Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1952: If you don’t make a move, you will cut the grass with one shot...

As soon as this statement was made, the whole hall was shaken.

The girl in the hall was even more shocked, and then raised her head to look at the speaker.

I saw this man standing at the table with a look of boredom on his face.

When Zhao Jingsheng saw this man he didn't know him, his expression turned gloomy in an instant, "What are you, dare you come to stop this palace from having fun? Get out!"

However, the man ignored Zhao Jingsheng’s clamor, but looked at the girl in the hall, and then smiled slightly, “The plain noodles taste really good, thank you!”

Somehow, when she saw the man's smile, the running girl felt her nose sore, and her tears flowed down.

When Zhao Jingsheng saw this, he was even furious, "Why? Want a hero to save the United States? You don't weigh whether you are worthy!"

As he said, Zhao Jingsheng took a palm and blasted at the man with the wind.

Although he was a quasi-golden immortal who was forcibly refined, it was very watery!

But no matter what the water is, it is still a quasi-golden fairy, so the power of this palm is quite terrifying, and a gust of wind blew in the hotel lobby.

Zhao Jingsheng was proud of his face, but as soon as his palm reached halfway, he suddenly stopped.

Because the man covered his palm with one hand lightly.

Zhao Jingsheng's face turned white, and he tried to shake the man away.

But all his efforts failed. Although this man simply stood there, he looked like a mountain. No matter how Zhao Jingsheng urged him, he couldn't shake it.

There was a look of astonishment in Zhao Jingsheng's eyes.

At this moment, the man gave him a faint smile.

"This palm, I will pay you back!"

After that, the man raised his other hand and patted it down.


When the palm fell, Zhao Jingsheng felt as if the sky had collapsed, a mellow and radiant atmosphere, and a huge force that made people unable to resist even the heart to rise came crashing down.

Zhao Jingsheng screamed, frantically urging all the cultivation bases to try to resist.

But his efforts are as naive and ridiculous as if worms shake a tree.

Without even the slightest pause, his palms destroyed all his resistance like a ruin, and then descended on his head.

Zhao Jingsheng's eyes showed infinite despair and horror, and hiss screamed: "Forgive me..."

The man's palm paused slightly.

When Zhao Jingsheng saw hope, he immediately began to beg for mercy frantically, "My lord is forgiving my life, I don't know you will be here, please forgive me not to die! I promise I will never dare again!"

The man's palm rested on top of his head, and then said lightly: "Do you know me?"

Zhao Jingsheng shook his head, but immediately thought of something and nodded frantically.

"Oh? Then who do you say I am?" the man asked with interest.

" are the great bodhisattva who saves suffering and disaster. I blame me for having no eyes, so I ran into you, please forgive me!" Zhao Jingsheng kept begging for mercy.

The entire hotel lobby was deadly silent.

People all looked foolishly.

No one thought that such a shocking reversal would happen suddenly.

This aggressive and bullish Zhao Jingsheng, in the hands of this man, didn't even last a round before becoming a defeated player.

This is nothing, the key is that Zhao Jingsheng's crazy begging for mercy at this time is simply shocking.

Who could have imagined that the three princes, who usually dominate and dominate, would behave so unbearably when facing death.

Not even an ordinary person has come here with integrity.

Faced with Zhao Jingsheng's begging for mercy, the man did not respond, but turned his head to look at the girl in the hall.

"Girl, did you say that this person was killed or let him go?"

The running girl is also stupid.

She didn't expect things to become like this.

In particular, the man has now given the right to choose to his own hands, which makes her face confused.

However, Zhao Jingsheng trembled all over, and then looked at the patronizing girl with pleading eager eyes, and the pitiful person almost fell on her knees.

The running girl hesitated.

Of course she hated this Zhao Jingsheng, because he beat his father for no reason and tried to be rude to himself.

But after all, he is the third prince of the Zhao country. If he were killed like this... wouldn't his father and daughter also cause great disaster?

Therefore, after pondering for a while, the running girl said softly: "My lord, let him go!"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhao Jingsheng couldn't help but let out a sigh, and thought to himself in his heart.

This girl is quite acquainted, forgive you for not daring to treat me.

Of course, these are the thoughts deep in his heart, but on the surface he dared not show anything, but looked at the man pleadingly.

The man suddenly laughed, "Let it go?"

"Yeah!" The running girl replied in a low voice.

"Then do you know what will happen if you let him go?"

Without waiting for the girl to answer, the man continued to speak on his own.

"After we leave, he will definitely come back and arrest you and your father slowly and cruelly. At that time, death is a luxury for you. You won’t be eligible until he feels tired of playing. Go to death."

The man said quietly, making everyone in the hotel lobby feel that their hairs are erect.

Because the scene described by the man is terrible.

The girl in the hall was shocked all over, and then looked at Zhao Jingsheng.

At this time, Zhao Jingsheng's face was as pale as paper, and there was a look of panic in his eyes.

Because what the man just said was his true thoughts deep in his heart.

He didn't know how this man knew.

At this moment, the man smiled at Zhao Jingsheng, "Am I right? Your Highness the Third Prince?"

Zhao Jingsheng trembled, suddenly understood, and shouted in horror: "No, it's not like this, I don't..."

The voice did not fall.

The man's palm fell suddenly and directly smashed Zhao Jingsheng's head with a decisive posture.


The blood mingled with brains spilled all over the place.

Zhao Jingsheng stared at the man with dull eyes, with an incredible expression on his face, as if he didn't believe that he was so but soon, the brilliance in his eyes was completely extinguished.

Then the corpse fell to the ground.

The man patted his palms lightly, and said lightly: "So to deal with this kind of person, you can do nothing. There is only one way to do it, and that is to eliminate the roots!"

"Girl, do you understand?"

During the whole process, the man didn't look at the dead body on the ground, as if it was not a dignified three prince who died, but a trivial ant.

But he can be so calm, others can't.

After a while of silence, the entire restaurant boiled completely.

"The third prince is dead, my God! This is over, we all have to be buried with us!" Someone cried bitterly.

"Run!" Someone ran away.

Many people still looked at the blood on the ground with dull eyes, as if they didn't believe it was true.

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