of picture formed a very strong contrast with the huge Buddha statues and temples above the sky, and it even made people feel a sense of absurdity.

Some people sacrifice their lives in order to save the common people, but the common people he saves are immersed in illusory happiness and can hardly extricate themselves.

This is simply a great irony.

Xue An looked at it silently for a moment, then stepped into the city.

The street is wide, but messy. In the shadow of the corner, there are many people lying down and down, wearing helmets and enjoying the joy of electricity.

The coquettishly dressed woman stood in the street grandiosely, while shedding clouds and fog, she did not wink at passing pedestrians.

Almost all the bars on both sides of the street are different from the one in the small town. There is violent music faintly, which is obviously a serious bar.

In short, this is a fallen city.

When Xue An led the boy through the street, many people looked at them in secret.

Especially Xue An, the temperament on his body, even in such a messy and degraded environment, he still radiates light and looks so extraordinary.

But the most important thing is that the extremely abundant anger in him is simply incompatible with his surroundings.

Only people who have never been addicted to chip stimulation can have this kind of vigor.

Many people's saliva almost flowed out, but frightened by Xue An's power, no one dared to stop him for a while.

It wasn't until Xue An was about to walk out of this street that a woman with heavy makeup and a blood butterfly tattooed on her forehead stepped forward and stopped her way.

"Hey, this uncle looks very faceless, is it the first time to come to the magic city?" The woman smiled and said, her eyes full of seductive charm.

Xue An stopped, glanced at the woman, and then said lightly: "Get out!"

As soon as this statement came out, half of the street was quiet.

The woman's face rose to purple in an instant, and anger appeared in her eyes.

"Boy, don't you know who I am? You dare to talk to me like this!"

As she said, the woman raised her head proudly and pointed to this street, "I am in charge of this street. If I don't let you go, you should not get out of this street!"

"Oh is it?" Xue An suddenly sneered, "Then what if I go to Chiyue Bar?"

Chiyue Bar!

These four words seemed to have some magical power, and immediately calmed everyone who was gearing up.

Including this woman who was blocking the road, her face was also blue and white, and she said dryly: "Who are you going to look for at Chiyue Bar?"

"Do I need to tell you who I am looking for?" Xue An said coldly, and then stepped forward.

The woman didn't dare to stop her this time, she slumped aside, and watched Xue An's back gritted her teeth secretly.

But it's just biting her because she knows very well that she is not even an ant compared to Chiyue Bar.

But why is this boy going there for?

This woman had some ominous premonitions in her heart.

According to the memory of the warship pilot, Xue An easily walked down the street to the front of the Chiyue Bar.

As the leading bar in this magic city, it is naturally extremely prosperous and lively.

Including the road in front of the door is crowded with people in all kinds of strange costumes.

In contrast, Xue An looks less conspicuous.

When entering the arena, Xue An's eyes flashed when faced with the guards who were in charge of checking the guests.

The guards just ignored Xue An as if they hadn't seen them.

Then Xue An stepped into this bar.

What came oncoming was almost violent demonic energy.

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