Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2000: Give you hope, and then push you down the abyss

"No, someone is attacking the jail outside!" The general who sat in the middle got up and exclaimed.

"How is it possible, this is the jail of my Huntianzhai, who dares to come and cause trouble?" Another general said uncertainly.

But as soon as his voice fell, a light appeared in front of his eyes.

An extremely brilliant sword light.


When Jianguang passed, the entire jail was chopped in half from the middle.

Not only that, there was a general who was fortunate enough to stand under the sword light. When the sword light passed, he didn't even have time to hum, so he was cut in half.

The sky was two points away, and the harsh wind and snow surged in, accompanied by the two halves of the general's smooth mirror-like corpse, making everyone else afraid.

"This...what the **** is going on? Who...who cut this sword?" a general shouted hysterically, his eyes full of fear.

Because the dead general was still talking and laughing with them just now, and in the blink of an eye he became a dead body that was accurately cut in half.

You know, although this general is not too strong, he is also a powerful Golden Immortal.

At this moment, he died without dignity like a chicken and dog.

And the whole process didn't even see the other person's shadow, how could this not make him feel frightened.

But the general in the center did not speak.

His strength and knowledge are the highest among these people, so he vaguely feels that there is a breath from the outside world approaching.

Although this breath might be absent, it was just a leak that was enough to shock him.

So he closed his mouth very wisely and flashed into the darkness of the corner like a rabbit.

The power of the true immortal was slowly gathering in his body, and at the same time a small jade art appeared in his palm, which contained terrifying power.

His move also reminded everyone else.

In an instant, the jail that was cut in half but still standing still quieted down.

Only the roar of the violent wind engulfed in the wind and snow echoed in everyone's ears.

The whole world is terribly quiet.

Finally, there was a creak of footsteps over the snow in the distance.

The generals and even the soldiers in the prison were all up to twelve points.

The general hiding in the dark is even rubbing the jade formula in his hand, and a cold light flashes in his eyes.

But at this moment, the footsteps suddenly stopped outside the jail.

Then came a voice that was indifferent and unquestionable.

"I only give you three snaps time to escape. After three snaps, those who fail to escape will die!"


The voice just fell.

The general, who had been hiding in the dark and preparing to attack, took the lead in rushing out of the jail, and then flying away desperately.

During the whole process, he didn't even have the courage to look at the speaker, he just wanted to escape as quickly as possible, and it was best to stay away from the speaker.

Because as soon as the sound reached his ears, he felt that his blood was cold, his original courage was gone, and even his hair was erected in an instant.

All because he heard who the voice came from!

He is one of the heavenly generals under the gate of Huntian Village, named Shan Yuanjia. He had met Xue An by chance, so he could hear Xue An's voice for the first time.

And it was this discovery that made him give up the ridiculous idea of ​​wanting to sneak attack before, and instead chose to escape without hesitation.

"Two!" Xue An looked at the figure disappearing into the wind and snow at an extremely fast speed, and shouted the second word with a sneer.

At this time, the rest of the people in the sky prison were also sober.

But they didn't know what happened, or even why Shan Yuanjia chose to escape.

But under Xue An's cold voice without any emotion, some people were completely angry.

"What are you, you dare to threaten the people of Huntian Village! Give me death!"

A general roared and waved his hands, sending out his strongest blow, blasting out of the prison.

Although this general is not as ranked as the heavenly general of Huntianzhai like Shan Yuanjia, he also possesses decent strength.

In particular, this blow was angered, and under full urging, it was like a golden comet, rushing towards Xue An with terrifying power.

Everyone just breathed a sigh of relief. But in the next instant, horror appeared on their faces.

Because Xue An didn't even lift his eyelids, but faintly drank the third word, "Three!"

Under a word, the Guanghua that had just rushed to him instantly disintegrated and turned into nothing.

Immediately afterwards, around Xue An's body, countless sword lights appeared out of thin air, and then swept in like a violent wind and huge waves, completely submerging the entire cell.


Accompanied by the sound of ants and insects biting, the entire jail was chopped into powder by these countless swords in an instant.

As for the soldiers and generals inside, they didn't even have the slightest power to fight back. They were directly eaten by these swordsmanship, exposing their bones, and then crashing to the ground.

Seeing this **** scene, Song Bo and the others burst into tears.

Because the hands of these soldiers and generals were all stained with the blood of Qing Yang Guan.

Now that they have gotten their due end, they are naturally happy.

In the next instant, the sword light dispersed.

Looking at the sky cell in front of me, except for the underground, the entire building on the ground has disappeared.

Uncle Song showed hesitation on his face, then stepped forward and said, "Mr. Xue, that Shan Yuanjia is the most brutal executioner who persecuted Qingyang Guan, shouldn't he let him go like this?"

Uncle Song naturally also saw the Shan Yuanjia's escape from before, and thought Xue An really planned to let him go.

Xue An smiled faintly, "Of course not."

"Then you just..."

"I was just kidding him! After all... if you kill him like this, it would be too cheap for him!"

Speaking of this, Xue An's eyes showed a cold light.

"I have to let him see some hope first, and then push it into the abyss with my own hands. Only in this way can he realize... what despair is!"

Listening to Xue An's cold words, Uncle Song couldn't help but fought a cold war.

Although he hated Yamamoto at this moment, he suddenly had some pity for him.

You said that you guys are not good enough to provoke Mr. Xue.

This is it!

It is estimated that you will not die happy!

While he was thinking about it, when Xue An raised his hand and waved, a strand of sword light appeared out of thin air like a silk thread, and then Xue An calmly said: "Come back!"

When the words fell, the strand of sword wire was instantly tightened, and then dragged it back.

At the same time, on the edge of the planet, Shan Yuanjia was fleeing frantically.

Seeing that he was about to leave the scope of this planet, his face couldn't help showing a touch of joy.

Anyway, I got away anyhow!

I have to go back now and report the sudden appearance of Xue An to the village master. I believe the village master will reward me heavily!

Thinking of this, Yamamoto Jia was even more enthused.

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