Along with the shattering of this seal, the man's army master spit out a big mouthful of blood, and then screamed in shock.

"How is this possible?"

"How can it be impossible?" Xue An said indifferently: "Do you really think you can suppress me with such a broken seal?"

"Even if your relatives arrive, I am not afraid, let alone this is just a small virtual image!"

Speaking of this, the corners of Xue An's mouth raised slightly, revealing a very cold smile.

"On the contrary, since you are here, why bother to leave?"

Because when Xue An was just talking, many people, including Hua Wuyu, were quietly retreating.

But with Xue An's last question, behind these people, silhouettes in armor began to appear one after another.

It was the Fire Phoenix people who came with Xue An.


The fire phoenix people arranged in four directions, forming a tight defensive formation, encircling the three powerful sects.

Seeing that anxiously fled, he couldn't help being furious.

"Go away, don't get in the way of uncle!"

After speaking, he took the lead to launch an attack.

But when these people's attacks hit the Fire Phoenix people, they only aroused layers of flames. When the brilliance dissipated, the armor on their bodies was not even defaced, as if the attack just now did not exist.

Such a terrifying defensive ability also shocked the three powerhouses.

at the same time.

Just listen to Xue An lightly sighed: "Don't rush to leave, why don't you listen?"

"The surname Xue, you don't want to play mystery here, I don't believe that the old man wants to go, you can really stop me!"

The elder of Xuan Ming Ling suddenly roared, then raised his hand and blasted into the void in front of him.

"Xuanming has no realms!"


The void oscillated, and then cracks appeared, and they gathered together, as if to open a door.

The elder Xuan Ming showed a smirk, "The surname is Xue, you will not be mad for long. When I go back, I will definitely report to the Ming Tomb Master. When the army arrives, you will be crushed into powder in an instant!"

As he said, he stepped into the rift at that time while laughing wildly.

But at this moment, Xue An said indifferently: "Since I told you to stay, don't even think of leaving any of you!"

With that, Xue An suddenly raised his eyes, then raised his hand and cut a sword.


A sword that was so huge that it seemed to cut the entire world straight down, but it was strange that no one was injured.

But at the moment the sword fell, the space-time rift in front of the elder Xuan Ming shattered and vanished.

Not only that, these three powerhouses felt that the surrounding space suddenly condensed and became extremely solid.

This is because Xue An has cut down all the connections between this world and the surrounding void.

The military commander in the Palace of Human Emperor had a pale expression, and said coldly: "A sword cuts the sky, Xue An, it seems that you really want to kill me!"

"Joke, is it because so many of you guys come here to enjoy the scenery?"

Xue An sneered, and then said: "If it weren't for me to arrive in time, you might not have done anything to do it, so I'm courteous. I will kill you all and don't blame me for being cruel!"

Hearing this, many of these three powerhouses looked desperate.

Hua was speechless, Renhuangjunshi, and Elder Xuanming looked at each other, and then suddenly shouted.

"Fight with him!"

With that said, the three of them rose up with their whole body's cultivation base and rushed towards Xue An.

Xue An smiled faintly, "That's right, do you have to struggle a few times! Let's do it."

As soon as his last three words came out, everyone in the Fire Phoenix moved together, smashing toward these three powerhouses in accordance with the formation trained in the arsenal fantasy.

In the blink of an eye, the cry for killing resounded through the clouds.

Everyone in the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom also wanted to join the battle group when they saw it, but Xue An, who was dealing with the Hua Silent three, said lightly.

"You don't have to do it, just let them solve this problem by themselves. It's a test for them!"

Yue Ji, Maitreya and the others all stunned, Xuan even stopped with a wry smile, and then looked at the boiling battlefield.

After only a moment, Yue Jing and others' faces changed.

Become extremely dignified.

Because with the tight formation and tacit cooperation of the Fire Phoenix, the situation on the battlefield showed a one-sided situation.

The people of the Fire Phoenix are almost suppressing these three powerhouses.

Seeing this almost unilateral slaughter, the Tantrician Guan Zizai said with a pale face: "Where did Master Master get these war machines?"

Maitreya sighed softly when he heard the words, "Junior, how can the power of Master Master be something we can predict?"

Guan Zizai stopped speaking, but the respect for Xue An in his heart could not help raising another level.

If he had only obeyed Xue Anyan because of the words of the Bodhi, now he has completely obeyed.

I have to say that Guan Zizai's comment on Fire Phoenix is ​​correct.

After having the blessing of the Talisman Battle Armor, the members of the Fire Phoenix Special Forces have all turned into the most terrifying killing machines.

After just a cup of tea, most of these three powerhouses have been wiped out.

The rest is also bloody, struggling to support it.

The trio of Hua Wuyu who were fighting with Xue An peeked at this scene, and they couldn't help but feel a severe shock and chill in their hearts.

Isn't it that this Red Lotus Immortal Venerable is a lonely person, besides his own strength is relatively strong, there is no other power?

What happened to these murderous guys now?

Where did the armor on their bodies come from?

These questions made Hua Wuyu trio's creeps.

But at this moment, Xue An's calm and cold voice was heard in their ears.

"game over!"

After saying that, there is an extremely cold sword light across the sky.


The first to fall was the elder of Xuan Ming Ling. Before he even had time to hum, he was cut off his neck by this sword light.

The huge head soared into the sky, followed by blood, rushing out of the headless neck like a fountain, splashing the man next to him with all his heads and faces.

But before the man's imperial army master screamed, a divine mind that was extremely condensed, like a needle like a sword, pierced into his sea of ​​consciousness silently.


The Sea of ​​Consciousness of the Human Emperor Army Division was instantly burst, and the head above the eyebrows exploded directly, and the white brains dripped down with a disgusting smell.

Then the two dead bodies fell from the air.

In an instant, the three great masters had gone to the second place, and they still didn't even leave a trace of their souls, and they fell completely.

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