Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2104: Between the real and the real, destroy the darkness

"Invincible, start with Dad Xianzun ( Find the latest chapter!

Following the voice, a faint light curtain suddenly appeared behind Xue An.

But such an impenetrable light curtain, like an insurmountable moat, directly separated Xue An from the surrounding environment, forming an isolated island.

Immediately afterwards, this light curtain began to shrink crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wherever it went, even the void shattered into the most basic particle form.

A treacherous grin appeared on the face of this huge evil creature, and it seemed that Xue An had been crushed by this light curtain directly.

But in the next instant, the smile on its face completely solidified.

Because at this moment, a sword suddenly appeared in Xue An's hand. The whole body was white. Only a trace of red lines appeared on the body of the sword. At the same time, it exuded a hidden mighty sword!

It is Tianzhu Sword!

Immediately afterwards, Xue An flipped his wrist and pierced directly with a sword.

There was no sound, and even the waves did not arouse half a point. The light curtain that shrank from before was like a bubble, pierced by Xue Ansheng through a big hole.

This unexpected scene also caused the evil creature's eyelids to jump wildly, and the eyes were shocked and unbelievable.

Because he never expected that such a light curtain of magic and ghost would be broken by Xue An so lightly.

But the facts could not help him not believe it.

I saw Xue An wringing his sword blankly.


With a muffled noise, this light curtain completely burst and disappeared.

And the figure of Xue An disappeared along with the light curtain.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the head of the evil thing pierced a sword tip, and then Xue An's indifferent voice came from behind the evil thing.

"Sorry, you lost!"

The evil creature's eyes gradually widened, and then cracks appeared on the huge face, and finally burst into pieces.

Amidst the flying dust, Xue Anao, dressed in white, stood still, like an immortal.

This scene also made Maitreya look fascinated, thinking silently in his heart, is this truly invincible?

It is strange that at this moment, Xue An's face does not have the slightest joy of killing evil things.

On the contrary, his face was still solemn and solemn, then raised his hand, his eyes swept across this Tianzhu sword.


Except for the faint red pattern at the beginning, there was nothing unusual on the Tianzhu sword.

Seeing this scene, Xue An couldn't help but sigh, "Standing between the real and the virtual, without any harm, is this what you call invincibility?"

As soon as this statement came out, a grinning smile came from the void.

"Jiejie, I can't tell that your strength is not too strong, but your knowledge is good, but you still know the real and the false! That's right, I am invincible at this moment!"

Following the voice, on the other end of the void, a huge evil creature slowly emerged again.

It was the evil thing that was previously beheaded by Xue An.

I saw him standing in the void, a pair of huge eyes full of cruel and playful brilliance.

"Xue An, I admit that your kendo cultivation is good, and you can even break my control, but you can't hurt me now, because I said that in this void, I am the real king!"

After that, the evil creature laughed wildly.

The laughter shook the void, making Yingluo and Maitreya's complexion more difficult to look.

Especially Yingluo, the little girl was full of hope that Xue An could clean up the monster as soon as possible, so as to save Yuecha and herself.

But I never expected that this evil thing would be so difficult, and even said it was invincible.

If this is the case, wouldn't people like yourself be able to leave and be buried here?

Just as Yingluo's heart was up and down, Yue Sha, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly chuckled, then closed his eyes and stopped looking.

He knew that no matter how much this evil creature screamed, it would be dead today.

Because no existence can win Xue An.


Is any existence!

This powerful confidence is based on Yuesha's deep understanding of Xue An, and is even carved into the depths of Yuesha's soul like a creed.


Just as the evil creature was laughing wildly, a sword point suddenly appeared in his mouth, and the blade was suddenly stirred, and the entire head of the evil creature was cut into pieces.

But this time there was still no blood gushing out.

Just a moment later, in the void not far away, the figure of this evil creature reappeared again, and at the same time it was full of sarcasm.

"Xue An, I advise you to save effort! Because you can't kill me at all!"

"Oh, is it? You are so confident that I can't kill you?" Xue An said lightly.

"Of course, because when have you seen someone who can kill the shadow?"

It is really like a shadow between reality and reality.

Xue An looked at it indifferently, and only nodded after a long time, "You are right, people really can't kill the shadow!"

As soon as this remark came out, this evil creature couldn't help becoming more proud.

In contrast, Yingluo's heart is gradually sinking to the bottom.

What if even Mr. Xue can't take this evil Who else can subdue it that day?

If no one can subdue it, what should you do with Yuesha and himself?

Just when Yingluo was in a state of confusion, she saw Xue An suddenly take a step forward.

With one step down, a lotus flower emitting bright golden light grew under Xue An's feet.

Then Xue An said calmly: "But shadows are born from darkness, and although people cannot kill shadows, they can eliminate darkness, so..."

An extremely bright brilliance appeared in Xue An's eyes, "You still have to die!"

When the words fell, with the lotus flower under Xue An's feet as the center, countless lotus flowers appeared instantly, occupying the entire void.

Immediately afterwards, these lotus flowers slowly bloomed, bursting into bright golden light.

And behind Xue An's head, a huge golden wheel appeared, occupying the entire void.

Compared with this golden wheel, this evil creature with a height of ten feet is like the fireflies before the glow of the sun and moon, and it is almost humble.

Such a sacred and solemn scene also made Maitreya and Yuesha clasp their palms together, and exclaimed with joy.

"Master Nanwu!"

"Nanwuwu Buddha!"

In this Buddha's name, the evil creature finally felt a strong and extremely fearful, and then it screamed hysterically.

"Xue An, what do you want to do? Do you still want to destroy this void? Are you not afraid that this will destroy the seal of the bronze gate?"

Xue An sneered when he heard the words, "What can I do if it is destroyed? It's nothing more than the advancement of the war. Anyway, this battle is inevitable, so what's the difference between fighting early and late?"

The evil creature was speechless.

Because Xue An was so calm at the moment, as if all this was as simple as he said.

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