The rest of the prisoners couldn't help laughing.

"That's right, those who don't die don't look in the mirror. Just you want to intercede for others?"

"Fuck him a few whips, I think he still dares to talk nonsense!"

In the drum noise, the old man put down the huge boulder he was carrying with a calm face, then turned his back, and said in a deep voice: "Well, I will take the remaining whips for him!"

These prisoners didn't expect such a scene to happen, and they couldn't help being taken aback.

But soon, the prison soldier holding the whip sneered again and again, "Tsk tsk, it's really touching fellowship! But do you find it useful? If I were you, I would have killed myself, because of you. The little Qingyang view, there is no more time for relief!"

"Who made you have an unclear relationship with that Xue An, and refused to correct it! As a result, it angered several adults and made you bear this endless punishment forever, and Xue An, whom you swear to protect, is now here again Where is it?"

The prison soldier said fiercely, intending to shake the minds of these monks in this way.

But he never expected that after he finished speaking, the rest of the monks actually put down the huge boulders they were carrying, then turned their backs and said lightly.

"The remaining whips, we will bear it together!"

The sound shook the wilderness, and also made the prisoners discolored.

"Okay, okay! Since you want to die so, I will fulfill you today! Brothers, let's go together, and today will kill all these untouchables!" the prison soldier roared.


Numerous prisoners waved their long whips in unison, and slashed their heads and faces under these monks.

But when the whip reached halfway, it suddenly stopped, and then it turned into powder without a sound.

These prisoners were taken aback for a moment. At the same time, Xue An's figure appeared in the air. When he looked down and saw the tragic situation of these monks, the anger in his eyes could not help but increased, and then raised his head to look at these prisoners. Soldiers.

"You all deserve to die!"

Xue An's killing intent has been condensed into essence, turned into supreme coercion, and burst out.

Bang bang bang!

These prisoners didn't even have time to hum, they were shaken to pieces by this power.

The blood and residual meat were scattered on the ground, and the stench was disgusting, and the prison soldier standing in the front trembled crazily.

"Spare...Spare!" He whispered palely.

But Xue An didn't give him a chance to continue talking. The brilliance flashed in his eyes, and the majestic spirit directly invaded the prisoner's sea of ​​consciousness, plundering all his memories.

Immediately after hearing a muffled sound, the head of the prisoner burst open like a rotten watermelon.

The brains that had been shaken by Xue An's spirit into tofu dregs were scattered on the ground.

After all this was done, Xue An fell on the ground and looked at these monks with regret.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

As he said, Xue An raised his hand and lightly waved a green wood talisman seal in the air.

Then the aura of the natural green wood diffused, wrapping these monks in it.

In an instant, the wounds of these monks healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, their spiritual consciousness cultivation was restored as before.

After the blue qi dissipated, these people no longer had the slumping they just had, but stood there completely, looking at Xue An with a look of astonishment.

"You... are you Xue An?" The old monk who spoke first suddenly shook his body and shouted hoarsely.

Xue An smiled and nodded, "Uncle Song, it's me!"

Back then, this old man was specifically responsible for planting medicinal fields in Qingyang Guanzhong, and Xue An dealt with him frequently.

And this song of Uncle Song also made the old man cry like rain.

"Thank you, Qingyang, waiting for thousands of people up and down is not in vain, you are finally back!"

As for the others, they also shed tears.

Because the suffering they have suffered over the years is simply untold, but they have not given up because they have been insisting on a concept in their hearts.

Xue An will definitely return!

Xue An was also moved by Song Uncle's cry, a trace of tears loomed in his eyes, and then took a deep breath.

"Uncle Song, please don't cry. I just understood the matter. I will never let the person who started it with you. Now you will go with me to the jail in the center of this world to see how I avenge you!"

After all, Xue An raised his hand, dozens of sword lights suddenly appeared, and then sank into the bodies of these monks.


Xue An took the lead and rose into the sky, while the monks headed by Uncle Song followed closely behind and headed for the central sky prison.

By retrieving the memory of that prisoner, Xue An knew that the real high-level members of Qingyangguan were detained in the sky prison located in the center of this world.

Only some ordinary disciples outside will be exiled and tortured as torture prisoners.

Therefore, Xue Anma non-stop, came straight to this jail.

At the same time, a grand dinner is being held in this jail in the center of this world.

Although it is a cell, this sky cell is extremely tall, and when seen from a distance, it looks like a tall white tower standing upright.

And on the spire of the White Pagoda at this moment, several outstanding generals and generals are talking happily.

Although it is icy and snowy outside, the house is warm like spring.

The wine and delicacies were presented even more like flowing water, and these generals were already three-thirds drunk, and even the voice of the discussion was a little louder.

"Hehe, although it is a bitter cold place, I think it is better here than the outside. After all, our brothers are the same bosses here, do whatever they want, right?" One of the generals laughed.

"That's not bad. Anyway, we are here to suppress the cultivators of Qingyang Guan, and I don't think these cultivators can make any waves. We just happened to have a leisure time!" Another general said lightly. .

Instead, the general sitting in the center listened indifferently.

It wasn't until the two of them looked at him that he lightly smiled and said: "The two wise brothers are right, but you can't take it lightly. After all, Xue An is already born again. Let's beware of him coming here. Make a mess!"

Hearing the name Xue An, the two generals shrank their necks in fright, and their momentum stagnated, but soon thought of something, and their arrogance became arrogant again.

"Hehe, there is some truth in what the eldest brother said, but I think that fellow Xue An will not find here. After all, the whole heavens are looking for him now, unless he is desperate, how can he be so stupid to throw himself into the net ?"

"Yeah! I think so too, he won't expose his whereabouts for the sake of a little Qingyang view!"

These two generals sang me and talked, and the more they talked, the more excited they became. The words seemed to be nothing more than Xue An.

But just when they are most excited.

Just hearing a loud bang, the whole cell was shaken.

"what happened?"

Even these generals were so shocked that they couldn't help asking in amazement.

At the same time, I heard another loud noise.

Like the sky.

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