Xue An looked at it with a smile, but did not speak.

"Forget it, let's enter through the gate, it doesn't matter if we wait a while!" Yue Qinghuan pulled Xue An's clothes when she saw it.

She was afraid that Xue An would fight these guards before she entered the casino.

But at this moment, when the guard saw Yue Qinghuan's face clearly, his eyes could not help but light up, and then he stepped aside and stepped aside, saying quite enthusiastically.

"Beautiful lady, you can enter Zuisheng Building through this door!"

"Oh? But I don't have a pass!" Yue Qinghuan said.

At this moment, I heard an elegant baritone coming from behind the door.

"Your face is the best pass. I don't think anyone in Linglong City would have trouble with a beautiful woman like you!"

Following the voice, the door was slowly opened, and then a well-dressed middle-aged man walked out with a smile.

This man wore a well-tailored gown, but with a bald head, he looked unangered and mighty.

I saw that Chong Yue Qinghuan, who was very elegant and decent, nodded slightly, and then smiled: "This beautiful lady, it would be the biggest waste for you to stand here for a second, so to make up for my apologies, you can There is no limit to the consumption of delicacies and wine in Zuishenglou!"

Yue Qinghuan was also slightly startled at the beginning, but she was not a chick who had never seen the world before, so she quickly reacted and smiled in return: "Thank you, but I think I don't need it anymore!"

"Are you worried about your male partner? Don't worry, since you are your friend, you will naturally receive the same treatment, so..."

The man stepped aside, yelled with his hand in front of him, leaned slightly and said, "Two of you, please come in!"

This kind of courtesy were not enjoyed by those big and powerful people before.

Yue Qinghuan couldn't help looking at Xue An secretly, wanting to see how he would react.

In Yue Qinghuan's view, Xue An should be a little embarrassed at this moment.

After all, he wanted to enter through this small door at first, but was blocked.

But now I can enter because of myself.

Only because of the face of a woman is eligible to enter, which should be a great irony and shame for a man!

Yue Qinghuan silently thought in his heart that he was even ready for Xue An to leave.

But in the next second, all the thoughts in Yue Qinghuan's heart were frozen.

I saw Xue An didn't care, even the smile on his face did not change, and he walked in with his head up.

The whole process did not hesitate at all, it seemed so smooth and natural.

Yue Qinghuan looked at Xue An's back with a bit of astonishment, and even gritted his teeth bitterly.

This **** actually tricked me again!

Thinking in her heart, she no longer delayed, but hurried to catch up.

Soon, the backs of the two of them disappeared behind the door.

The smile on the bald man's face gradually reduced.

At this time, the guard who had blocked Xue An stepped forward and asked a little strangely: "Supervisor, I can understand that you let the woman in, but why did you put that young man in? "

"You guys, it's still not enough time!" The bald man sneered and continued.

"These two are obviously coming to Linglong City for the first time. If only this girl is allowed in, she will definitely be prepared and afraid to enter, but if they are allowed in together, all doubts of this girl can be dispelled. ! As for that man..."

There was a look of disdain on the bald man's face, "It's just a kid who is half-step Xianzun, and he has no teeth!"

"High! As expected, you are still in charge!" The two guards flattered.

The bald man smiled contentedly, "Slowly learn, you have more things to learn! But if you can meet the best products like today every day, you will not be far from getting promoted and making a fortune!"

"Thank you, Mr. In charge, everything has to be supported by Mr. In charge!"

When the three people were chatting outside the door, Xue An and Yue Qinghuanye had appeared in the lobby on the first floor.

At this moment, this Zuisheng Building is extremely lively.

However, the hall on this floor is extremely large, and there are many magic circles for purifying spirits carved on the ceiling, so despite the large number of people, it is not at all depressed.

Since entering this hall, Yue Qinghuan's eyes were completely insufficient.

She was looking curiously at the various gambling equipment around her, as well as the gamblers concentrated around the table.

The cheers that burst out from time to time made her very confused.

"Is this stuff really that fun?"

Xue An did not speak, because his attention at the moment was all focused on the various layouts of this hall.

That row upon row of spiritual patterns, that magnificent decorative painting...

Wait. Although all of this seems to be nothing strange at first glance, when they are combined together, a completely natural situation is formed.

Everyone who enters this hall will be affected by this situation consciously or unconsciously.

No matter how high your cultivation base is, it is the same.

"Hey, I'm talking to you, didn't you hear it?" Yue Qinghuan raised his voice a little when he saw Xue An did not respond.

Xue An then retracted his gaze from looking around, then looked at the gamblers with fanatical faces, and said lightly: "Is it that fun? You can try it yourself and know?"

"That's right, anyway, it's here, so I have to play twice before leaving!"

At this point, Yue Qinghuan became excited again and began to feel around.

Those who are too complicated have no interest, but are attracted by the ongoing gambling at a table.

This bet is extremely simple, even crude.

Because there is only one bowl and two dice.

But there are the most people at this table.

From time to time there will be bursts of cheers.

"Just it, I think this is the easiest!"

Xue An was naturally noncommittal, and followed Yue Qinghuan to the table, UU reading www. uukanshu. com and squeeze in.

Gamblers who are preoccupied are the most taboo of someone squeezing themselves behind, so soon someone turned around and shouted.

"Who he..."

The swear words came to an abrupt end, because these people all saw Yue Qinghuan's appearance.

Especially the one who wanted to scold someone, even more obsessed.

Yue Qinghuan frowned slightly in disgust, but did not speak, but squeezed to the table directly.

"Can I bet here?"

Upon seeing this, the female croupier smiled slightly, "Of course you can! But you need to redeem some chips first! Zuishenglou supports all kinds of exchanges, whether it is a spiritual stone or a secret book, you can give a reasonable and accurate estimate! "

"Okay, then use it to exchange some chips for me!"

With that, Yue Qinghuan threw a token on the table.

On the token is engraved with a soldier!

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