Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2103: Invincible existence

"Invincible, start with Dad Xianzun ( Find the latest chapter!

The words behind the evil thing did not finish, but the meaning was already obvious.

Yue Sha directly said: "This is very simple. I can disperse all cultivation bases in front of you and destroy the golden body. What do you think?"

The evil thing was also shocked by Yuesha's decisiveness, and he smiled grinningly: "Okay! Then you can do it now, I see if you are talking casually, or sincere!"

Yuesha didn't hesitate, and immediately took a step forward.

"No!" Yingluo and Maitreya exclaimed at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Yingluo said with tears, "Uncle, I don't want you to be like this!"

Maitreya sighed further: "Brother Yuesha, these monsters have no morality at all. If you act on an impulse, you will not save Yingluo, but will harm yourself!"

The evil thing laughed grinningly, "Why? This is backing up. It seems that what you said just now was a lie to me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the outermost circle of the golden wheel behind Yue Sha's head shattered suddenly, and then his eyes dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time a trace of pale golden blood appeared along the corner of his mouth.

"No!" Yingluo let out a hysterical yell, and then struggled frantically.

"Yue Sha, you bastard, why are you doing this? Don’t think that this will touch me. To tell you the truth, I don’t like you at all, and even hate you. I never want to see you again, you Get out of here!"

With the roar, Yingluo's little face was full of hideous colors.

Yue Sha just chuckled, then closed his eyes.


He was shocked, and another circle of golden wheels shattered.

A line of blood and tears flowed down the corners of Yingluo's eyes, and she whispered softly: "Why are you so stupid... Why are you so stupid!"

The evil creature became more and more excited, and even eagerly said: "Tsk tsk, it's a pity that I don't have any extra energy to record this video, otherwise it will be a rare classic! This kind of despair and helplessness, it is simply It's fascinating!"

But just when this evil creature was almost hysterical.

Suddenly, a soft sigh came from the void in the distance.

"What is the so-called love, you teach life and death! Yuesha, why do you bother!"

As soon as this statement came out, Maitreya was shocked and immediately turned his eyes to look.


In the emptiness of darkness, a white figure was slowly emerging.

When he completely appeared in front of everyone, Yingluo couldn't help crying with joy, "Xue...Mr. Xue!"

That's right!

The person who came was Xue An.

Seeing him taking a step, he came to Yuecha and looked at him, who was pale as paper, and there was a hint of compassion in his eyes.

At this moment, Yue Sha also opened his eyes, and couldn't help but smile after feeling the pity in Xue An's eyes.

"You have said that the word love can teach life and death, so this is the answer!"

Xue An didn't say a word, but patted Yuesha lightly on the shoulder, then turned his head to look at the evil creature.

After looking at it for a while, Xue An's mouth gradually raised, revealing an extremely cold smile.

"Are you pretending to be me and bluffing everywhere?"

The evil thing was shocked at first, but soon calmed down, and even a sneer appeared on his face.

"Yes! It's me! Xue An, you really came in time!"

Xue An shrugged, "No way, who would let me call Shishiyu."

Yingluo on the side trembled: "Mr. Xue, it doesn't matter if you can save me. As long as you can take Yuesha away and stop him from doing stupid things, I will be satisfied!"

Xue An turned his head and glanced at Ying Luo, who was full of firmness, and a trace of respect appeared in his eyes.

Because the courage shown by this little girl from beginning to end is really moving, even more courageous than many adults.

But Xue An quickly smiled, "Don't worry, since I'm here, not only will your uncle be fine, but you will be fine!"

Very strange.

Although Xue An only said these words plainly, Yingluo settled down instantly.

But the evil thing on the side couldn't help but sneered, "Xue An, I have to admire your talent and strength. You are indeed a well-deserved king in this puddle, but your tone is too big! "

"Is it big? I don't think it, and I haven't finished it yet." Xue An said with a smile, then stretched out **** and said lightly.

"Now you have to do two things. First, let go of Yingluo, and second, remove the infiltration of the bronze seal. After you do these two points, I will kill you again. What do you think?"

The evil thing was irritated when he heard the words, "The surname is Xue, are you making these things funny?"

"Of course not, on the contrary, I am very serious!" Xue An said seriously.

"Haha!" The evil thing suddenly sneered, "The surname is Xue, since you can see that I am infiltrating the seal, do you know why I am not in a hurry?"

"Are you waiting for me?"

"Yes! It seems that you are really smart. To tell you the truth, if you are outside of this void, because of the suppression of rules, I can only interfere with the things of the heavens to a limited extent. I am indeed not your opponent, but in this void. ……. UU reading"

The evil thing suddenly straightened its chest, and the momentum of the whole body began to rise little by little, "I am the king!"

Words fall.

Suddenly there was a golden light on this bronze door, and then I saw traces of extremely subtle but clearly identifiable black air oozing from every corner of the bronze door, converging on the evil creature.

With the integration of the black energy, the figure of this evil creature grew crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time the aura on his body climbed.

In the blink of an eye, this evil creature became quite impressive, like an ancient evil deity, overlooking Xue An.

"Xue An, can you be convinced now?"

There was endless madness in the voice.

This kind of momentum caused Maitreya to change his face, but Xue An looked up indifferently, and then said lightly.

"What gives you confidence that makes you feel that you are now qualified to challenge me?"

When the words fell, Xue An's eyebrows seemed to have wind and snow blowing, and then he saw countless sword lights bursting out, converging into a torrent, heading straight for this evil creature.

But as soon as halfway through, I saw this evil creature breathe out abruptly, and these sword lights were blown out directly, turning into nothing.

Immediately after this evil creature laughed loudly, "Xue An, you still don't understand, under the blessing of the power of heaven, I am an invincible existence, and this void will be your buried bones. Where!"

As he said, he suddenly raised his foot and stomped down towards Xue An.

Xue An was not afraid, and did not even dodge. Instead, he took a step forward and put his hands up, abruptly resisting the foot of the evil thing.


After a dull loud noise, the evil thing's feet were actually held by Xue Anshengsheng and could no longer be stored.

But at this moment, there was a cruel look in the evil creature's eyes.

"Die me!"

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