Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2033: Bai Guang satisfied the sun and the moon, Ziqi rowed bullfights!

"Rush up and grab these two little girls first!" Ren Huangjun said in a deep voice.

Before he could finish speaking, Hua Wuyu had already rushed out, and then rushed towards thinking and thinking with a grinning face.

An Yan felt anxious, "I miss you, run away!"

But at this moment, Nian Nian's face raised her hand solemnly and pointed at the flower speechlessly.


Give an order.

Hua was speechless and felt that a huge force directly shook herself out of the distance.

Hua was speechless and dizzy, but inexplicably, she felt a huge shock in her heart.

Because she could feel that this kind of power to retreat was different from any trick, like some unfathomable will, which was completely irresistible.

But soon, these shocks all turned into a sneer on his face.

"It really deserves to be the blood of the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable. You already have such an amazing talent at such a young age, but it's a pity... you are still too tender!"

After all, Hua Wuyu rushed up again.

At this time, Nian Nian's little face had become a little pale, and it was obviously no longer able to support the second speech.

Seeing that the flower was speechless, he was about to rush to the front, but at this moment, a bright flash of light emerged from the two little girls and An Yan.

Then above the heads of their mother and daughter, a virtual image of a man sitting on the red lotus suddenly appeared.

Upon seeing this virtual image, Hua was speechless and shocked all over her body, and she cried out in shock, "Red Lotus Immortal Venerable!"

That's right!

This virtual image is what Xue An deliberately stayed in the sea of ​​knowledge of the mother and daughter before leaving, in order to prevent them from falling into an extremely dangerous situation.

at the same time.

But seeing Xue An's virtual image slowly opened his eyes, and then gave a cold sigh.

"Bai Guang meets the sun and the moon, Ziqi rowing bullfights!"


In one word, three extremely bright sword lights appeared between the eyebrows of the three Xue Anxu statues.

Immediately afterwards, Jianmang engulfed the sun and the moon, and slashed down with the momentum of reversing the universe.

Hua was so frightened that she screamed, and then wanted to run away.

But under the lock of this sword light, she has nowhere to escape.

The other two sword lights pointed directly at Ren Huangjun and Xuanming Elder.

All these changes seem to be very slow to describe in words, but in fact it only took a few moments.

Many people just feel that there is a flower in front of them, and then there are three mighty swords that are like mountains and rivers.

Seeing that it is inevitable to avoid, this human emperor can't help yelling, "Human emperor's might!"


The huge seal above the sky suddenly turned slowly.

And during this rotation, the Qi machine of the whole world was instantly disturbed.

Including these three sword lights, everything has lost its direction.

Immediately after these three sword lights trembled a few times, they shattered silently.

Seeing the sword light dissipate, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the shocked Hua was speechless and roared in anger: "Now I see what tricks you can do!"

With the voice, she rushed to miss and miss like a meteor.

At this moment, even if it was the nearest Yue Sha, it was too late to rush over.

But at this moment, seeing Hua Wuyu who was still rushing forward just now, he flew backwards at a faster speed than before.

Then I heard a clear applause in the air.

This time.

The audience was shocked.

At this moment, the flower that flew out without a word finally barely stopped, and then opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood mixed with broken teeth.

what happened!

The Imperial Army Master, the Elder Xuan Ming and others all shook together, waiting for Ding Qing to take a look.

But in front of the two little girls, a faint figure was emerging.

In the blink of an eye, a young man in white appeared in front of everyone.

After seeing him, An Yan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and then sipped in secret.

This **** has to appear at the last minute every time, making me worry for a long time!

Naturally, Xue An appeared here.

When the two little girls saw that it was their father, they couldn't help but rushed up with cheers.

"Dad, you are finally here!"

"Dad, this bad aunt wants to arrest us!"

The two little girls started whistling to complain to Xue An.

Xue An smiled slightly, stroked the heads of the two little girls, and said softly: "Daddy knows it all, you guys step back first and see how dad vents you, okay?"


The two little girls nodded together, and happily retreated to the back.

Then Xue An raised his head and smiled at the three strong men who were all in a state of astonishment.

"Hello, my name is Xue An, which is the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable you have been looking for!"


As soon as this statement came out, there was a fierce commotion in the audience.

The three powerhouses all shook, and even the people of the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom were full of incredible faces.

Because they didn't expect Xue An to appear suddenly, and it was such a coincidence.

Only Xiao Sha's figure flashed and recovered his human form, and then he smiled and said, "Okay, the master is here, these guys are over!"

At this time, the commotion gradually subsided.

Ren Huangjun, Elder Xuan Ming all appeared beside Hua Wuyu with solemn expressions.

The three stood in a row side by side, staring at Xue An, who was smiling indifferently.

"Xue, do you dare to show up?"

"Joke, why didn't I dare to show up? On the contrary, it is you..." Xue An shook his head and said with a look of hatred for iron and steel.

"I deliberately delayed some time on the road, just to see what you can do. As a result, it only took you a day to break the defensive formation I left behind. You said...what else can you do? "

The irony in Xue An's words is almost overflowing.

But these three are top-level powerhouses, and naturally they won't be easily stirred up by Xue An.

I saw the Imperial Army Master sneered, "Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, your courage is really good, and you are also strong enough, but your fault is that you should not be so arrogant, you actually use your own strength to fight the heavens, you really Do you think we can't cure you?"

Xue An also smiled when he heard the words, then opened his palms and said sincerely, "Please!"

"Please cure It just happens that I'm a little bored lately, so I can relieve my boredom!"

"court death!"

Infinite anger burst into the eyes of the Human Emperor Army Master, and then suddenly unfolded the scroll in his hand.

"The Emperor has an order, punish this son!"

But to his surprise, there was no response from the outside world, and even the huge seal in the sky seemed to be silent.

Ren Huangjun was taken aback.

Xue An said with a smile, "Sorry, are you planning to use this to deal with me?"

As he said, Xue An raised his hand into the air.

In an instant, I saw a huge palm suddenly appearing on the sky, and then grasped this seal and shook it suddenly.


The imaginary image of this man's seal broke apart.

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