Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1947: As long as 1 year, as short as 1 month

Xue An was ridiculous, "What a fool!"

With that, Xue An stepped forward and took An Yan in his arms.

An Yan screamed, and then buried his face in Xue An's chest, obediently like a kitten.

Xue quietly sniffed the fragrance in An Yan's hair, and did not speak.

The room was quiet.

After a long time, An Yan struggled and raised his head, "Husband, are you leaving?"

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, "Why do you say that?"

"Because you sell dog food to readers every time you leave!" An Yan put out his tongue naughty and said with a grin.

Xue An was startled slightly, "Am I like this? Why don't I know?"

"Of course there is! As for why you don't know... because you are a big pig's hoof!"

Seeing An Yan's playful expression, Xue An recalled, "Okay! I dare to play as a husband, and see how I can deal with you!"

With that, Xue An stretched out his hand and started to tick An Yan's body.

He knows very well that Anyan is sensitive by nature, and what he fears most is someone itch her.


Before Xue An's hand actually touched, An Yan couldn't help laughing.

"Husband, I know I was wrong, don't tick it hahahahahahaha!"

Of course Xue An would not give up so easily. After a few random scratches, An Yan was completely limp and became a ball, and then began to swear forgiveness.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, husband, I won't dare anymore!"

Xue An stopped the evil "claws" and chuckled in An Yan's ear; "Don't you dare to do anything?"

"I will never say that you are a big pig's hoof anymore!"

"Is that so?" Xue An smirked narrowly.

"What about me..."

Before the latter words were finished, An Yan's mouth was blocked.

An Yan's eyes widened in an instant, then turned into a stream of autumn water, and responded enthusiastically.

a long time.

An Yan's cheeks flushed, leaning against Xue An's arms, she suddenly bit Xue An viciously.

"Hiss, what are you doing biting me?"

"Hmph, you are the one who bites! Whoever lets you, a big badass, big pig's hoof, bullies me!" An Yan said viciously.

Xue An didn't reply, but he smiled, anyway, he had enough of the advantage, so he didn't care about being scolded.

After laughing for a while, An Yan's complexion became solemn, and he whispered: "Husband, do you really want to leave?"

Xue An smiled and shook his head, "Who said I'm leaving?"

"Huh?" An Yan was taken aback.

Xue An stroked her hair with a smile, and whispered softly: "You have guessed wrong at all. I am not leaving this time, but going in seclusion for a while!"


Xue An nodded, "Yes!"

Then Xue An recounted the whole experience of encountering the Blessed Buddha.

After listening, An Yan couldn't help but burst into tears.

"This world-honor is simply too great, he is a magnificent immortal emperor, but he can sacrifice his life in order to save the people of the world."

Xue An couldn't help but sighed, "Yes! Sometimes these Buddhas are pedantic and almost cute, but sometimes they are very admirable."

"This time I inherited all the gods of the World-Honored One, but because these gods are too large, even I can only temporarily store them in the sea of ​​consciousness. If I want to truly understand the connection, I must conduct a retreat. "

An Yan naturally knew the importance of this matter. The ten-year period seemed to be very long, but on the scale of the heavens, it was only fleeting.

Therefore, she nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, husband, now I also have half of Da Luo's cultivation base, and with the help of Xiaosha, I can take care of my two daughters and protect you!"

Xue An smiled and squeezed An Yan's nose, "Silly Yan'er, you just need to take care of yourself. I don't need you to worry about protecting my law! After all..."

A dangerous light flashed in Xue An's eyes, "If anyone in the heavens dares to take the opportunity to make trouble, I will definitely let him know how Xue is written!"

An Yan had a mindless trust in Xue An's words, so he nodded and said: "Then how long do you want to retreat, husband?"

"At most one year, a few months may be enough!"

"Yeah! Then I'll wait for you to come back!" An Yan said very solemnly.

Seeing that she was so cute, Xue An couldn't help kissing her forehead again, and then said with a smile.

"Okay, tidy up, and then go out with me thinking about them!"

At this time, in the core pure land, the monks were anxiously waiting for Xue An's return.

"What did the leader do? Didn't he say to go and go back? Why did he go for so long?" Baimei Luohan said uneasyly.

Compared to his anxiety, Yue Ji was much calmer, and saw him smile slightly, "After all, Lao Bai, there will be nothing wrong with the leader. Just put your heart back in your stomach and wait!"

"But I'm still scared!" Baimei said with a frown.

The current Buddhism cultivation has been extremely weak, and there is no room for the slightest mistake.

"Afraid? Haha, don't worry, in front of this adult, only others have been afraid of him, and he has never been afraid of others!" Yue Jing said very confidently.

The white-browed Arhat couldn't help but glance at him, "You seem to be very confident in the leader?"

"This is not faith, but facts!" At this point, Yue Jing smiled and exclaimed: "You have lived in the Buddhist temple for a long time, and you don't know how powerful this Master Xue is!"

At this moment, when Guanghua flashed, Xue An appeared in front of everyone with An Yan and two little girls.

And behind them, Xiao Sha, Zhang Xiaoyu and Chan'er also appeared.

The monks were stunned.

Because many people didn't expect that Xue An just left but brought back so many people, and even a pair of little girls like pink jade.

Only Yue Ji smiled, and then took a step forward.


Xue An nodded, "This is my wife and child, behind my two guards and maid."

Everyone was stunned.

Bai Mei couldn't help but put his palms together, and exclaimed with joy: "The daughter of the leader is really smart and cute, with extraordinary talent!"

But Gong Yunjun, who was standing behind the crowd, trembled all over, and then his face became pale.

Mu Wushuang felt the strangeness of Gong Yunjun from the side, and understood the reason after a little thought, and couldn't help but whispered: "Jun Yun, you..."

But before she finished speaking, Gong Yunjun shook his head, "No need to say, I'm fine! I'm happy for adults!"

As he said, a pale smile appeared on Gong Yunjun's face, "As long as the adults can be happy, I will be happier than anything!"

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