Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1950: Zhao Kingdom 3 Prince

At this moment, a long line came along the official road.

This team is so powerful that even the guards are clearly armored and very powerful.

In the middle of the team is a large and exquisite car wheel, and a large flag is erected on the car wheel, on which a big word "Zhao" is written in dragons and phoenixes.

The chariot was surrounded by people, and the merchants who had been walking on the official road all retreated to the side of the road.

The courageous even fell directly to the ground, not even daring to raise his head.

The chariot rumbled through the dust and headed to the small town.

When the team passed by, the people on both sides of the road breathed out a lingering breath, and then whispered.

"Isn't this the third prince of our country Zhao? What did he do, why did he pass by?"

"Didn’t you hear? This time the three princes went to the Qingming Immortal Sect to worship the mountain with a heavy gift, and finally moved an old **** and took him into the sect. Now the three princes are already the inner room of the Qingming Xianzong. Disciple!"

"Hey! Doesn't that mean that the three princes will also become immortal immortals?"

"Hehe, it's more than that. I heard that the third prince returned to Beijing this time and might inherit the great treasure and become the prince!"

This remark silenced everyone around him.

It took a while before someone smiled bitterly: "I was originally a nobleman of Heavenly Lake, but now he has become a descendant of the Azure Underworld Immortal Sect. Now, this third prince will be even more uncontrollable!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was disgraced.

Someone whispered: "Don't talk nonsense, the third prince is now a member of the fairy sect, and there are various unpredictable methods. If he knows that someone is speaking badly behind his back, we will all not survive!"

Everyone nodded one after another, and then dispersed in a hurry.

And the reason these people are so afraid is that they all know how arrogant and domineering this third prince is.

Bullying men and women is simply commonplace. He even takes pleasure in murder at every turn. These deeds have long made him synonymous with demons in Zhao Guomin.

But he never expected that such a nonsense fellow could become a disciple of the Azure Underworld Immortal Sect.

At this time, many people who had expected the three princes to be retribution were all disappointed.

And just when many people bemoan the injustice of heaven.

The third prince of the Zhao Kingdom, Zhao Jingsheng, has already walked into this small town with pride.

As the rumors said, he has now worshipped the elder of the Qingming Immortal Sect and became the inner disciple of the Qingming Immortal Sect.

Although he has not formally started practicing, the gift he gave was too rich, so the elder in charge of punishment personally cleansed his marrow through the Book of Changes and imparted the merits.

So now he is very different from before, becoming a quasi-jinxian master.

Although this strength is barely influx on this planet, after all, it is so different from the ordinary, it has already entered the path of repairing [无error Novel Network].

In particular, the elder in charge of punishment personally rewarded him with a magic sword, which made him more confident.

He was already arrogant and domineering, but now he is almost arrogant to the extreme, thinking that there is nothing else under the sun that can stump him.

Therefore, he was supposed to fly back to the country of Zhao, and he deliberately made these battles, just to let the common people all over the world know that he is good at Zhao Jingsheng.


He happily played with the wine glass in his hand, and then looked at the street view outside through the car window.

Because of his arrival, the entire street has been cleared.

Everyone was driven to both sides of the road, standing against the wall, not even daring to move.

Zhao Jingsheng looked down at these people condescendingly, the corners of his mouth gradually raised, revealing a cold smile.

"It's really a group of fools who have never seen the world, and they don't even know how to kneel when they see this emperor!"

When the words fell, the brilliance flashed in his eyes, releasing his power and covering the entire long street.


Although this Zhao Jingsheng is not the strength of the quasi-jinxian, this coercion is not something ordinary people can bear.

So after a scream, these people all knelt on the ground and could no longer move.

Zhao Jingsheng nodded with satisfaction.

"Is that the right way? I didn't kneel down when I saw the emperor. This is the punishment for you!"

With that, he laughed arrogantly.

Amidst the laughter, the team continued to walk around.

But at this moment, Zhao Jingsheng suddenly stopped laughing, and then said solemnly: "Stop!"

With an order, the convoy stopped instantly.

Then an officer hurried forward.

"His Royal Highness, what is your order?"

Zhao Jingsheng didn't speak, because his eyes were all attracted by the woman in the small restaurant.

At this moment, the woman was clearing the table in the lobby, without realizing that there was a silver evil staring at her outside.

This girl is actually not particularly good-looking, the key is that she is fascinated by her pure and beautiful temperament.

So Zhao Jingsheng was a little dumbfounded before he knew it.

As Zhao Jingsheng’s subordinate, how could this officer fail to see the doorway, so he smiled, and whispered: "His Royal Highness? Do you want me to arrest this civilian girl..."

"No need!" Zhao Jingsheng grinned, a look of hostility appeared on the rather handsome face, and said with a strange smile.

"The emperor is also a bit hungry. I think this little restaurant should taste good, so I just go down and taste it!"

With that, he lifted the driving curtain, stepped out of the car, and then came to this small restaurant.

The people in the small restaurant have naturally seen such a big battle.

None of them dared to go out, but silently prayed in their hearts, hoping that the magic star-like third prince would leave quickly.

But never expected that the third prince would not leave, and got out of the car and came to this small restaurant.

At this time, both the diners and the folks in the small restaurant panicked.

Yingluo was naturally aware of this and couldn't help but whispered, "Uncle."

The man didn’t even lift his head, he was concentrating on dealing with the noodles in the After hearing Yingluo’s shout, he said calmly: "Stop talking, continue eating!"

Yingluo squeezed her mouth, and then she didn't say anything, but her big eyes kept turning around, peeking in the direction of the entrance of the restaurant.

at the same time.

The third prince, Zhao Jingsheng, has entered the restaurant.

With his status and status, he usually embraces him no matter where he goes, and this time is no exception.

The girl in the hall looked pale and looked at the crowd who suddenly came in, her brain blank.

She was just an ordinary girl, because her father opened this small restaurant and the small business couldn't afford to hire too many people, she was forced to show her face and set up a running hall.

Therefore, she had never seen such a formation at all, and she was shocked.

At this moment, someone wiped off the table, Zhao Jingsheng sat down, and then smiled at the running girl.

"Why? Don't you entertain?"

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