Immediately afterwards, Xue An raised his foot and took a step forward.

With one step, the sky shook.

The dark clouds that were originally black boiled as if they were boiling.

In an instant, the dark clouds receded, and a sky full of stars appeared.

A big storm was thus eliminated by Xue An invisible.

But this was far from over, Xue An slowly stretched out his sapphire palm, and pointed at the void in front of him.

The void is like a disturbed water surface, with layers of ripples and spreading away.

In an instant, everyone felt that the entire sky began to shake.

Then the ripples over the city gradually dissipated, as if a window had been opened, and a tall mountain loomed in it.

This mountain stands tall, with clouds and mist at the top, like a fairyland.

And behind the clouds, there is a college.

Seeing this scene, Ye Ming's eyes filled with excitement on the ground.

"It's the Academy! I didn't expect the disciple to see the Master again in his lifetime."

Ye Hong looked blank.

Is this the academy that grandpa has always been studying?

But isn't this college in the mountains?

How could it suddenly appear over the city?

She didn't know that this was actually because Xue An directly penetrated time and space with the supreme means, connecting the city with the time and space where the Academy is located.

at the same time.

This academy seemed to feel the same, the sky above was filled with blue light, and then the whole academy was covered.

Xue An smiled coldly, then raised his hand and plunged into it, pressing directly on the blue light barrier.


Qingguang didn't hold it for even a second, before it broke apart.

There was an exclamation in the academy, "How is it possible?"

Xue An said lightly: "How can it be impossible!"

With that, a huge suction suddenly appeared in Xue An's palm.

"Do not!"

The voice screamed sternly, and then countless black energy rushed out, trying to stop Xue An, and at the same time, a faint figure rose into the sky and flew quickly away from the planet.

Xue An's eyes flashed, "Want to run?"

Then he flicked his fingers, and the black gas instantly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Xue An pointed at the figure that was fast going away.

"come back!"

The figure suddenly stagnated, and then involuntarily flew towards Xue An.


But everything is in vain.

But in the blink of an eye, this figure flew up to Xue An obediently, and then was pinched by Xue An in his hand.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Are you Jing Haomiao?"

It was only then that people could see clearly that this figure turned out to be a gray-haired old man.

If you only look at his appearance, it is impossible to associate him with Xie Xiu anyway, instead he is more like a teacher in the countryside.

But under Xue An’s questioning, Jing Haomiao trembled all over, his eyelids throbbed, but a flattering smile appeared on his face.

"Yes... I am Jing Haomiao! Dare to ask my lord who are you?"

"Me?" Xue An smiled coldly, "You even occupied the academy I founded, but you still asked who I am?"


Hearing this, Jing Haomiao's eyes widened instantly, his face full of fear.


After you have spent a long time, he has not been able to say a complete sentence.

Because he was almost frightened.

In the past few days, he had always felt that something was wrong, and his right eyelid was beating vigorously.

This is a sign of bad luck.

But he never expected that he could be so unlucky that he would actually meet this god-killing grandfather.

When he was full of horror, Xue An smiled coldly at him, "Why? Don't you know me? It seems that he didn't make preparations when he ordered you to come!"

If it is said that when Xue An just reported his identity, this Jing Haomiao was only afraid.

Now he was completely shocked, and even both eyes lost focus, and he could only look at Xue An blankly.

"Are you surprised how did I know?" Xue An said coldly.

"It's very simple, because unless it is someone who betrayed me, most people would not know the location of this academy, and you are a wicked cultivator, then there is only one possibility that can explain it. Is the person who sent you You Huahui? ?"

Jing Haomiao was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

"Sure enough, it is him! Hehe, it seems that I was too forgiving at the beginning, and even made these people lose their awe."

A frightening glow flashed in Xue An's eyes.

Because this You Huahui was one of his subordinates at the time, and he was also a top master from the evil sect.

At first, for various reasons, he was about to run out of oil and the lamp died. Xue An, who happened to be passing by, rescued him by chance.

Then he vowed to change the evil in front of Xue An and became one of Xue An's right-hand men ever since.

Unexpectedly, after Xue An fell, he would be the first person to betray.

The monk who told them the news that Xue An had just learned from Yunyang and other people was also You Huahui.

As for why he did this....

Xue An said coldly: "He sent you to ask you to find the key to my stay here?"

Jing Haomiao was shocked all over, and looked up at Xue An. When he came into contact with Xue An's cold gaze, he finally collapsed completely and said the first sentence.

"Master Xianzun, please forgive me, I will tell you everything!"

Next, Jing Haomiao told the whole story just like the bamboo tube pouring beans.

As Xue An said, he was indeed sent by You Huahui.

After Xue An's "fallen", You Huahui took the opportunity to rebel, relying on the prestige and power accumulated over such a long time, and quickly gained a foothold.

And this Jing Haomiao was also You Huahui who had taken refuge at that so he didn't recognize Xue An.

Later, because of his shrewdness and ability, he quickly received the respect of You Huahui and finally gave him this task.

At that time, You Huahui didn't tell the whole story, only that there was a sect who refused to accept his discipline, and had a feast with each other, and asked him to kill everyone in one go, and he would have a great reward after it was done.

Jing Haomiao, who was eager to express himself, agreed with one bite.

But when he came outside of this planet, he found that he couldn't get in at all. The mountain protection formation was completely beyond his ability to contend, so he had to go back in desperation.

After the matter was said, You Huahui was silent for a long time, and finally called him in front of him and said a detailed plan in his ear.

After listening, Jing Haomiao was simply stupid.

This is simply to be an undercover by yourself!

But frightened by You Huahui's might, he could only reluctantly agree to it, and at the same time, You Huahui also told him that he must find a key after the matter was completed.

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