Not far from the Zuisheng Building, there is an exquisite courtyard named Mengsiyuan.

Combined with Zuishenglou, it is the famous Zuishengmengsi.

It’s just that it’s different from the Zuisheng Building, which is widely used for gamblers from all quarters. This Mengshengyuan never opens its doors to welcome guests. Therefore, there have been rumors that this Mengshengyuan is a place where Zuisheng Building stores a huge amount of wealth. Countless rare treasures.

But from the memory of Song Yuke, He Yunxi and others who were swallowed by gluttonous food, it can be known that this Dream Death Yard is actually the place where Zuisheng Building used to detain prisoners.

It is said that they are prisoners, but in fact, many of them are customers who owe huge gambling debts in Zuisheng Building and cannot pay off.

It will not be released until when their family or the sect has paid enough ransom.

The Shadow Turtle Clan and Lu Yangyan's sister were also imprisoned here.

It's just that when Xue An and others came to this dream hospital, the guards who were in charge of guarding this place had already escaped, leaving only an empty courtyard.

After pushing the door into it, but seeing that it was very messy inside, it was obvious that these guards were very panicked when they fled.

Lu Yangyan's expression became more excited.

"Where is my sister?"

"Don't worry, you can see it soon!"

With that said, Xue An walked to a place in the atrium, and then stomped his foot abruptly.


There was a huge earthquake on the ground, and then there was a creaking sound, and a wall in the atrium turned over directly, revealing a hole extending downward.

"This is the entrance to the dungeon where they are being held!"

When Lu Yangyan heard the words, he couldn't wait to rush in, Xue An asked Yue Qinghuan to wait there, and he followed with gluttonous food.


After walking through a long flight of steps, a huge cell appeared suddenly in front of him.

The walls of the cell are inlaid with luminous jade, so the light here is not dim.

And in the divided cells, there are many people in custody.

After seeing Xue An and Lu Yangyan, these people rushed to the door of the cell and shouted loudly.

"My lord, forgive me, I am willing to be a bull for you, just beg not to keep me here again, I'm going crazy!"

"Yeah! I don't even have a spiritual stone now. It's useless if you shut it down until I die!"

Xue An looked at these shouters and found that they were all ragged and sluggish, and obviously they had been sealed by some secret method.

But among these people, the Shadow Turtle Clan and Lu Yangyan's sister were not seen.

Lu Yangyan's expression became more and more excited.

"Where is my sister?"

Xue An did not directly respond to his words, but walked to the door of the cell and looked at these people who looked at him with anticipation.

"Have you seen a girl and a group of monsters?"

Facing Xue An’s questioning, these people suddenly became calm, then looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

"never seen it!"

Even so, the expressions on these people's faces are all very unnatural.

Guanghua flashed in Xue An's eyes, "Really haven't seen it?"


"Okay, then you just stay here, and I want to tell you that this place is now abandoned. Once we leave, you will have no chance to go out!"

With that, Xue An turned and wanted to leave.

This group of people was in a hurry. One of the men couldn't help but rushed to the door and shouted, "Wait a minute!"

Xue An stopped.

The man looked at Xue An, then slowly said: "You are not from Zuishenglou, then who are you?"

Xue An smiled slightly, "Zuisheng Building? No, Zuisheng Building no longer exists, so who do you say I am?"

As soon as this remark came out, the group of people shook together.

"Impossible! Zuisheng Building has a very strong backstage, you are just a half-step immortal, how can you deal with them?"

"Yes, this kid must be lying!"

Amidst these drum noises, Xue An turned his head and gave a gluttonous wink.

Taotie understood her heart, immediately roared, and showed her own power at the same time.

This power immediately frightened these people back again and again, especially the man who had just uttered a word to call Xue An, his eyes showed infinite horror.

"Gourmet! It's actually an ancient ferocious beast Gourmet!"

Xue An chuckled, "Yes! That's gluttony!"

Then Xue An said gluttonously: "Okay, don't shout so loudly, what should I do if it scares others!"

"Yes, master!" Taotie immediately bowed back.

At this time, all of this group of people opened their eyes wide, and their faces were full of incredible colors.

You must know that gluttony is one of the four fierce beasts in the ancient times. I have never heard of anyone who can tame it, but now this extremely cruel fierce beast respects this young man as his master.

How this sounds incredible.

But those who can be locked in here are obviously not easy people.

Although their strength was sealed, their vision and insight were still there.

Especially this man, the eyes looking at Xue An became more cautious and dignified.

Because in his mind, the origin of this young man is obviously extremely mysterious, otherwise it would be impossible for such a fierce beast to serve as a servant.

"Can you believe it now?" Xue An said lightly.

After weighing the pros and cons, the man finally gritted his teeth, "Okay! Then I believe you once. I have indeed seen the girl and the monster beast you mentioned, but they were taken three days ago. gone!"

"Take it away? Where did it go? Who took it away!" Lu Yangyan asked excitedly.

A look of horror appeared in the man's eyes, and he took a deep breath and said: "It is an extremely powerful existence. The guards here all call him Lord Zhongjun. As for where he was taken, I don't know! "

As soon as these words came out, Taotie's complexion changed abruptly, "Zhongjun? Did you mean Yuehua Zhongjun?"

"Yes, yes, that's what they call this person! Although I haven't seen his true appearance, I can feel it only by his power and power. UU reading is absolutely extraordinary!"

"So you just didn't want to say it?" Xue An suddenly sighed slightly.

"Yes!" The man nodded, then said with a somewhat ugly expression.

"After all, in his realm, he has countless secrets, maybe we will be known to him if we talk about it at random!"

"Then why do you want to say it again now?" Xue An smiled lightly.

"Because I want to go out!" the man said solemnly.

Xue An nodded, "Very well, since you have said it, then I will let you out!"

The man was ecstatic, "Thank you!"

But as soon as his voice fell, a cold hum reached the ears of everyone present.

"Do you really think you can still go out?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone, including the gluttonous food, changed their expressions.

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