Chapter 2404

The speed of this sword is extremely fast, and even before many people can react, Xue An has rushed to the front of Shen Gaoge and cut it down with a sword.

Shen Gaoge hummed coldly, and turned slightly to avoid the sword in a short time.

But in the next instant, Xue An, who was standing in front of him, suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already come behind Shen Gaoge, and he fell with a sword.

The whole process is extremely smooth and fast, giving no time to think at all.

If it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that he would kneel at that time.

But Shen Gaoge is not an ordinary person. As the top sword repairman of the Shen family, his reaction is not unpleasant.

He flipped his wrist, and the rib sword in his hand pierced directly back.

The timing and angle of this sword can be described as wonderful to the pinnacle.

From the perspective of a bystander, it even gives people a feeling that Xue An is actively hitting this sword.

Although Shen Gaoge didn't look back, a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he was obviously satisfied with his sword.

But the next second, he couldn't laugh.

Because he felt his wrist shook, and then a huge force came from the tip of the sword.

This shocked him.


He didn't hide!

As soon as this thought came out, he didn't even turn his head back, and tried to dodge when he turned sideways.

But it was too late at this moment, but seeing that after a hard collision between the body and the rib sword, the Yin Hong small sword in Xue An's hand was cut down without hesitation, and the goal was directed at Shen Gaoge's neck.

Shen Gaoge had to roar, igniting the sword that he had accumulated for a long time, and met Xue An's sword.


After the two confronted each other, a huge shock wave was triggered, and it spread out in an instant, sweeping away the sky over thousands of miles.

Shen Gaoge staggered out until he flew out for a few miles before he could stand still. When he looked back again, his complexion became extremely ugly.

Because Xue An's sword just consumed all the sword power he had accumulated with hard work.

That's why he could completely suppress Xue An before.

As a result, this huge advantage has disappeared, how can this not make him feel angry.

But at the same time of anger, he also felt a little fright.

Because he can be sure that his sword actually stabbed Xue An just now, but why did he have nothing to do?

At the same time, I saw Xue An gently wipe the armor on his chest.

In an instant, the armor on his body began to surging with golden light, and then gathered to this incomplete place under the palm of his hand.

In the blink of an eye, this incomplete place was restored as before, and there was no trace of damage.

Shen Gaoge's eyelids jumped in this scene.

He knows the reason!

I did stabbing Xue An just now, but the tip of the sword was blocked by the armor on Xue An's body.

But the problem was that the rib sword in his hand was transformed by the heart of his own sword, and it was invincible.

What material of this armor can actually withstand such an attack?

Shen Gaoge's eyes gradually became serious.

Xue An smiled faintly, and then rushed towards Shen Gaoge again with a flash.

By this time, everything that should be said has been said, and today the two of them can only end if one of them falls.

So Xue An stopped talking nonsense, and directly launched a fierce attack on Shen Gaoge.

Suddenly, the sword energy in the sky is crisscrossed, and the rays of light crisscross.

And Shen Gaoge, who had the upper hand before, has been beaten by Xue Ancheng.

This situation did not last long, because the real sword repairs often only need one sword to tell the winner.

Even if Xue An and Shen Gaoge are in special circumstances, it is impossible to keep fighting like this.

Therefore, in just a moment, the battle in the sky stopped suddenly.

Then he saw Xue An stepping on Shen Gaoge, and the Yinhong sword in his hand pointed diagonally at his throat.

And the rib sword in the singer of Shen Gao had broken from it, and his eyes became extremely bleak.

The whole process seemed complicated, but in fact, it took only a piece of incense from Xue An's armor to Shen Gaoge's defeat.

Seeing this scene, the audience was silent.

Many people even took a breath of air, eyes full of horror.

Who could have imagined that the situation would suddenly turn around so big.

Xue An, who was about to fail miserably, unexpectedly turned against the wind after getting a set of armor, and directly threw this Shen Gaoge down.

Many people would never believe this is true if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes!

After all, Shen Jia Jianxiu's invincibility has been a myth that has lasted for a long time. In many people's minds, this is already an iron fact and cannot be questioned.

But just today, over the Yangcheng County, Xue An personally broke this undefeated golden body.

Su Fei almost didn't stare out of surprise, looking at Shen Gaoge who was stepped on by Xue An in the sky, his face turned pale a little.

Shen Gaoge was actually defeated...what should I do now?

You must know that before coming, he had never thought about what Shen Gaoge would do if he lost!

Because in his opinion, that is completely impossible!

But I never expected that the impossible would happen at this moment.

And Lian Yuting, who was standing behind Su Fei's shock, had his eyes flickering.

He didn't say a word during the whole process, but stood behind like a background board.

But this does not hinder the thoughts in his mind.

Especially now, looking at Xue An, standing in the sky, wearing armor and proud of the world, Lian Yuting unknowingly stepped back a few steps, and slightly distanced Su Fei.

Of course, this whole process was silent, at least Su Fei was completely unaware of it.

At the same time, Xue An in the sky looked down at the pale-faced Shen Gaoge, and said lightly: "You lost!"

Hearing these words, Shen Gaoge's complexion became very exciting, but soon he gave a cold snort.

" but I am not convinced. You are only relying on the armor for the benefit. Without this armor, you would already be the soul of my sword!"

Xue An smiled, "Do you think I can beat you all by this armor?"

"Isn't it?" Shen Gaoge sneered.

But at this moment, in front of Xue An, a faint sword light suddenly appeared.

This strand of sword light is nearly pure white, clean and flawless, although it is very small, it contains extremely terrifying energy.

The key is that after it appeared, the rules of heaven and earth seemed to change.

Shen Gaoge's eyes widened instantly, "The power of rules?"

Xue An said lightly: "Yes, this is the sword light that integrates the power of rules. If you think I didn't have armor just now, but I rely on this sword light to fight with you, what will the outcome be?"

Shen Gaoge did not speak, but his expression had become extremely ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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