Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2297: The second trial, win again!

Chapter 2297 The second trial, win again! (Second more)

This environment can be described as extremely harsh.

But even so, it still couldn't stop Xue An and others from marching.

But seeing Xue An's body exudes a bright light, he rushed forward like a sword piercing the darkness.

And just when everyone in Xue An encountered violent storms, the soldiers of the other eleven families also encountered their own dangers.

Long Zhan gloomily looked at the big tree that had just been marked. If he remembers correctly, this should be his third time here.

All the soldiers of the Long Family noticed the strangeness, and stood silently in place.

The unlucky soldier in charge of the Long Family carefully observed the surrounding environment, and finally said helplessly: "This dense forest is a bit weird. We should be trapped by some kind of force field, so we have been spinning around in circles!"

Long Zhan licked his dry lips and slammed a punch.


The towering tree broke apart suddenly.

Then Long Zhan said: "No matter what the force field, we have to go out today. From now on, everyone will move forward in a straight line and destroy any trees that are blocking them!"

The Commander of the Long Family tried to stop him, but finally shrugged, "Let's do it then!"

Next, the soldiers of the Long family collectively transformed themselves into tree-breaking machines, and began to madly destroy all the trees along the way.

But only a quarter of an hour later, everyone stopped, because a towering tree appeared in front of them.

The mark left by Long Zhan still remains on it.

"What's going on? I obviously destroyed this tree just now!" Long Zhan said in shock.

The soldier in charge of the Long Family sneered, "If this dense forest is so easy to crack, how can it be the second trial!"

The Long Family was caught in an unsolvable puzzle.

On the other side, Zhong Li's house was also in confusion.

Zhong Li Wuwang touched his chin, staring at the boundless wilderness in front of him with a sense of wonder.

After a long time, he said, "Damn, we seem to be lost!"

All the soldiers under his men: "..."

"It's okay, it's not a problem at all to me, now let's move in another direction!"

Zhong Liwu made a big wave of his hand, and everyone turned back and headed in another direction.

But soon they encountered another problem because a fork in the road appeared ahead.

Everyone stopped and all looked at the coach Zhong Li Wuwei.

He grabbed his head, "Damn, this is forcing me to use a trick!"

As he said, he reached out and took out a small wooden stick in his arms.

Don't care why he took this with him, anyway.

Then he muttered a word and threw it into the air.


The stick fell to the ground and pointed to one of the paths.

Zhong Li Wuwang smiled, picked up the wooden stick, but pointed to the other way.

"Go here!"

All the soldiers were a little dumbfounded, and the relatively close squad leader asked in a low voice, "Boss, but the stick pointed to this way!"

"You don't understand this, I'm doing the opposite. I can't let my head coach listen to a wooden stick!" Zhong Li Wuwang said confidently.

All the soldiers: "..."

And when Zhong Li Wuwang was having fun playing, Xue An finally walked out of the scope of violent storms, and everything instantly returned to calm.

Everyone felt the rumbling in their ears, that was the shadow left by the wind.

But anyway, it came out anyway.

Xue An let out a sigh of relief. This trek also caused great pressure to him, but he did not stop, but said in a deep voice.

"Resume the marching formation and move on!"

Because he knows very well that this test is far from over.

If you wait for others to relax at this time, you will definitely usher in a greater crisis.


When they didn't go far, the ropeway behind them collapsed, and even the ropeway in front of them formed an upward **** and became steeper and steeper.

"Full speed ahead!"

Xue An gave an order, and the soldiers immediately began to gallop.

Even so, their speed is still getting slower and slower, after all, this is equivalent to climbing on a vertical slope.

Yue Junze was the first one who couldn't support it.

Although he has been training hard for this period of time, after all, the foundation is too bad. In addition, in the second trial scene, he can’t use strength other than his physical strength, so he quickly rushed to the end of his physical strength, and finally far Lags behind.

At this time, the river below suddenly started to tide.

And the speed is as fast as it is chasing everyone.

Yue Junze was desperate because he found that no matter how he ran, he couldn't exceed the speed of the river's rising tide.

Seeing that he was about to be swallowed by the black river, a figure rushed to him at this moment, then put him on his shoulder and threw it forward.

But because of the interaction, Xue An immediately fell down.

"Master!" Yue Junze exclaimed in midair.

There was a commotion among the soldiers, and some people turned around and wanted to come and rescue Xue An.

Xue An said solemnly at this time: "Don't worry about me!"

At the same time, the river was already near.

Xue An did not panic and stepped on it.


With the water splashing in all directions, Xue An flew up with the help of this counter-shock.

"Full speed ahead!"

Everyone was awe-inspiring, and dared not to delay any longer, they rushed forward.

Finally, they crossed the broken **** formed in the front, and then they were pleasantly surprised to see that a faint light appeared in the front.

"Is that the end?" Yue Junze said excitedly.

Xue An had no sorrow or joy, but led the crowd to rush forward.

at last!

After getting closer, everyone discovered that the light was actually a faint light curtain.

After everyone passed through, a cold and majestic voice sounded throughout the martial arts arena.

"The second trial, the winner Yue Family!"

This sentence made all the soldiers who were marching in a difficult time stunned, and then a look of horror appeared on their faces.

It's the Yue family again!

If the first trial may be luck, UU reading www. then this second trial is a pure strength competition!

It can be seen that this Yue family does have something extraordinary.

Zhong Li Wuwang laughed, "Yue seems that the little guy is really extraordinary!"

Long Zhan, who had just escaped from the dense forest predicament, knocked down a big tree on the side of the road with a very angry punch, and then roared.

"Full speed ahead!"

But what really boils down is in this martial arts hall.

Looking at the Yue Family's progress bar, which had exceeded the others by a large amount, many people's expressions were so gloomy that they could drip water.

Sima Chongchao's eyelids beating vigorously, his fists clenched unconsciously, and the cheers of the Yue family came from his ears.

Yue Qinghuan jumped three feet high, and said cheerfully: "Okay! This time I won again!"

(End of this chapter)

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