Even when facing the question of Octopus, Nian Nian yawned boredly.

"Sister, playing chess is so boring, let's go find the ball and play!"

"Go! It just so happens that I was a little tired sitting too!"

With that, the two little girls stood up and walked out arm in arm, leaving only Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu staring at them.

A moment later, a flattering smile appeared on Octopus's face.

"Master Xiaosha, are you thirsty, I'll pour you a glass of water?"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Sha raised his hand and knocked on the head of Zhang Xiaoyu, and said bitterly.

"I asked you to pour water, I asked you to pour water, dare to laugh at me... I let you pour water!"

"Oh! Ouch! Master Xiaosha, I dare not ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Zhang Xiaoyu cried out again and again, and then ran out.

At this moment, Chan'er walked in from the outside with a small basket on her back.

Zhang Xiaoyu saw the life-saving straw, and immediately ran behind Chan'er, and exclaimed: "Sister Chan'er, save me, Master Xiaosha is in a hurry!"

"What are you talking about? Which eye did you see that I was eager to lose?" Xiao Sha was so angry that she was going to bypass Chan'er to catch Zhang Xiaoyu.

Zhang Xiaoyu was so scared that she dodged Chan'er by the shoulders from behind, using Chan'er as a shield.

Even so, they still couldn't stop the two of them.

"You have the ability to come out, what is the ability to hide behind Sister Chan'er?"

"I won't go out, you have the ability to come in!"

Chan'er was already quite familiar with this, she couldn't help sweeping the hair around her ears, and then said softly.

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble, they are all so old, how can they be like a kid! I just picked some fresh wild vegetables from outside, and I will make dumplings for you later, okay?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaoyu immediately poked his head out from behind, and said with bright eyes: "Okay, okay, I love the dumplings made by Sister Chan'er!"

As she talked, the saliva in her mouth almost came out.

Xiaosha couldn't help but sneered when she saw this, "Look at you for what you are!"

"Hehe, you don't seem to like it! I didn't know who drank all the dumpling soup last time!"

"You..." Xiao Sha stared straight at him with anger, but immediately thought of something, and gave a deep salute to Chan'er with a serious face.

"Sister Chan'er, I hope you can cook one more pot this time, because last time... I really didn't eat enough!"

"Me too!" Zhang Xiaoyu immediately agreed.

Chan'er was so dumbfounded by these two life treasures that she nodded helplessly, "Okay! Then you will go back to pick some wild vegetables now, I'm afraid this is not enough!"

Before the words were over, Xiao Sha and Octopus were gone.

Chan'er was wondering.

Then he heard a shout from outside.

"Sister Chan'er, do you think these are enough?"

When the words fell, I saw Xiaosha flying over a small hill on her shoulders, and when she got closer, she threw the hill down.


The smoke was everywhere, and the hill fell to the ground.

Xiao Sha clapped his hands and said with a smug expression.

"I think there are many wild vegetables on this hill, so I brought it back. Isn't this enough?"

Chan'er looked at the hill that appeared in the courtyard with a dull expression, just about to speak.

I saw Zhang Xiaoyu flying over from a distance with teeth and claws, while flying vaguely shouting in his mouth.

"Let's give up, let's give up! I'm not responsible for whoever I meet!"

Only then did people see clearly.

All kinds of weeds curled in her tentacles, even with a bundle in her mouth.

When it was over the yard, Zhang Xiaoyu threw the things in his hands to the whole yard, and vomited the things in his mouth, and then said with a smile.

"Sister Chan'er, I think a wild grass is very beautiful, there should be a lot of wild vegetables in it, so I brought it back together, it should be enough!"

Chan'er's mouth twitched and her eyes were dull, she didn't know what to say.

And it was at this moment that An Yan, who heard the noise, ran out of the house, and when she saw the scene in the courtyard, she couldn't help screaming even though she was always gentle.

"The yard I just cleaned up... Xiaosha, Zhang Xiaoyu, you two will clean it up for me again! Otherwise, you are not allowed to eat!"

Faced with An Yan's scolding, the two stood obediently in the air, not even daring to run, bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes: "Yes! Your mistress!"

At this moment, only a faint laughter came from a distance.

"Who makes my Yan'er so angry?"

Following the voice, I saw Xue An's figure gradually appearing in the air, and then looked at An Yan with a smile on his face.

As a result, An Yan's reaction was far beyond his expectations.

I saw An Yan's mom, then covered his face with both hands, turned his head and ran into the house.

Xue An was taken aback.

At this time Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu flew over quickly.

"grown ups!"

"the host!"

Xue An ignored them, but gave a light command, "Clean up the yard!"

After that, he walked into the house.

But when she passed by Chan'er, Xue An still smiled and said to her: "Chan'er's strength has improved again!"

Chan'er blushed, then lowered her head, and said like a mosquito: "Master!"

Xue An nodded, and then disappeared behind the door.

Xiao Sha and Zhang Xiaoyu looked at each other.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up! Now even the boss has spoken. If we don't clean up, let's wait and be beaten!" Zhang Xiaoyu smiled bitterly.

Xiao Sha stopped quarreling, and started to tidy up.

But soon, she couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"Hey, why did the mistress run away after seeing the master?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm playing hide and seek with adults!"

"Hide and seek?" Xiao Sha's eyes widened.

"Yeah, I heard people say there is another name for this, what is it called... fun, yes! It's fun! I don't understand why playing hide-and-seek is called fun?"

"I don't understand, it looks like women are in trouble."


Chan'er couldn't help but laugh from the sidelines~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but she didn't dare to laugh, so she could only cover her mouth tightly, making her tremble.

"Huh, sister Chan'er, what are you shaking? Are you uncomfortable?"

"Yes, if you feel uncomfortable, go and rest quickly, otherwise how can you make dumplings later!"

Chan'er was angry and laughed, gave these two treasures a blank look, turned around and left.

Octopus and Xiao Sha looked at each other.

"Look, what I just said is correct, women are really troublesome!"

"Master Xiaosha is right! It seems that our monster clan is still good!" Zhang Xiaoyu sighed.

At this moment, it was in the bedroom on the second floor.

Xue An looked at An Yan with red cheeks, and said with a smile, "Yan'er, what did you just run for?"

"I..." An Yan turned her head shyly, "I didn't even comb my hair just now, it's really shameful!"

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