Even Xue An's complexion became serious in an instant, and then looked up.

They were in the dungeon, and if they looked up, it would be the ceiling, but at this moment.

A spectacle appeared in front of everyone.

But the ceiling becomes transparent at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the entire ceiling was gone, and the outside situation could be seen at a glance.

Everyone is stupid.

Only Xue An looked at him sinkingly, and at the same time the whole body was boiling, he was obviously ready.

Yue Qinghuan, who was originally guarding outside, appeared next to Xue An even more at this time, and said with a green expression: "What should I do?"

"What do you mean?"

"It must be impossible to beat this time!"

Xue An chuckled, "If you can't beat it, you have to try it to know!"

Yue Qinghuan didn't say a word, but looked solemnly at the sky above, and his whole body began to tremble involuntarily.

This is not fear, but the reaction of one's own cultivation level when facing a super strong.

As for the prisoners, they all curled up in the corner and began to tremble.

Only Xue An stood up like a sword, without the slightest flinching.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly appeared above the sky.

When the light flashes, it quickly intensifies.

Then, in the horrified eyes of everyone, a huge, full moon-like celestial body appeared in the middle of the sky.

The silver radiance spilled over the earth, like snow like yarn, fascinating.

But just under this beautiful scene, there is an infinite killing intent.

Glutton, who was standing behind Xue An, shuddered even more at this time, and at the same time four words came out from between his teeth.

"Yuehua Zhongjun!"

Even if it turned to ashes, he would never forget the person who attacked him while he was asleep.

And after hearing his words, a light laugh suddenly came from above the sky.

"Got, I didn't expect you to remember me, eh... how do you recognize people as the master?"

Taotie didn't say a word, but stared at the full moon with a green complexion.

At the same time, but before this full moon, a figure began to be discovered gradually.

Soon, a man in a white robe appeared in front of everyone.

This man had an ancient face like an emperor, and his long hair was floating in the air behind him. With the generous robes, he looked like an immortal.

And when he appeared, the whole world seemed to be quiet, ready to listen to his words.

These visions made Yue Qinghuan even more desperate, and then said in a groan-like tone: "Sage..."

That's right!

The Moon Hua Zhongjun who appeared in front of everyone at this moment was a real saint.

He saw his eyes flashing, his eyes swept across everyone, and finally stayed on Xue An, and then he said with a smile.

"It's the Zuisheng Building that you destroyed and unlocked my seal at the same time?"

Although it was only an extremely simple question, Xue An still felt a strong pressure at the moment he spoke.

Not to mention anything else, this pressure alone is enough to make ordinary strong men kneel on the spot.

But Xue An only trembled slightly, and then sneered.

"So what?"

There was a look of surprise in Yuehua Zhongjun's eyes, because he didn't expect this young man to withstand his pressure.

Know that after becoming a saint, every word and deed will be the law of the world.

And a half-step Xianzun, in his opinion, is even more like an ant.

That's why he just questioned Xue An so lightly, but he didn't expect Xue An to survive.

But the more this is the case, the more interested in Xue An, the more interested the Moon Huazhongjun.

"Interesting, no wonder I was able to destroy my Drunken Life Building with such a slight cultivation base and break my seal, but..."

Jun Yuehua suddenly sneered, "You must give me an explanation!"

When it came to the last word, Xue An snorted, and then took three steps back, with blood oozing from the corners of his mouth.

"the host!"

Seeing this scene, Taotie immediately stepped forward and looked at Yuehua Zhongjun angrily, desperately desperate.

But Xue An stopped him at this time and said coldly: "Don't move, you are not his opponent now!"

"Then what to do?" Taotie also knew very well that he couldn't beat Yuehua Zhongjun now.

Not to mention that he had just awakened, but with the strength of the Lord Yuehua now, he could not be his opponent.

Because at this time, the Moon Hua Zhongjun had made great progress compared with the time when he secretly sealed himself.

Xue An didn't speak, but slowly wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, and stared at Yuehua Zhongjun coldly.

"Do you want to explain? Okay, then I will give you an explanation!"

"The people of your Yin and Yang family acted recklessly, and even attacked the Shadow Turtle Clan and brought their people here. I came to look for them, and then found that you were still imprisoning the descendants of the True Martial Dao Clan and used his sister to blackmail him. You can do these things. all know?"

Yue Huazhong smiled, "Of course I know, in fact, I prefer them to do these things, why? Any comments?"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Yangyan could no longer contain his emotions, and roared, "Where is my sister now?"

"Do you mean that girl? Don't worry, she is still alive now, and is alive and well!"

Having said that, Yuehua Zhongjun waved his hand.

Yuehua condensed into an illusion, and inside it were the shadow turtle clan and Lu Yangyan's younger sister.

Only at this moment, these people are all asleep.

"What did you do to my sister?" Lu Yangyan roared with canthus eyes, and at the same time the real Wu virtual image gradually appeared behind him.

"It's nothing, just let them sleep peacefully!"

"Return my sister to me!" At this time, the Zhenwu behind Lu Yangyan had appeared, and he flew up and attacked the Moon Huazhong.

Moon Huazhong sighed slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What do you mean by this? "

As he said, he just waved his hand slightly, and the virtual image behind Lu Yangyan was instantly shattered, and at the same time, his entire body fell like a cannonball, slammed into the ground deeply, and there was no sound anymore.

Immediately afterwards, Yuehua Zhongjun turned his head and looked at Xue An with a smile.

"It's your next time, how are you going to die?"

Xue An's face was sinking, just about to speak.

At this moment, Yue Qinghuan suddenly took a step forward, blocking Xue An behind him, and then trembled.

"Mr. Yuehua, this person is from my military strategist, so I hope you think about the consequences before you do anything!"

Moon Huazhong raised his eyebrows slightly, "Soldiers? Haha, would a little girl dare to negotiate terms with me? If your Patriarch came here, I might still sell your soldiers' face, but now..."

"He must die!"

After speaking, he pressed down with a palm, and the extremely violent power went straight to Xue An.

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