As he spoke, he saw a ray of light swiftly approaching, and after he showed his figure, he was a young boy in splendid clothes.

It's just that although this young man looks handsome, but the eyebrows are hidden, especially when he sees Yue Qinghuan, his eyes are full of deep desire, as if he wants to swallow Yue Qinghuan.

Although it only passed away in a flash and quickly returned to normal, Xue An still saw it.

But Xue An didn't say anything, just a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then looked quietly from the side.

After seeing this teenager, the crowd onlookers in the distance was also a little commotion.

"Young City Lord!"

"It's Young City Lord!"

Many people lowered their voices and exclaimed.

And many people looked at Yue Qinghuan with sympathy and regret, as if they had seen some of her tragic prospects.

Because of the entire Orb City, who doesn't know some special hobbies of this Young City Lord?

At this moment, but seeing the enthusiastic smile on the face of this teenager, he walked up quickly, and then arched his hand politely.

"I said why I have been able to smell the unique fragrance of Ms. Yue when I slept together today. It turned out to indicate that you are coming back today!"

A man excitedly said to a girl that I smelled your unique scent. How could this sentence sound wrong.

It's as if they are deliberately teasing.

At least a flash of cold light flashed in Yue Qinghuan's eyes after hearing the words, but her reaction was quick, returning to normal almost instantly, and then she said with a smile.

"Oh? If you say that, Young City Lord is interested!"

That's right!

This young man is the son of Pengtian advocated by Baozhu City, and his name is Zhang Jinju.

This life is dull, the best female, and he loves cruelty, and the women he has played with are often either dead or disabled.

So those onlookers before will look at Yue Qinghuan with sympathy.

Because in their eyes, Yue Qinghuan had obviously become the prey that the City Master Huahua had been staring at.

At this moment, after seeing Yue Qinghuan's smile, Zhang Jinju couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Even though he had seen all kinds of beauties, it was only at this moment that Zhang Jinju realized that it was compared with the naked girl with lavender eyes and bare feet.

The so-called beauties that I have seen before are purely vulgar fans, not worth mentioning.

So soon, the greed and desire in Zhang Jinju's eyes became stronger and stronger. Although it was suppressed in an instant, Yue Qinghuan still noticed it, and the smile on his face couldn't help but gradually become cold.

You must know that she had passed by this treasure city before when she was going to the heavens. At that time, Zhang Jinju was shocked as a **** after seeing her by chance, and immediately began to chase her.

With Yue Qinghuan's intelligence, how could he fail to see his purpose.

But at that time, Yue Qinghuan was anxious to rush to the heavens, and the only way to reach the heavens was to contact the Shadow Turtle Race through Orb City.

Therefore, Yue Qinghuan reluctantly suppressed the anger in his heart at the time, and went with this Zhang Jinju.

Unexpectedly, a few simple words of teasing would make Zhang Jinju, who had already been in love with him at that time, overjoyed, thinking that he had successfully captured his heart again.

And after Yue Qinghuan came back from the work, he could kiss Fangze.

So since Yue Qinghuan left, this Jin Ju had to visit the gate almost every day.

The hard work paid off, and today he finally waited for Yue Qinghuan's return.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many people present, Zhang Jinju would really wish to give Yue Qinghuan to "Fa-rectification on the spot."

At this moment, he barely suppressed the **** in his heart, thinking that he smiled politely: "Miss Yue is really too polite, just call me Jinju from now on."

As he said, he took a step forward pretending to be intimate, and asked with a smile: "How about I call you Qinghuan in the future?"

Yue Qinghuan almost didn't vomit after hearing this.

Since childhood, no one has dared to be so rude to her.

Therefore, the brows are frowning, and they are about to break out.

Now that she has no desire for Pearl City, she naturally does not have to be patient anymore.

But at this moment, Xue An's indifferent voice came in her ears.

"Don't get angry, and deal with him for a while!"

Yue Qinghuan was taken aback.

What do you mean?

What does it mean to deal with him again?

Could it be said that this girl will continue to be hypocritical with this LSP?

Countless thoughts popped up in Yue Qinghuan's heart. At the same time, he looked at Xue An angrily and questioned Xue An with his eyes.


Xue An smiled slightly, his lips remained unchanged, but the voice rang in Yue Qinghuan's ears again.

"If you let you do it, just do it, why so much nonsense?"

Yue Qinghuan became more angry.

Who does this guy think of himself?

Is this girl such a casual person?

At this moment, this Zhang Jinju also noticed Yue Qinghuan's strangeness. After following her gaze, he found Xue An standing aside.

When he saw Xue An, who was dressed in white, with brows as sharp as a sword, and extremely handsome, Zhang Jinju felt a strong sense of rejection in his heart.

Especially when it was discovered that Yue Qinghuan had been looking at Xue An, this kind of rejection became stronger.

But he pretended to be very good, and soon asked with a smile: "Qinghuan, this is..."

He deliberately shouted so affectionately, faintly demonstrating to Xue An.

But before Yue Qinghuan could speak, Xue An had already smiled and said, "I am Miss Yue's friend, but I just happened to meet and passed by here together!"

With that, Xue An's voice rang in Yue Qinghuan's ears again.

"Don't talk, if you want to find the whereabouts of the missing Shadow Turtle Clan, and continue to maintain a relationship with the Shadow Turtle King, then do as I said!"

Yue Qinghuan closed his mouth immediately upon hearing this.

If you can really maintain the relationship between the soldier and the shadow turtle clan through this incident, it would be great.

So she didn't say anything At this moment, Zhang Jinju nodded very arrogantly.

"Oh, it turned out to be a friend!"

It turned out that Zhang Jinju discovered at this time that the white-clothed boy only had half a step of cultivation.

And looking at the momentum of his body, it should have just been promoted.

At this time, his heart was put down for the most part, because in his eyes, a half-step Immortal Venerable, although the strength is good, but in this treasure city is purely a small character that is not worth mentioning.

Thinking of this, he deliberately ignored Xue An, and then smiled at Yue Qinghuan.

"Qinghuan, I have recently collected a few excellent quality orbs, and have been keeping them for you. Come and see if you like?"

After understanding what he was going to do, Yue Qinghuan's acting skills were excellent, and he smiled and said.

"Since Jin Ju is so deliberate, it's better for the little girl to respect her life!"

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