Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1951: Let me eat a bowl of noodles quietly

The girl in the hall was trembling all over, and her father also rushed over from the back kitchen. Seeing this, he hurriedly walked a few steps forward with a smile on his face, and said with a bow and bow.

"My lord, this child has never seen the world. Don't be familiar with her. If you have any needs, just tell me..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Jingsheng raised his eyebrows slightly, and an officer behind him immediately rushed forward, raising his hand and slapped the old man viciously.

"Old fellow, your Highness didn't ask you, what qualifications do you have to speak?"

The running girl screamed, "Father!"

The old man's mouth and nose were bleeding, but he didn't even dare to move, so he could only keep bowing.

At this moment, Zhao Jingsheng said indifferently: "Okay, I haven't eaten yet, I don't have any appetite after seeing a lot of blood!"

The officer immediately bowed and retreated.

Then Zhao Jingsheng, the third prince, waved to the girl and said with a smile, "Come here!"

The running girl was full of anger, but due to the situation, she came forward slowly.

When I got closer, I felt the pure aura on the girl in the hall and looked at her delicate cheeks, and the greed in Zhao Jingsheng's eyes became thicker.

But he concealed it superbly on the surface, smiling and saying: "I think your little restaurant is good, do you have any special dishes?"

"No!" The girl shook her head and replied stiffly.

"Bold!" Someone scolded immediately.

Zhao Jingsheng waved his hand, and then said lightly: "Then choose your most expensive dish and make me a table. I want to taste it. If it is done well, I will have another reward!"

The running girl was furious, but she also understood that she couldn't provoke others, so she bowed her head and responded, and then helped her father back down together.

No one in the lobby dared to speak, and people's heavy breathing could be heard quietly.

Sitting in the corner, Yingluo witnessed the whole process, and couldn't help but glared at Zhao Jingsheng in the distance with anger, and then looked at the opposite man, the meaning was obvious.

Don't you care about this?

Unexpectedly, the man did not look up at all, as if nothing happened in the outside world had nothing to do with him.

This little loli couldn't help being even more angry when she saw this, but she had a calmness and restraint far surpassing her peers, and she actually endured it and watched all this silently.

At this moment, the girl in the hall walked up with a tray, which was filled with steaming dishes.

When the dishes were put on the table, the patron girl said coldly: "Guest officer, please use it slowly!"

After that, turn around and leave.

But Zhao Jingsheng stopped her, "Hold on!"

The girl stopped, "Is there anything else the guest officer?"

"These dishes...what are the names?" Zhao Jingsheng said with a smile.

The girl in the hall shook her head, "It's all rural dishes without a name!"

"Then how about a name?"

With that, Zhao Jingsheng grabbed the girl's hand and said with a smile, "How about calling it Beauty Jade?"

The patron girl was shocked, and then she struggled hard, "Guest officer, please respect yourself!"

"Oh? Self-respect? What if I don't have self-respect? Tsk tsk, it's still the unbroken virgin of Yuan Yin, which is also of great benefit to my practice!" Zhao Jingsheng completely tore off the disguise at this time, and said with a silver evil face.

The aggrieved tears of the girl in the hall were rolling in her eyes. Although she struggled hard, with her little strength, how could she shake the quasi-jinxian strength Zhao Jingsheng.

At this moment, her father couldn't help but rushed forward desperately.

"My lord, the child is not sensible, please let her go!"

But before he rushed to the front, several soldiers blocked the way, and the officer who slapped him quickly stepped forward and kicked him to the ground.

"Damn, it's your blessing that Your Highness can see your daughter. You don't know how to be grateful. You dare to be squeaky and crooked, you really want to die!"

As he said, the officer kicked again.

The kick was heavier, and the old man vomited a big mouthful of blood.

"Father!" The girl in the hall screamed.

Then he looked at everyone present with praying eyes, hoping that someone would come forward to rescue them, father and daughter.

But when she looked away, everyone bowed their heads and dodged.

The girl's heart gradually fell into despair, and suddenly remembering something, she looked at the man's table with the last glimmer of hope.

But she was still disappointed, because at this moment, the man was still eating noodles intently.

It seems that this bowl of plain noodles is more attractive than all things outside.

The running girl smiled sadly, her heart was completely desperate.

At the same time, Zhao Jingsheng dragged her into his arms with anxious expression.

There was a decisive look in the eyes of the running girl, and she slammed her hand up, slapped a hard slap in the face while the three princes gave her the soul.


This slap was so loud that the entire hotel lobby was quiet.

Zhao Jingsheng was slapped, staring at the girl blankly, and then a big slap print quickly appeared on his cheek.

Immediately afterwards, a terrible rage appeared on his face, and he screamed.

"You bitch, dare to hit me, I want you to die!"

As he said, he stood up with red eyes, grabbed the girl's neck, and pressed it to the table in front of him.

At this moment, this Zhao Jingsheng was almost mad.

We must know that he has lived in an extremely superior environment since he was a child, and wherever he goes, he has been the focus of attention.

Under pampering, let alone being beaten, I have never even been scolded.

What's more, now he has become a disciple of the Azure Underworld Immortal he thinks he is a first-rate fairy, and naturally he can't accept the fact that he was slapped in the face by a mortal woman.

Therefore, his entire face was distorted with anger, "Bitch, don't you know how to promote? Then today I will grab your yin in front of everyone, and then kill you! Let you die. Taste all the humiliation!"

At this time, the girl in the hall was already aspiring to life and death.

But Zhao Jingsheng had anticipated this a long time ago, and the brilliance flashed in his eyes, and the invisible pressure made the running girl stiff and could no longer move.

"Hmph, want to die? It's not that easy! Today I will ask you to survive and die!" Zhao Jingsheng said with infinite bitterness.

With that said, Zhao Jingsheng stretched out his hand to untie the belt of the patronage girl.

The brilliance in the eyes of the girl in the hall was gradually darkening, which was a sign that she had fallen into complete despair.

But at this moment, a light sigh came from behind Zhao Jingsheng.

"Can I just finish the noodles quietly? Why do I have to force me to do it in advance?"

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