Mu Wushuang was silent for a moment, and finally sighed slightly before speaking again.

At the same time, Xue An commanded: "I will retreat immediately, and after the retreat, the affairs of the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom will be temporarily handed over to Yue Ji!"

"Yes! The disciple understands!" Yue Ji looked solemn and bowed his head.

White-browed Arhat said: "Since the leader wants to retreat, it is better to go to the Genting Temple, and it will be convenient for me to wait for you to protect the law!"

Xue An shook his head, "No need! I do not need to wait for the Dharma in this retreat. Your top priority is to save the world as soon as possible and develop new disciples of Buddha cultivation. Otherwise, you want to revitalize the Buddha. China, it is destined to be nothing but empty words!"

"But..." Bai Mei hesitated.

Xue An smiled, "Don't worry, I have my own arrangements for the protection of the law!"

Baimei put his hands together and took his orders, "Yes! Disciples obey orders!"

Xue An squatted down again, kissed one person on the cheek of thinking and Niannian, and then said with a smile: "When I am in retreat, you have to listen to your mother, don't be naughty, you hear?"

"Yeah! Dad, don't worry, we will definitely protect you with mom!" Think about it with a serious little face.

With tears in her eyes, Nian Nian nodded solemnly.

Xue An just stood up and stepped to before the big hole.

Xue An had previously sealed the entrance of this big hole with a talisman seal.

Now the golden light above is like the sea, dazzling.

Xue An stepped on the void and came to the center of the golden light, then sat down cross-legged, and slowly closed his eyes.


The golden light blew up, rolled up a huge wave, and then completely submerged Xue An's figure.

After the brilliance dissipated, the surrounding area of ​​this big hole was suddenly full of red lotus, full of holy beauty.

The monks put their palms together, and admired them together: "Nan Wuyou Buddha!"

And Zhang Xiaoyu suddenly said: "Is this blooming, my lord?"


As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Sha slapped her head directly, and said with a stern face: "Stop **** bullshit, and then bullshit. Believe it or not, I will weave your tentacles into a Chinese knot?"

Zhang Xiaoyu smirked, and covered his head with aggrieved eyes, "Am I just saying that? As for playing so hard, it's all swollen...!"

"It's you, why, have any opinions?"

"Ah no no..."

"Hmph, forgive you for not dare!"

At this moment, An Yan said solemnly: "Okay, stop making trouble, Xiao Sha!"

Xiaosha said with a solemn expression, "My mistress, what's your order!"

"Your master is now in retreat. In order to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to cause chaos, you must guard here strictly without error, understand?"

Xiao Sha slapped his chest with a loud sound, "My mistress, please don't worry, as long as there is my Xiaosha, no one can get close to the master."

An Yan nodded, then looked at Mu Wushuang and Gong Yunjun in the distance, and smiled slightly.

"Are you two waiting here too?"

Mu Wushuang immediately replied, "Of course, my lord is kind to me, and now I naturally want to repay him!"

Gong Yunjun didn't speak, but nodded silently, then walked to the side and sat down, showing his attitude with actions.

At this point, the entire core pure land has become busy.

Bai Mei and others began to preach and transform the Tao and develop new Buddhist disciples.

Yue Jing is responsible for the affairs of Buddhism.

As for An Yan and others, they have been waiting before the entrance of the cave, waiting for the day when Xue An left the customs.

And when Xue An was in retreat, the entire heavens began to become turbulent, and the situation became more turbulent.

Because people were shocked to discover that despite the full pursuit of the Royal Palace, Xuanming Tomb and the major sects, Xue An, who had refined the thousands of Tianjiao and committed the "wrath of all", seemed to have evaporated, disappearing without a trace, even There wasn't even a shred of news.

This could not help making many people start to wonder.

Where did this former Red Lotus Immortal Venerable go?

Why can't you even see the slightest trace?

As for the sects such as the Palace of the Human Emperor and Xuan Ming Ling, they were even more angry about this. The intensity of the arrest has not weakened, but has become more and more tight.

Because if they couldn't even find a trace of Xue An, if they ended up in a hurry, they would definitely become a big laughing stock in the heavens.

Therefore, with the passage of time, the whole heavens became turbulent.

From time to time, there will be news that Xue An's traces have been found somewhere, but in the end these news without exception have been proved to be false.

In this case, the atmosphere became more and more tense.

Especially when Renhuangdian and Xuanmingling have issued reward announcements, as long as they can provide the exact news of Xue An, there will be extremely rich rewards.

The heavens are boiling again.

Many people started looking for Xue An's whereabouts with red eyes.

And just in this case, in a planet where the spiritual power is not strong or weak, and the strength is also the average level of the heavens.

Two figures, one big and one small, are walking slowly.

"Hey uncle, how long do we have to walk like this?" The small figure lifted the cloak, revealing a delicate and tender face.

This is a little Lolita no more than eight or nine years old. She looks very attractive, especially her eyes are very clear, black and white, bones are turned back and forth, very strange.

But the most striking thing is the red mole between her brows.

This red mole is as if it had been dotted with cinnabar, red like blood, with a hint of mystery.

At this moment, the figure on the side also slowly raised his head, revealing a cheek that was almost evil and handsome.

It's just that there is a touch of exhaustion in his eyes, but after hearing the little girl's words, he still smiled dozingly.

"Are you tired from walking?"

"Tired isn't too tired, it's just too boring! And where are you going to take me?" Little Lori raised her face and asked.

The man smiled, "Take you home!"

"Home?" Little Lori showed a sense of sorrow in her and then lowered her head, "I don't have a home, so I was discarded as an ominous person since I was a kid!"

At this moment, Little Lori felt a heavy shoulder, and when she looked up, she saw that the man was patting her shoulder solemnly.

"You have to remember that it is not your home at all, and you are not an ominous thing, do you understand?"

Little Lolita was a little dazed, but she nodded her head intensively, "Hmm! The home you are going to take me back to is far away?"

"It's far, but it should be here soon!" The man smiled, then raised his head and looked into the distance.

It was the setting sun at the moment, and they were heading west again, so the sunlight dyed the road in front of them golden.

"There should be a town shop in front. When we get there, we will take a break and eat something, how about it?"


The two put on their cloaks again and stepped into the **** setting sun.

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