Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1962: That was so cold

Yue Ji remained silent for a long time, before finally sighing faintly, "Is it worth it?"

Yue Sha glanced at his senior, and then chuckled lightly: "Brother, this is not like what you said. Don't you always hold the view that nothing can cause dust in the first place? How can it be like this this time? "

Yue Ji glared, "Nonsense, you are my real brother, of course I have to worry for you!"

Yue Sha faintly smiled, then raised her eyes to look at Xiao Yingluo who was playing with Miss Miss in the distance, her eyes gradually becoming deeper.

"It doesn't matter that it is worthless. From the moment I made this decision and put it into action, I had thought about all the consequences and was willing to bear it."

Seeing the indifferent expression on his junior brother's face, Yue Ji stopped talking, finally let out a light sigh.

"Then you know that with your talent, if you are brave and diligent in the Zen mind without falling, you can definitely prove that the Tao is virtuous, and even the Dharma cloud will be hopeful, but you have ruined your future for a period of love in the past , I really feel sorry for you!"

Yue Sha smiled, "If I remember correctly, this should be the first time you praised me, brother, when you used to practice under Master, you called me stupid all day long."

Yue Ji also smiled, with a touch of nostalgia in her smile.

"Yes, you were really stupid to die at the beginning. You have to memorize a very simple Buddhist scripture for a long time. Even the master thought you had limited accomplishments, but you didn’t expect that you suddenly became aware of it. Advance by leaps and bounds, and eventually become the one who inherits Master’s mantle."

Yuecha laughed, "Actually, it was not that I couldn't memorize it back then. I just thought it was too boring and boring to memorize these scriptures!"

"What happened later?"

"Later I discovered that through continuous practice I can actually see a lot of things from my previous life, so I started to practice with my heart!"

Yue Jing suddenly stopped talking.

Because the meaning in his brother's words is very obvious, when he first started practicing Dharma, he rushed to unlock the spiritual wisdom of the previous life.

This couldn't help but make him speechless, and it was not until a long time later that he smiled bitterly, "Then what are you going to do next? Just take this little girl by your side?"

Yue Sha shook his head, and a deep tired look suddenly appeared in his eyes, "I haven't thought about it yet, but one thing is certain."

With that, a smile appeared on Yue Sha's face, "I have to wait for Xue An to leave the customs and see this old friend who hasn't seen him for many years, and then talk about other things!"

Hearing this, Yue Ji's attention could not help being drawn to the golden light in the distance.

"Yes! I don't know when the leader will be able to leave the customs!"

"It shouldn't be long, I can feel that in the golden light, his aura is strengthening a little!" Yue Sha said lightly.

"hope so!"

The storm subsided temporarily, everything returned to calm, and ten more days passed quickly.

During these ten days, everyone's hearts became less peaceful.

Because even the dullest person can feel that a breath of golden light is gestating.

This breath is so powerful, even just a very weak point, it is still vast like a sea of ​​stars, which makes people want to worship.

In this case, thinking and thinking are very happy because they have met a new friend.

Compared to Zhang Xiaoyu's stupid cuteness and Xiaosha's domineering, this little Yingluo is the two little girls' favorite playmates.

And because of Xiao Yingluo's special background, he has never had real friends or playmates, so the three of them hit it off right away, sticking to each other every day, and having fun playing together.

Today is no exception,

The three of them played for a long time, and only after they got tired did they get together and whispered about the secrets between the little girls.

Suddenly, Nian-nian asked curiously: "Yingluo, who is your Master Yuesha?"

Yingluo smiled, "Is he my uncle?"

"Uncle? Is it that simple?" Thinking about it, he obviously didn't believe it.

"if not?"

"Hehe, I thought you were his child bride-in-law!"

"Okay, you dare to make fun of me, look at it!"

Yingluo stretched out her hand and itchy.

Thinking about it, I couldn't stand it at all. After a few rounds, I lost the battle and started begging for mercy with a breathless smile.

"Good Yingluo, I was wrong, I was wrong, I will never say it again!"

"Huh, this is almost the same!" Yingluo let go of her hand contentedly.

Think about it after lying on the ground for a while before sitting up and asking curiously: "Then how did you two meet?"

"Hey, this is a long story." Yingluo sat on the ground carelessly, "If you can summarize it in one sentence, then I was picked up by the uncle."

"Pick it up? Are you an abandoned baby?" Nian Nian said nervously.

This sentence is perfect for Yingluo.

Yingluo couldn't help but stretched out her hand to pinch Niannian's face, "Silly Niannian, don't talk nonsense, how can I be an abandoned baby? I was five years old, okay."

Niannian nodded thoughtfully, and then added, "Is that a five-year-old abandoned baby?"


"Can we not talk about the topic of abandoned babies?"

"it is good!"

"I should be four years old at the time. Because of some things I didn't understand, I was regarded as an ominous person by my family, and then I was thrown into the mountains."

Speaking of this, Ying Luo's face showed a touch of sadness.

The two little girls closed their mouths tightly and looked at her distressedly.

But soon, Yingluo recovered and said in a relaxed tone: "Hey, at the time they thought I would definitely die in the mountains, but they never expected that I would survive and live well!"

With that said, Yingluo said with a smug look: "Have you tasted the autumn wild pear?"

The two little girls shook their heads together.

"I've tasted it, tusk, it tastes... it's sweet and juicy, it can't be too delicious! There are also black honey, yellow jingguo, and even I have found one that was hit and killed by a stone because I couldn't see the road. The stupid goat on The goat is so big, I can’t move it by myself, but I’m so smart, I cut off the meat a little bit with a small stone and eaten with honey! I ate a whole leg of lamb by myself at the time, it's amazing!"

Yingluo said with a smile.

The two little girls were already silly, they could only nodded subconsciously.

But at this time Yingluo turned her head to the side, not wanting the two little girls to see the tears in her eyes.

"Later the weather gradually became cold, and the mountain was blocked by heavy snow overnight. I can only hide in a cave and I can't go anywhere!"

"That winter... it was so cold!"

Yingluo's body began to tremble slightly, "I didn't dare to sleep, because I was afraid that I would never wake up after falling asleep, so I started telling stories to myself. The scarier the story, the better, so that I would be scared forever. Stay awake, hahahaha am I a genius?"

Amidst the laughter, Yingluo did not look back, because she had already burst into tears at this time.

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