"Oh! That is the Orb City mentioned by the daughter of the soldier! It is also the dock for my Shadow Turtle Clan to contact and trade with the outside world!" said the Shadow Turtle King.

A strange brilliance flashed in Xue An's eyes, "In that case, this is also your place, Lord Turtle?"

"of course!"

"Then Lord Turtle is interested in accompany me to take a look in this city?"

The Shadow Turtle Emperor was slightly startled, not understanding what Xue An meant.

Even Yue Qinghuan was puzzled.

Xue An stared at the city in the distance, and said lightly: "I have a hunch that the matter that Lord Turtle asked me to investigate should be inextricably linked to this city!"

As soon as this remark came out, whether it was the Shadow Turtle Emperor or Yue Qinghuan, they were all shocked.

Especially the Shadow Turtle King, couldn't believe his ears.

"You mean, the people from Orb City betrayed me?" Shadow Turtle Emperor roared sharply.

"I still don't dare to conclude, I can only say that there is such a possibility!" Xue An said lightly.

Nevertheless, the Shadow Turtle King was furious.

"I have given countless power and wealth to the governor of this city, and he even dared to betray me. It is really unforgivable!"

With the voice, but seeing the momentum around the shadow turtle emperor's body instantly skyrocketed, there was already a half-step saint faintly.

It can be seen how terrifying the strength of this monster that has survived for thousands of years and naturally bred.

But he did not lose his mind because of this. After a few roars, he stared at Xue An with blood-red eyes.

"A strong Chinese, I hope you have the best target. If I find out that you are framing out of thin air, even if you are a Chinese, I will tear you to pieces!"

Faced with the threat of the Shadow Turtle King, Xue An just smiled faintly, "Don't worry, if there is no basis, I will naturally not say that!"

"Hmph! I hope so." The Shadow Turtle Emperor snorted coldly, then walked away.

Xue An and Yue Qinghuan followed.

But halfway through, Yue Qinghuan couldn't help but asked with a worried expression: "Xue An, do you have any evidence? Does the disappearance of the Shadow Turtle Clan really have anything to do with this Pearl City?"

"Evidence... Of course I don't!"

"What?" Yue Qinghuan's eyes widened instantly, then glanced at the imposing Shadow Turtle King in front of him, and said in a low voice.

"What nonsense without you? Isn't this looking for something?"

Speaking of this, Yue Qinghuan couldn't help but shook his head angrily, "I am also stupid, this is how you have just arrived outside the heavens, how can there be evidence?"

Xue An glanced at Yue Qinghuan when he heard the words, and then said with a smile: "Although I don't have the evidence, I still have some certainty, because many things can actually be found with a little brainstorming!"

"What do you mean?" Yue Qinghuan was taken aback.

"It's very simple. Just now, the Shadow Turtle Emperor said that when his people disappeared, he didn't even notice it!"

"But in the absolute home field of Death Blackland, nothing can hide from its eyes, so there are only two possibilities."

"One is that the strength of the hands-on person is far superior to him, so that naturally, he can do this without knowing it, but if you think about it, you can know if the strength of the hands-on person is really so powerful, why not directly What about the Shadow Turtle King? So this possibility can be said to be very slim!"

"The other is that someone who is very familiar with the Shadow Turtle Clan starts in the dark. Only in this way can the Shadow Turtle Clan relax their vigilance and be able to conceal the Shadow Turtle King. This way, the most qualified, and also the most suspicious , Naturally belongs to this treasure city!"

After listening to Xue An's analysis, Yue Qinghuan was stunned for a moment, and finally took a deep look at Xue An.

"These are things you thought of in such a short time?"

"Is there a problem?"

Yue Qinghuan stopped talking.

Because she suddenly felt a kind of weakness.

In fact, she had heard about it before, but she didn't think about it at all.

On the contrary, Xue An analyzed the stakes clearly in a few words.

But Yue Qinghuan couldn't help but said: "I still don't understand. As the Pearl City, which was born dependent on the Shadow Turtle Race, turn around to deal with its own backstage. What good is this for them?"

Xue An raised his head and looked forward, and said lightly: "Human nature is difficult to guess at many times. Things you feel are unprofitable, but people tend to flock to them, but the motivation behind it is summed up in two words. Name, one is profit!"

Yue Qinghuan dumbly looked at the serious expression on Xue An's face when he said this, and couldn't help but feel a little silly.

Xue An also noticed her gaze, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, "What? I was fascinated by me so soon?"

Yue Qinghuan's face blushed immediately, and then he took a sigh, "Bah! I don't like talking, how can this girl look at you? I just think you just said this to another person very much. It's just like!"

"Oh? Who said that?"

A look of worship appeared on Yue Qinghuan's face, and he took a deep breath and said, "My brother, Yue Shifang!"

Orb City.

As a city that is neither in the starry sky nor has any strategic value, the prosperity here is all due to the orbs provided by the Shadow Turtle Race.

These orbs bred from the Black Territory of Death are not only complete in variety, but also of high quality.

Whether it is personal cultivation or refining treasures, it is a rare top-grade.

Therefore this city was named Baozhu City.

And the lord in charge of the Pearl City is named Zhang Pengtian.

Just relying on collecting taxes from selling orbs, Zhang Pengtian has already made a lot of money.

I don't know how many people are jealous of his position.

But Zhang Pengtian's position as the city lord is as firm as a rock.

This is because his immediate backstage is the Shadow Turtle King.

Because of this, the Shadow Turtle King would only be so angry when he heard that someone in Orb City had betrayed him.

But he is not a fool, naturally it is impossible to listen to Xue An's words.

In order to thoroughly investigate the whole matter clearly, he did not make a statement, but pretended to be an ordinary orb dealer and entered the Orb City.

The whole process did not attract anyone's attention.

But Xue An and Yue Qinghuan are the opposite.

Especially Yue Qinghuan, when she entered the city, she immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Hi, UU reading www.uukānshu.com is a stunning girl!"

"Shhh, keep your voice down, look at this momentum, you seem to be a soldier!"

"I recognize her, she was here a few months ago!"

For a time, many people whispered and discussed in the distance.

Yue Qinghuan obviously enjoyed this feeling of being noticed.

Xue An's attention was all focused on this city.

He found that the people walking on the street had the worst strength equivalent to the true immortals among the heavens.

As for the big Luo strong, they are everywhere.

Even the powerhouse of the fairy king realm is no problem.

Xue An's eyes condensed slightly, is this the strength of Tianwai?

At this moment, a surprise sound came from a distance.

"But Miss Yue?"

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