Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2296: Intermediate level performance

Chapter 2296 Intermediate Level Martial Arts (first more)

The moment all the soldiers stepped onto the ropeway, the ropeway behind him immediately disappeared into the darkness, leaving only the road in front of him that did not know where it extended.

Yue Junze looked astonished. He had also heard of the martial arts process, but he had never seen such a trial.

Xue An's face sank like water, "Listen to my orders and move forward!"

The soldiers immediately converted into a marching formation and began to march forward at a very fast speed.

At the same time, the soldiers of the other eleven families also completed the first trial one after another, and then they appeared in front of them in different scenes, but the purpose was the same. They all tested their marching ability.

At this time, all these eleven families were also surprised.

"What's going on? The previous martial arts are not like this!" The Long Family Commander looked at the dense rain forest in front of him and the winding path in the middle of the rain forest, a little surprised.

Long Zhan said coldly: "It just wants us to cross this dense forest! Is there any problem?"

The soldier in charge of the Long Family glanced at Long Zhan, then hesitated to speak.

"Go!" Long Zhan ignored these at all, and ordered in a deep voice.

All the soldiers of the Long Family looked at his commander, and he waved his hand helplessly.

"Stay in formation and move forward!"

And the moment Long's family stepped into the dense forest, several other companies made the same choice one after another.

Zhong Liwuwang said with excitement: "This trial is a bit interesting, young ones, give me a hurry!"

For a time, the twelve families split up and set off together.

At the same moment, there was a commotion in the hall.

"What's going on? How did this progress bar change?" Someone asked in astonishment.

Because the progress bar above the light curtain changed from green to orange at the beginning.

Just as everyone was shocked and puzzled, suddenly an old man with a longevity exclaimed in shock.

"Medium! This is a medium level of martial arts! My god, I didn't expect the martial arts field to make another change after a thousand years!"

The four words "medium performance" made many people tremble.

Because they all remembered an old legend.

Legend has it that this martial arts field was built by an amazingly talented power in ancient times. Everything in it is self-contained and controlled by the spirit of unknowable law.

In the ancient times, because of the tyrannical strength of military strategists, every exercise was almost a mid-level exercise.

Until later, because of the deteriorating strength of military strategists, the level of martial arts gradually decreased. In the end, many people even did not know that martial arts were actually divided into levels.

And today's change reminds many people who have experienced the last glory of military strategists of those past.

Sima Chongchao's face was full of seriousness, "What does this mid-level martial arts performance mean?"

An old man who has lived for thousands of years beside him said solemnly: "It means that the difficulty of performing martial arts will be increased by at least several times, and there will be a cruel elimination system!"

Sima Chongchao trembled slightly, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

And everyone from the Yue family in the corner was even more solemn.

"How could this be? Why did you suddenly become a middle-level performer?" Yue Qinghuan asked with a pale face.

Yue He Chang's face was also pale, and he took a deep breath and slowly said, "It should be that the martial arts field detected an existence that could trigger a level change, so it became like this!"

"Then you mean..."

"Yes, this martial arts performance is basically the same as usual, the only difference is Xue An's joining! So he should be the variable!" Yue Hechang said.

Yue Qinghuan stopped talking, but stared at the light curtain blankly, gradually tightening his heart.

Because she didn't know whether this change was a blessing or a curse.

And just when everyone in the hall was puzzled by the sudden change of martial arts level.

Xue An led the soldiers of the Yue family for a long distance in the ropeway.

Nothing happened during this journey, and there seemed to be no obstacles except the roaring black river below.

Yue Junze only breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled lightly: "It doesn't seem to be a big deal! It's just a ropeway, the big deal is just three days away!"

But as soon as his voice fell, the ropeway under his feet suddenly began to tremble.

Yue Junze was taken aback. As soon as he wanted to speak, Xue An said in a deep voice, "Be prepared, there will be violent winds!"

I don't know what rules in this space are restricting Xue An's mind, so that he can't detect the surrounding environment.

But he still keenly sensed that in the darkness, the roar of the wind faintly came.


As soon as his voice fell, a gust of wind suddenly blew towards him.

This wind is coming so fast, the soldiers of the Yue family have just finished preparing, they have already roared to the front.

The intensity was so great that even the ropeway began to shake violently.

Not only that, but the black river water at the foot is also used by the huge wind to set off stormy waves that are enough to swallow everything.

"Grab steady!" Xue An roared.

But the sound was soon overwhelmed by the gust of wind.

Because the speed and power of this wind are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Yue Junze felt as if he had been punched head-on, and he was dizzy and didn't even notice the tide rushing behind him.

But at the moment when the tide was about to pounce on everyone, Xue An exhaled and slammed forward with a punch.


With a loud noise, the giant wave was smashed into a gap, just avoiding the crowd and smashing to the sides.

But this is just the beginning, because at the same moment, the ropeway behind him suddenly began to disappear, and approached at a very fast speed to the direction where Xue An and others were standing.

"Everyone immediately grabbed the people around them, and then marched forward!" Xue An sent his voice into the hearts of every soldier with his spirit.

The soldiers of the Yue family did not panic, and immediately followed Xue An's instructions to reach out and grab the people on the side, and then stepped forward to face the violent wind and huge waves.

Although it was difficult to walk, the speed was not so slow But this second trial obviously won't let them go so easily.

They had just walked forward only a few miles, and the black sky suddenly began to rain heavily.

It is said to be heavy rain, but in fact, the river is pouring down from the sky.

In an instant, everyone was drenched, and the road under his feet became more difficult.

Yue Junze felt that he couldn't open his eyes anymore, where could he see the road under his feet.

When he was in a hurry, suddenly a warm hand was placed on his shoulder, and then Xue An's voice came.

"Everyone closes their eyes, one by one will follow me!"

So everyone moved forward under the guidance of Xue An.

There are huge waves under the feet, heavy rain on the head, and the disappearing ropeway behind him, and the wind on his side is enough to overturn everything.

(End of this chapter)

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