Chapter 2228 The Might of the Saint (first more)

Under the mighty power, Yue Qinghuan was pushed aside directly, and could not even move. He could only watch this powerful blow go straight to Xue An, his eyes could not help but show despair.

Because she knew better than anyone just how terrifying the existence of a saint class was.

It can even be said without exaggeration that as long as he wants to, he can destroy the entire Exquisite City in a flash of thought.

Although Song Yuke, who had fallen before, was a half-step saint, he also had the word saint, but compared with the real saint, it was still a world away.

Some people even describe it this way, the difference between a half-step saint and a saint is like the difference between a half-step saint and a mortal.

Therefore, even in this vast sky, those who can become saints are still rare.

In contrast, Xue An, who is only half-step Xianzun, is simply not worth mentioning.

That's why Yue Qinghuan was so desperate at this moment, and even closed his eyes and couldn't bear to look again.

But compared to the panic of others, Xue An was much calmer, and he saw raging flames burning all over his body.

The fire was red, covering his entire body.

At the same time, divine thoughts rushed out, completely covering the surrounding space in an instant, preparing to deal with the blow of the middle monarch Yuehua.

Seeing this scene, Guanghua flashed in the eyes of Lord Yuehua, "Divine Sense is good! But you want to stop me with this? You are too naive!"

When speaking, only a loud bang was heard, and then Yuehua Zhongjun's blow smashed into Xue An sturdily.

But Jian Yuehua Zhongjun’s palm power was extremely violent, and it directly destroyed Xue An’s defensive spirit and flew far away from the original earthquake until it hit the dungeon wall heavily. Can relieve the pressure.

It couldn't help but, but seeing the flames burning Xue An's body was extinguished, revealing the body covered by it.

At this moment, Xue An looked a little embarrassed, because the clothes on his body had become much ragged because of this blow.

At the same time, blood was slowly oozing out of the corners of his mouth, and his face was pale as paper. It was obvious that he had suffered serious injuries from the blow.

Nevertheless, this month Huazhong Jun still gave a slight hey.

Because he thought that this young man in white would be directly turned into powder under his own attack.

But he didn't expect him to survive.

But immediately he sneered, "You can be quite proud of being able to withstand my blow, but it's all over here, die for me!"

With that, the middle monarch Yuehua flicked his finger lightly, and a brilliance gushed out of the huge moon-like celestial body behind him, and went straight to Xue An like a sharp sword.

Wherever he went, the space was cut into a deep chasm, and there was a loud rumbling noise.

Compared to the previous grandeur, this blow seemed much more low-key.

But only the real strong will understand the terrible blow.

Because this blow had obviously abandoned the external glitz, and contained all power and influence in this brilliance.

It can also be seen that the Lord Yuehua has a mortal heart towards Xue An.

Otherwise, it won't be such a big fight.

When faced with this blow, Xue An finally showed a deep and solemn color, and gave a sharp sigh.


The gluttonous glutton who had been prepared on the side immediately rushed out after hearing the words, and the original form of the body appeared in the midair, and then roared, his claws flicked out, and directly hit the brilliance.


There was a loud noise that was dull as if beating a drum, and a huge shock wave appeared where the gluttonous and Guanghua collided.

Then gluttonous groaned, and was also shaken out.

But after such a block, this brilliance looked much bleak.

It was at this moment, but seeing Xue An slowly raising his eyes, his eyes burned with almost violent sword intent.


Following the voice, Xue An flipped his wrist, and a small, red, **** sword appeared in his hand.

When this small sword came out, it happened to resonate with the sword intent in Xue An's body.

The brilliance above the small sword flickered like a heartbeat, and then an extremely dazzling sword light burst out.

That feeling was as if a sun exploded in Xue An's hands.

Then Xue An held his sword in his hand, shining the brilliance that flew towards him was a sword.


After a loud explosion, the walls of the dungeon shattered directly into powder, and a long corridor was formed behind Xue An.

Xue An took seven or eight steps back and finally stood still.

And the brilliance that attacked oneself also disappeared.

This time, there was a commotion in the audience.

The prisoners who were put in jail were all stunned.

Because they have never seen such a magnificent picture.

A mere half-step Xianzun actually dared to swing a sword at the existence of the saint level, and finally won.

This is as incredible as a myth.

As for Xue An, at this moment, he was panting and clenching the small sword, looking awe-inspiring at the aloof Yuehua Zhongjun.

This can be regarded as the strongest sword Xue An has used since the half-step Xianzun.

Even at the mercy of borrowing the sword heart crystallization that Jiansan gave him as a souvenir before his death.

But despite this, Yue Qinghuan's eyes were still full of despair.

Because she knew that the previous attacks were nothing more than temptations to the Lord Yuehua, and she didn't use her full strength at all.

But never expected, UU reading www.ukanshu. Com was at this moment, the Zhongjun who had been standing in Yuehua suddenly let out a whisper, and then came to Xue An with a flash.

The whole process is as natural as water and milk.

Before Xue An could react, his gaze stayed on the small sword in Xue An's hand, and then his eyebrows were slightly raised.

"Where did you get this little sword?"

Quite anxious in words.

Xue An moved in his heart, and then said coldly: "This is a gift from a friend of mine!"

"Where is she now?"

"already dead!"

"Dead?" Yuehua Zhongjun's body shook slightly.


Jun Yuehua froze in place, and whispered softly in his mouth: "I should have thought of it. Even Jianxin has become a small sword. How could it be possible to be alive?"

Speaking of this, he suddenly laughed at himself, and then looked at Xue An with a strange look.

"Do you know the origin of your friend?"

Xue An shook his head.

"No wonder, otherwise I guess you wouldn't show this little sword if you knew it!"

Speaking of this, the expression on Zhongjun Yuehua's face suddenly became very serious.

"Boy, if you still want to live longer, it's best not to show this small sword, otherwise it will cause disaster, understand?"

Xue An did not respond to these words, but looked at Yuehua Zhongjun quietly, and then said: "What do you mean by this to me?"

Yuehua Zhongjun shrugged, "It's not interesting, I just want to remind you!"

As he said, he raised his hand and waved, the Shadow Turtle Clan and Lu Yangyan's sister all fell out of the Yuehua Secret Realm just now.

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