Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1961: OK, I'll wait for you to exit

A sneer appeared at the corner of An Yan's mouth, and then slowly raised the pan in his hand and pointed at Maitreya on the opposite side.

"Stop talking nonsense, my daughter will never be a monk, let's do it!"

When Maitreya saw this, he couldn't help but sighed, "What a pity!"

Then he stepped forward.

An Yan raised his hand, the pan shook slightly, and a huge thunder blasted towards Maitreya.

But just halfway through, Lei disappeared silently.

That's right.

It was as if someone had erased the second half with an eraser, and there was not even a sign or a wave of waves, and this huge thunder disappeared.

An Yan gritted his teeth and waved the pan in his hand again and again, blasting at Maitreya as if he didn't need money.

But Maitreya did not stop for half a minute. He just whispered: "Female donor, please give up. I am out of the body of the five elements. These tricks will not work for me!"

Of course An Yan would not give up, but Maitreya's power was like a mountain, and she couldn't breathe.

At this moment, just think about it and say coldly: "Niannian, the pocket on the shoulder of the man behind!"

Nian Nian immediately responded: "Okay!"

As he said, Xue Nian raised his hand and pointed to the cloth pocket on his incompetent shoulder.



With an order, the Qi machine of heaven and earth vibrated, and even certain causes and effects changed accordingly.

Under the action of this kind of power, the cloth bag quickly faded and became obsolete, and there were faint cracks.

At this time, Maitreya's complexion became pale, but his eyes were filled with infinite surprises and admiration, "Good, good, good, is this just saying the law?"

With that said, he took another step forward.

With one step, the earth quaked.

An Yan and the two little girls stepped back at the same time.

"Mother!" Xiaosha hissed with bloodshot eyes.

Although being shaken and retreated far away, An Yan and the two little girls did not suffer the slightest harm.

at the same time.

Maitreya and Wu Neng Sheng continued to move forward.

An Yan snorted and rushed up again.

But as soon as she was halfway there, she was incompetent and smiled at her slightly, "Female donor, you are too impatient, so let's take a break!"

Having said that, incompetence slapped a palm.

Juli came crashing down, and he wanted to tie An Yan.

But at the moment when this power is about to reach An Yan.

Just under Anyan's feet, a lotus flower suddenly grew and then bloomed, protecting Anyan in it.

Not only her, but Miss Nian and Xiaosha Zhang Xiaoyu and others are the same.

As soon as the lotus flower opened, the power that Maitreya had exerted on everyone instantly collapsed.

Xiaosha leaped up from the ground, and the blood-red eyes were looking for Maitreya desperately.

But at this time, Maitreya's face became extremely solemn, and then he looked at the golden light twinkling hole in the distance with awe, and walked forward without saying a word.

Incompetence followed closely, and the two came to the golden light hole in the blink of an eye.

at the same time.

The golden light above the cave suddenly burst, and then condensed into the appearance of a blossoming lotus, blocking everything from the outside world.

Even Xiaosha was no exception. She was shocked from the air and looked far away with amazement.

But seeing Maitreya raised his head and looked at the lotus sky with bright eyes, he suddenly chuckled.

"Okay! Then I'll be waiting for you here for a while, until you exit!"

Having said that, Maitreya and Wu Neng Sheng sat down, then slowly closed their eyes, and actually closed their eyes and meditated like this.

This scene stunned everyone.

People never expected such a turning point.

The tantric master, who had been aggressive and seemed to be coming for trouble, suddenly stopped and began to meditate cross-legged, as if waiting for Xue An to leave.

This is too incredible.

At this moment, countless golden lights emerged from the bodies of Maitreya and Wu Neng Sheng, and they finally merged with the golden light at the entrance of the cave, thus covering their bodies and disappearing.

People stared blankly.

After a long time, Yue Ji whispered softly: "What are they going to do? Do they protect the Fa?"

This sudden wave was so temporarily subdued.

Although everyone's hearts were full of doubts, they could only suppress it first, and wait patiently for Xue An to leave.

It's okay for others to say that Xiaosha alone is almost furious.

Especially the matter just now was regarded as a great shame by her, and she swore to find the place back.

And just when she went crazy.

Xiao Yingluo approached curiously, "Are you...Are you a dragon?"

"You are deaf, and your whole family is deaf!" Xiao Sha, who was gnashing his teeth and cursing that the two monks were unrequited, didn't even turn his head when he heard the words.

Xiao Yingluo took a step backwards violently, and then squeezed her mouth a little bit aggrievedly, "Why are you so awesome! I just asked curiously!"

Only then did Xiao Sha understand what she meant, and when she turned her head to see that she was a little Lolita who was about the same size as her, she was startled, and then scratched her head in embarrassment.

"Uh..., you are right, I am a dragon!"

Yingluo giggled, then looked at Octopus curiously.

"What about you? Why did you grow so many tentacles just now?"

Zhang Xiaoyu's face is much thicker than Xiaosha, he smiled when he heard the words, and then shook his whole body, and the tentacles appeared.

"How is it? Great!"

Xiao Yingluo's face was amazed, and she kept applauding: "Awesome."

Zhang Xiaoyu couldn't help becoming more proud.

But Yingluo's next sentence wiped out all his pride.

I saw Yingluo say: "I didn't expect seafood to be refined!"

"You only have seafood, and your whole family has seafood!" Zhang Xiaoyu usually resists the most when he hears others say that he is seafood, so he unceremoniously replied.

Yingluo laughed happily, "Are you kidding me, so serious?"

Then she looked at the thoughts and misses on the side. After a moment, the three little girls nodded to each other and said in unison: "Hello!"

Then the three of them smiled together.

It is said that children are not separated.

So the three little girls quickly got together to chat and This scene also made the very solemn atmosphere just now much easier.

Although An Yan was defeated twice by Maitreya and others, she was in a very good mood now.

Because she felt Xue An's breath from the lotus flower.

Although it is very weak, it at least proves that he has been there all the time.

So when she saw her two daughters having fun with Yingluo, she couldn't help but smile.

But there were people in the court who were not so happy.

Such as this Yue Jing.

His face was as cold as frost, staring at Yingluo's back. After a long time, he narrowed his gaze and said lightly, "Is she the one you will find at all costs, even if your Zen heart is broken?"

Yuecha on the side looked like water and nodded, "Yes!"

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