Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1977: Only thunderbolt means bodhisattva heart...

"Yes, we are all coerced, and Yunyang is the mastermind!"

These people sold Yunyang without hesitation.

Yunyang trembled and looked at Xue An pleadingly.

"Xian... Master Xianzun, I... I know I was wrong, please let me go!"

Xue An took a deep look at him, then gently shook his head.

And as Xue An shook his head, Yunyang's face suddenly became ashen.

"Actually, I can let you go. After all, you just want to get the bounty. This is understandable, but the problem is that you still want to sell this planet. This is unforgivable! So..."


After all, Xue An raised his eyebrows, and then stepped on it.


The whole alley was shocked.

At the same time, countless sword lights appeared out of thin air, and then rushed towards Yunyang and the others like a tide.

Yunyang and others didn't even have room to struggle.

Because under Xue An's power, all their movements were imprisoned, and they could only watch Jianmang rush towards him.


Accompanied by a sound that looked like an ant bite, the flesh and blood on Yunyang and the others quickly dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the flesh and blood disappeared, leaving only the bones.

But in the next second, under Jianmang's "chewing", these white bones burst open and turned into powder.

At this point, Yunyang and others, who were still alive just now, disappeared like this.

Jianmang returned to nothing, and the alley also recovered calm.

Only the footprints on the ground proved that someone had existed here just now.

Xue looked quietly for a while, then turned around blankly and walked slowly into the darkness.

Seen from behind, he is dressed in white clothes and wins snow, looking so cold and arrogant under the cover of darkness.

But only he knew that this killing was actually just beginning.

In the previous life, Xue An had let go too much, but in this life, he decided not to be soft.

Because only by means of thunderbolt can it be considered a bodhisattva heart.

At the same time, in the distant sky, a faint thunder ran over.

The ubiquitous wind between the sky and the earth began to become restless, and seemed to be brewing a storm that swept everything.

On the long street beyond the alley.

Ye Xiao was standing under a tree beside the road and waiting quietly, surrounded by many teenagers.

At this time, the young man named Lingge frowned slightly.

"Sanniang, this person has been in the alley for such a long time and hasn't come out. Isn't something going to happen?"

Ye Xiao shook his head lightly, "No!"

"Why not? And I don't understand, why should we listen to him?" Lingge said with some dissatisfaction.

"Because this was ordered by the master, we should treat this man like him!" Ye Xiao said.

When I heard that it was the Master's order, Brother Ling dared not say anything else, but still muttered in a low voice, "I have been in for so long and haven't come out. What if I run away with someone?"

Ye Hong Quandang did not hear the complaints from his subordinates, and stared quietly at the alley in the distance.

At this moment, she is already full of infinite curiosity about Xue An.

Because she really couldn't guess what this mysterious boy in white wanted to do.

Why is Grandpa so respectful to him?

As she thought about it, she couldn't help but think of the name of the father-in-law, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth.

But at this moment, a bright white light flashed away suddenly in the alley, and the speed was as fast as a sharp flash.

Ye Hong's heart trembled, and his complexion immediately became extremely solemn.

Because she clearly felt that just now, an extremely tyrannical spirit rose from the alley and immediately disappeared.

what happened?

Could there be any changes in the alley?

Ye Xiaoqing couldn't help taking a few steps forward, and then he wanted to walk into the alley.

At this moment, Xue An slowly walked out of the darkness and came to the front of the alley.

His appearance shocked everyone slightly.

Ye Hong let out a sigh of relief subconsciously, but she soon noticed something strange about Xue An.

Because at this moment, Xue An seemed to linger in a faint mist, and only a pair of star-like eyes were exposed.

Ye Xiao just glanced at it and couldn't help being stunned.

Because there seemed to be countless stars in these eyes, which made people afraid to look directly.

Not only her, but all the teenagers were deterred by Xue An's aura and stood still.

Xue An's mouth slowly raised, revealing a faint smile.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time!"

As soon as this statement came out, it was as if some curse had been solved, and Ye Hong instantly woke up from the previous shock.

"You... why are you yourself? How about your friends?"

"Friends?" Xue An smiled, "They are in a hurry and have already left by themselves!"


Ye Hong is a little unclear.

At this moment, there was a sudden flash of light on the sky, and then there was a violent thunder.

The whole city was shaken by this thunder.

Countless people looked up.

But seeing the dark clouds in the sky, there are countless lightning flashes faintly passing by.

Then a gust of wind blew up between heaven and earth.

The trees swayed frantically.

"It's going to rain!" Xue An said lightly.

Ye Hong couldn't do the calmness of Xue An, her face was slightly pale at the moment, because she had lived so much, she had never seen such a violent wind and thunder.

And just at this moment, a figure galloped from a distance, and after waiting closer, it was Ye Hong's grandfather, Ye Ming!

At this moment, his complexion became very solemn.

"My lord, the wind and rain..."

Xue An smiled and waved his hand, "It's okay!"

After all, Xue An stepped out, then turned into a white light, soaring into the sky, straight into the sky.

This sudden scene made Ye Xiao look silly.

"Grandpa, this..."

Ye Ming looked up at the sky, his beard trembling with excitement, "Master Patriarch will finally reveal his might!"

Grand Master?

Ye Hong was taken aback for a moment.

At this moment, above that high altitude, Xue An's figure was revealed.

Under the black Xue An, who was dressed in white and stood upright like a sword, was so conspicuous that even the entire city was attracted and shocked!

Xue An looked down at the city at his feet, feeling the violent aura between heaven and earth, and smiled faintly.


It seemed that he felt Xue An's contempt, and listened to the rumbling bursts of explosions, and thunder lights came straight to Xue An with a force of thunder.

The prosperity of brilliance makes the sky bright.

Many people couldn't help screaming when they saw this.

Ye Hong clenched his heart into a ball instantly.

But at this moment, I only heard Xue An's soft drink like water from the sky.



Although the sound was small, it was like a king's will, and in an instant shattered all the thunder that came.

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