"It's a soldier's talisman, she is a member of the military family!" The sharp-eyed person recognized this token at a glance, and couldn't help but mutter in a low voice.

The audience was also in an uproar.

We must know that military masters are one of the hundred schools that have been passed down from ancient times, and they are also extremely powerful.

What he is most adept at is the art of fighting and closing battles, which is so powerful that it can be called unpredictable.

This also led to the fact that the descendants of his family rarely appeared in front of everyone single-handedly.

Nowadays, not only a soldier has appeared, but she is also a beautiful girl.

How can this not be shocking.

A strange brilliance flashed in the eyes of the croupier, and then he turned his head and said something to the person behind him.

After a while, an old man in a gray robe hurried forward, and the female croupier and the casino crowd took a step back, bowing their heads to show respect.

Without looking aside, the old man walked straight to the table, picked up this soldier's symbol, and looked at it carefully.

After a long time, the old man nodded, "It can be determined to be true!"

As he said, he raised his head and looked at Yue Qinghuan with piercing eyes, and directly asked by means of sound transmission and secrecy: "This girl, dare to ask who Yue Shifang is you?"

Yue Qinghuan lowered his eyes, and also responded with a voice transmission method: "That's my brother!"

The old man was shocked, a horrified light appeared in his eyes, and then he held the soldier's talisman in both hands and handed it back.

Yue Qinghuan did not answer, but raised her eyebrows slightly, "What do you mean?"

The old man smiled and said, "Miss Yue, don't have to worry, I just return this soldier symbol arrow to you!"

"What? No need to pledge?" Yue Qinghuan said lightly.

"Of course not, the identity of Miss Yue alone is enough to have the highest overdraft authority in Zuisheng Building, so how can it even need to be pledged."

As he said, the old man turned his head and winked at the person behind him.

Immediately, a few strong and powerful men pushed a trolley up.

The trolley is full of golden chips.

Seeing this scene, the crowd couldn't help exclaiming.

"My God, with so many golden chips, what a fortune it must be!"

"It really deserves to be one of the hundreds of ancient schools. It is actually possible to overdraw so many bargaining chips with just one inheritance identity!"

But there are also people who have doubts about this, "Listening to what the old man just called her, this girl seems to be surnamed Yue, and the Yue family in the military family seems to be..."

It seems that this person didn't say anything, but the expression on his face was still indescribable.

In these discussions, Yue Qinghuan also looked at the old man quite unexpectedly, and then transmitted his voice into the secret again: "Do you know my brother?"

"It's fortunate to have had a first-hand knowledge!"

Then the old man bowed back and said with a smile: "I wish you a happy playing!"

After all, the old man disappeared.

In an instant, the eyes of the audience focused on Yue Qinghuan.

Yue Qinghuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and then said to the female croupier: "Can we start?"

The croupier nodded, stepped forward, and picked up the dice cup from the table.

She lifted the lid of the dice cup first, and then pushed it in front of Yue Qinghuan, "Please check!"

Yue Qinghuan frowned slightly, she hadn't even touched the dice before, how could she check these!

At this moment, Xue An, who had not spoken the whole time, stood by and suddenly reached out and picked up the dice cup on the table.

Three extremely delicate dice are placed in the white as jade dice cup.

Xue An grabbed it in the palm of his hand and turned it slowly.

His move caused many people to frown slightly.

Because the rule at the gambling table is that the high roller who bet the most is eligible to inspect the gambling equipment, the female croupier was obviously speaking to Yue Qinghuan.

How come suddenly an unknown young man in white is checking gambling equipment here?

You must know that many people have an admiration for the stunning Yue Qinghuan, and they want to get close to them, so when they see this scene, they immediately "filled with righteous indignation" and want to say something.

But in the next second, everything they wanted to say was blocked in their throats.

I saw Yue Qinghuan approach Xue An and asked curiously: "How? Is there anything wrong with it?"

Xue An shook his head, then threw the dice back into the dice cup, and said lightly: "Go!"

The female croupier nodded, took the dice cup and began to sort it out.

Taking advantage of this gap, Yue Qinghuan asked in a low voice: "If you can't even see anything wrong, doesn't it mean that Zuisheng Building is not a lie?"

"There is nothing wrong with things, it does not mean that they will not lie!" Xue An said lightly.

"Yes! Hey, right." Yue Qinghuan suddenly thought of something, and said to Xue An mysteriously.

"Since there is nothing wrong with it, can you control these dice with your own mind?"

Xue An smiled, "Do you think this exquisite city can be famous for gambling in a world where the strong are rampant, would you not take this into consideration?"

"Those dice are not faulty, but the dice cups are made with some kind of secret technique. I have just tried it. No matter whether it is the power of the divine mind or the magical powers, it can't penetrate into it!"

"Ah, it turned out to be like this!" Yue Qinghuan was a little frustrated. She thought she had found a good way to make a fortune!

Xue An glanced at her strangely.

Because he found that this young girl who showed mystery and coldness at the very beginning is becoming more and more naive at this moment.

How do you say this feeling, like a girl next door who has torn off the disguise of her imperial sister.

At this moment, the woman croupier shook the dice cup after finishing everything.

In an instant, the audience fell silent.

Everyone was listening to the crash of the dice.

After a while, the female croupier put the dice cup on the table and said solemnly: "Please place a bet!"

For a while, everyone at the gaming table became excited.

People started talking.

"I can't hear the sound just now, it must be loud this time!"

"Fart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The sound of this dice cup is random, let alone you, the saint will not be able to tell when he comes, you must be big, I think it must be small!"

Accompanied by the quarrel, people have placed their chips in the positions they identified.

Soon, the large and small areas above the table were filled with chips.

In a blink of an eye, only Yue Qinghuan was left who had not placed a bet.

People looked at Yue Qinghuan strangely.

Yue Qinghuan was also a little anxious, and secretly asked Xue An, who was standing silently.

"What's wrong? Why don't you bet? Everyone is waiting for us!"

"So anxious?"

"Nonsense, of course I am in a hurry! Or I will try my next bet first!"

Having said that, Yue Qinghuan happily picked up a handful of chips from the trolley, and randomly threw them to a certain position on the table.

"That's it!"

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