Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1960: How about follow me?

It was Xiaosha who stood in the way.

She was waiting here by Anyan's order, and naturally she would not allow Maitreya to pass.

After seeing Xiaosha, the Maitreya Bodhisattva flashed brilliance in his eyes, and then folded his palms, exclaiming with joy.

"Goodness, goodness, it is a new kind of dragon that has never been seen before, and it happens to be the protector of the heavenly dragon under my seat."

With that said, Maitreya raised his head to look at Xiaosha, and said with a smile: "Dragon Race, are you willing to return to me?"

Xiaosha's dragon eyes gradually widened, and a cloud of white gas was sprayed from his nostrils, "Monk, don't you want to be blind? You want me to return to you? Do you know who my master is? Stop talking nonsense. , Quit obediently, or I won’t be polite!"

Maitreya's smile remained undiminished, but rather said with interest: "Interesting, such a backbone and assertive dragon is rare for me! But since I want you to surrender to you, then you and disagree are the same result! "

After all, Maitreya stepped forward.

Xiao Sha was already a little impatient, so after seeing Maitreya actually dared to move, he couldn't help but circled, and then sprayed a dragon's breath toward Maitreya.

Since the training in the Dragon Sacred Land, Xiaosha's body has been fused with the blood of several dragons, such as the Devil Dragon Jiaolong, so this dragon breath is very powerful.

But Maitreya didn't even lift his eyelids, just waved his hand, and a huge palm appeared in the air, and then he shook it.

This dragon's breath was pinched into nothingness by his palm.

But this was far from over, and then the giant palm fell towards Xiao Shadou, covering his face.

A huge power came suddenly, but Xiao Sha didn't have the slightest fear, but instead roared and rushed straight up.

Seeing this scene, the color of appreciation in Maitreya's eyes couldn't help but grow stronger, but the castration of his palms remained unabated.

So soon, Xiao Sha collided with this giant palm in mid-air.


After a loud noise.

Xiaosha's body sank suddenly, obviously under tremendous pressure.

The pressure was so great that the dragon scales all over her were spreading apart, and the sound of squeaking bones bursting from within her body.

Even so, Xiao Sha still did not flinch at all, but instead let out an extremely angry dragon chant.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you are you are, give me away

With that said, Xiao Sha rose up with all his strength to resist the giant palm, and then slowly lifted up.

A look of solemnity appeared on Maitreya's face.

Because he had never expected Xiao Sha to be so brave and strong, and even able to shake his handprints.

This kind of spiritual will is simply terrifyingly strong.

But that's it all.

Maitreya sighed slightly, and his palm pressed down suddenly.

Xiaosha no longer has the power to resist, and she was forced down by a hundred feet.

But at this moment, I only heard a shout, "Master Xiaosha, I'll help you!"

As he said, an octopus rose into the sky, flew to the front with its tentacles, and then quickly bound the giant palm.

The person who came was naturally Zhang Xiaoyu. She tried her best, all her tentacles were tight, trying to lift the giant palm to give Xiaosha some breathing space.

But with her strength, how could it be possible to shake the power of the big mudra.

Just a few breaths.

Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu screamed together, and then they were pressed from the sky to the ground.

The moment the giant palm fell, it turned into a chain, tying the two together.

Even if Xiao Sha struggled, she still couldn't shake the chain.

This shows how strong this Maitreya Bodhisattva is.

At this moment, Xiao Sha's eyes were about to split, staring at Maitreya, and roaring: "Let go of me, you bald donkey!"

Maitreya was not angry, but smiled slightly, "Don't be nervous, I won't hurt you, but you have to lie here for a while!"

With that, Maitreya stepped forward.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Sha was shocked, his eyes spit fire, and the dragon's blood boiled all over his body, actually trying to burn himself to break the shackles.

But at this moment, the incompetent who had passed in front of her suddenly reached out and patted her shoulder.

"Little girl, don't be too impulsive in doing things!"

These two slaps seemed to be an understatement, but they easily dissipated the blood that Xiaosha had finally condensed, and even the whole body was instantly stiff and could no longer move.

"Let’s take a break, what do you think?"

Incompetence said with a smile, then got up and left.

at the same time.

Maitreya also stopped, because in front of him stood a stunningly beautiful woman.

The woman was holding a weapon with a weird shape that looked like a pot, and she looked at him sinkingly.

It is An Yan.

An Yan has seen everything that just happened.

Including Yue Jing, all people from the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom could not stop this Maitreya Bodhisattva.

Even Xiao Sha was easily defeated, which shows his greatness.

But An Yan didn't back down at all. Instead, he stopped the way with a calm expression and said lightly: "This way is nowhere, please go back, monk!"

When he saw An Yan, Maitreya looked surprised, but Xuan even stepped back half a step, folded his palms together, and said without squinting: "Female donor, please leave the way."

"Get out?" An Yan sneered, "Okay, then step on my body!"

Following the voice, the two little girls, Miss and Nian, also poked their heads from behind An Yan.

"Yes, my dad is in retreat, no one is allowed to come close, dare to come forward, be careful we beat you!" Niannian said with a small fist.

Thinking about it is much more calm, a pair of big eyes wandering around, looking for the flaws in Maitreya.

After seeing the thoughts and the thoughts, Maitreya was shocked and shocked.

But soon he exclaimed with infinite joy, "Goodness, goodness, there is such a deep Buddha relationship among the heavens, it is really amazing!"

Speaking Maitreya smiled and nodded thinking and thinking, "Two small donors, how old are you?"

"Hmph, we won't tell you! You are a big badass!" Niannian snorted coldly.

Maitreya was not angry, but raised his head to look at An Yan, "Female donor, are these two daughters?"

"So what?"

"Goodness is good. I think that the two golden bodies have roots of wisdom. Obviously they are bound to my Buddha. It is better to let them practice with me. What do you think?"

"Of course not!" An Yan shook his head resolutely.

The two little girls screamed in anger.

"Who wants to practice with you, a bad guy?"

"I don't want to shave my head!"

Hearing An Yan's refusal and the noise of the two little girls, Maitreya still did not give up.

"I guarantee that if the two daughters follow my practice, they will definitely achieve something!"

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